by Louis Peduzzi | Jan 10, 2020 | Meeting Minutes
I. Introductions & Formaities A. Before start Libby passed out flyers for various upcoming events B. Serenity Prayer C. GSR Pledge II. Minutes A. Minutes approved & accepted III. Treasury, DCM, ADCM & Group Reports A. Treasury Report Marty ran thru his...
by Louis Peduzzi | Dec 3, 2019 | Event Flyers
ROARING 20’s NYE BALL December 31st at the Triangle Club4600 S Nellis, Las Vegas NV 891228pm ~ 2020…Speaker Meeting, DJ, Dancing, LVYPONG Tournament$15 Suggested Donation, $40 Pong Team Entry
by Louis Peduzzi | Dec 3, 2019 | Meeting Minutes
MEETING MINUTES DISTRICT 1 September 07, 2019 I. Introductions & Formalities A. While we were waiting for everyone to arrive, Libby handed out contribution receipts. B. Meeting officially called to order with citation of the “Serenity Prayer” and Libby thanking...
by Louis Peduzzi | Oct 14, 2019 | Event Flyers
Willing to Go to Any LengthsCo-Hosted by Districts 1 & 3 Located at: Mesquite Sharing & Caring 51 E. Street | Mesquite, NV 89027 4pm – 5:30pm: Panel & Ask-It-Basket Potluck at 6pm | Speaker at 6:30pm
by Louis Peduzzi | Oct 14, 2019 | Event Flyers
TIE CLUB 329 N. 11th Street 10/26/19 2pm-7pmThe Las Vegas Young People in A.A. Committee is throwing its annual scavenger hunt. Speaker meeting starts at 2pm. Scavenger hunt begins shortly after meeting.BBQ will be provided courtesy of a local BQ restaurant.