I. Introductions & Formalities
A. While we were waiting for everyone to arrive, Libby handed out contribution receipts.
B. Meeting officially called to order with citation of the “Serenity Prayer” and Libby
thanking everyone for the applause during her District One DCM report yesterday.
C. Libby read the GSR Preamble.
D. In Attendance: Libby, Jake, Jason, Samantha, Rick, Diana, Kevin, Christine, Greg, Janey,
Dean, Chris, Lou, Marty, Paul, Kritsy, Doug.
II. Minutes
A. Motion to approve the minutes from August 2019 made and carried. Libby also made
note of the fact that there had been some emails going around regarding events and minutes
not being updated on the District One Website. This will be rectified by the end of the
weekend. Rick noted that minutes already uploaded, and events will be done by end of
III. Treasurer & DCM Report
A. Treasurer’s Report (Marty)

Marty noted that he was a little late getting to po box for second standard monthly pick up
date, so a couple of checks missing that will be in September treasury report because of that.
Started month at $2,104.42, we had contributions of $86.50, and we had expenses of $17.99
for the website domain renewal, Libby’s assembly registration of $15, and some others,
leaving an ending balance of $2,112.93. And, fyi, with tip, we spent $212 on lunch for this
assembly meeting, which the things is less that we spent on lunch last assembly.

B. DCM Report
• Libby gave report.
a) Received flyer in mail about international conventions, will pass around if
anyone interested in reading about it.
b) Upcoming events
(1) Gratitude Ball is on September 21st
(2) Our Picnic is October 12th
(3) The Round-up is coming, should start to see flyers, support your local
(4) PRAASA is coming up, flyers on desk. Libby highly suggests going, very
inspiring and lots of great information.
(5) Next year the international forum will be here in Las Vegas.
c) Libby reminded everyone of when we had Daryl from Meetings to Go come
and speak at our district meeting after the at SAGSC meeting. Information and
postcard shared with the group; they are looking for volunteers
d) We have homework… Apparently, they are asking each district to give
suggestions for a theme & topics for the next general service conference. Take this
back to your groups and ask them if they have any ideas on the theme, ideas and
workshops related to the theme.
C. Alternate DCM
• Diana gave report
a) Nothing to add after Libby’s report
D. Introductions & Group Reports
• A quick round-robin to check in with each person in attendance, including their group,
service position, and how everything is going with their group.
• Libby mentioned that last time she asked everyone to also share a little bit about what
they think of and/or get out of general service work. Not sure that we have the extra hour
to do that again this time, but if anything that stuck out to you from that or that you
would like to share on that topic, please feel free to do so, especially as it pertains to
getting people more involved in our district.
a) Jake, District One Archive Liaison, all going well.
(1) Archives Report: Approved $20 for binders and plastic sheet
protectors, Jake went to CO archives and got everything to make the stands
up, planning on having everything together for presentation for December
meeting. if everyone will go to group and find out the day your home group
started and give that info to Jake, he will add it to the archive info.
(a) Diana wanted to let group know steps to freedom has a big
book preserved that has names and dates of people that started

(b) Libby asked if anyone wants to have district meeting in
November – group consensus is no, but Libby and Marty will have
meeting to go over finance guidelines.
b) Jason, DCM from District 3, hanging out to bring up the event we want to
cohost in November on 11/16 in Mesquite. Pretty busy on Saturdays there but we
could do 4pm-5:30pm with potluck following and then monthly speaker meeting at
6:30. Jason wants us to show up for support, he says district can fund on their own,
just help from us with panelists and support.
(1) Kirsty asked what the topic workshop is. It will be “Going to Any
Lengths”. Should show up 3:30pm.
(2) Panel will be at mesquite caring and sharing group.
(3) Lou will make flyer. Jason to get flyer info to Lou and he will make it.
(4) Libby says we want to do some carpooling there. 16th is 3rd Saturday.
Suggested to meet at fiesta parking lot and then carpool to mesquite. Meet at
2pm at fiesta Henderson by big sign in the front. We should get flyers out
ASAP, think about grabbing sponsees/sponsors.
(5) If we could get 10-15 people there, that would be awesome.
c) Samantha, here from SWACYPAA/LVYPAA, ad hoc events committee, here to
get info on cohosting picnic event. Had questions in term of what we want from them
for co-hosting and what they can do. Rick answered, no financial commitment, need
LVYPAA energy, but need help with some of the events and to run the sobriety
countdown, and to get carnival games/supplies that LVYPAA is going to let us borrow.
Samantha asked if they can sell their t-shirts at the carnival and group was 100% ok
with that. Christine mentioned that we also need LVYPAA help with the Human Pinata
event. Ick explained/reminded everyone what that was.
d) Rick, GSR for Daily Reflections, District One Secretary and Picnic Chair, all good
with group.
(1) Picnic Report: Quick and simple. We just covered most of the details
with the discussion with Samantha.
(a) Reminder for everyone, the event is Saturday 10/12/19 from
12-4pm at Broadbent Park.
(b) Stack of flyers are around. Please grab them and pass them out.
(c) Everything on track with volunteers, and everything coming
together, Christine has been such a huge help in getting everything
together, starting next week (1 month out from the event), I will start
reaching out to people about the things they volunteered for.
(d) Other than that, please just spread the word.
e) Diana, GSR for Steps to Freedom, on CO Board of Directors and our Area 42
Translator, meets every Thursday at 7pm, loves her group, doing well and group is
f) Kevin, GSR for Searchlight, all good.
g) Christine, GSR for Women’s Meeting, all going well, group is growing.

h) Greg, GSR for Sunday night 7:30pm closed meeting at 51 club, group averaging
22 people every Sunday but only get 4 people at business meeting. All good.
i) Janey, GSR for Friday night Stepping Out Step Study Group from 7-8pm at the
Community church at Greenway/Horizon, meeting doing well, but attendance a little
low lately, it is a potluck meeting, so if you come please bring a dish to share, we have
great fellowship before and after the meeting.
j) DEAN, GSR for Henderson unified groups and District One Grapevine Liaison,
meet at 51 club, group doing great.
(1) Grapevine Report – Grapevine workshop coming up September 21st
1:30-3:30 at Central Office. Grapevine will also have tables at the following
events in October: District One Carnival on 10/12, District 5b picnic, and
District 7 event on 10/19.
k) Chris, GSR Tuesday night GVG group, all good
l) Lou GSR for Sunrise group at GVG that meets every day 7am, attendance is
great, financial support great, all good
m) Marty GSR for Boulder City Group, meeting attendance steady right now,
hoping for meeting attendance spike in fall, other than that all good.
n) Claudia, Area 42 Treasurer, and if you stick around this afternoon, you’ll get to
hear her report at the Assembly.
o) Kristy, GSR for the Monday Night Smell the Roses group, meets at community
church at horizon/greenway, group kind of apathetic, expect that attendance will start
rising now that summer over, group is financially good.
p) Gary, Alt GSR for 7am First Brew Group at our Meeting Place, everything is
q) Paul, GSR for the Lost and Found group in Boulder City, meets every day at
5pm, doing well.
r) Doug, GSR for First Brew Group, group does a good job with covering all of the
different meeting formats and group supports an H&I panel at Desert Pkwy Behavioral
Health every Tuesday night, group could use some support, but overall doing well
IV. Committee Reports:
A. Picnic
• Rick already gave report during round-robin, refer to his notes above.
B. Workshops
• Kristy gave report (take Irene’s name off agenda)
a) New year’s eve dance.
b) Original dance spot can’t be used – too busy. Kristy is reaching out to some
other places as possible venue. Thinking set up at 6, speaker at 7-8, 8-8:30 break then
start dance at 9pm and go to 1am in the morning.
c) She will be speaking to YPAA.

d) Will need to figure out music, would like music from every genre.
C. Archives
• Jake already gave report during round-robin, refer to his notes above.
D. Hotline
• Janey gave report
a) I have really dropped the ball on getting volunteers for every month,
Libby doing October, but not sure who is doing November, also we should sign up for
next year now.
b) Hotline doing well, but they can always use volunteer for back up. If interested
give your info to Janey. Also need people to volunteer to cover phone transfer twoweek
shifts. Can always use volunteers, for hotline and 12 step list. Hotline meeting
day is same day as PI/CPC
E. H&I, PI/PCP, & Accessibilities
• We currently need all of these liaison positions filled. We don’t have any of them currently
a) Janey taking PI/CPC liaison position & accessibilities
b) Lou will cover H&I liaison position, 3rd Tuesday of month at 6pm
F. Intergroup
• Caroline isn’t a GSR so she not here to give report. Libby will send intergroup report to
Rick and he will forward it out to group.
G. Finance Guideline Committee
• The Finance Committee will be meeting in October. Will have Rick email guidelines to
group for feedback so they can have time to review/reply before next District One
V. Traditions & Concepts
• Diana gave tradition 9 summary
• Dean gave concept 9 summary
• Kristy will give concept 10 at November meeting
• Doug will give concept 11 at November meeting
A. Our carnival/picnic is not listed in the Silver Streak – need it added ASAP!!!

A. Libby, heard it a couple of times today and inspired by Spanish district. They have
tradition and concept meetings. She thinks we should have a standard 1728 meeting
(12/12/12). Should be once per month. Maybe 4th Sunday of the month. Thinks we should
start in January, need time to find where, make arrangements, etc… Would be good for new
GSR’s and would be open to everyone to show up.
VIII. Motion to close made, seconded, and carried
A. Closed with responsibility pledge & meeting ended at 1:18pm