D. The duties of the Alternate Delegate shall be:
1) As defined in the current edition of the AA Service Manual.
2) Serve as the Chairperson of SAGSC If he/she has already served a two-year term as Chairperson of this body, the SAGSC may elect a chairperson from among its membership.
3) Appoint a Grapevine Representative from the South
4) As suggested by the Area Assembly.
A. The duties of the Chairperson shall be:
1) Conduct all Area Assembly meetings.
2) Conduct Area Committee meetings.
3) Appoint “ad hoc” committees as directed by the assembly.
4) Prepare and have published a meeting agenda.
5) Act as the administrative officer of the assembly. [Talk to a past Area Chair to know all of what this consists of.]
6) Appoint an Area Newsletter Editor from the section of the Area (Northern/Southern) in which he/she resides (rev. 9/00).
E. The duties of the Secretary shall be:
1) Keep minutes of the Area Assembly meetings.
2) Publish and mail to all, the minutes of the previous meeting within 90 days after the Area Assembly. (rev. 9/99)
3) Publish and mail by January 31 and July 1 to all, the agenda as prepared by the Chairperson.
4) Have custody of all current records of the Area Assembly.
7) Assist with the production of the Area Newsletter by providing all pertinent items requested. (rev. 9/00)
9) Assist the webmaster in the production and maintenance of the Area 42 website through cooperation and suggestion with the webmaster. (rev. 9/04)
The duties of the Alternate Treasurer:
3) The duties of the Alternate Treasurer shall be to serve as treasurer of their respective General Service Committee (North or South) and to assist and coordinate with the Area Treasurer.
The duties of the Alternate Registrar shall be:
Serve as the Registrar of their respective General Service Committee (North or South) and to coordinate with the Registrar for maintaining proper information on all groups in Area 42.
The duties of the Alternate Archivist shall be:
Serve as the Archivist of their respective General Service Committee (North or South) and to coordinate with the Archivist for maintaining the archival material for Area 42.