I The meeting was held at the Las Vegas Central Office, 1515 E. Tropicana, Las Vegas, NV
Chaired by Lou. He opened with the Serenity Prayer and the GSR Preamble.
II Minutes (Carol H.)
Carol emailed the February minutes, with some changes to the original. Motion made to accept the February minutes as final by Annette B. and seconded by Bobby F. Motion passed unanimously.
III Treasurer (Ralph W.) – Ralph reported the following:
starting balance of the checking account is $3,476.89, plus contributions of 219.36, minus 10.00 (rent) leaves an ending balance of $3,686.25. Current savings account balance is $1,455.04.
IV DCM report (Louis P.)
I attended my first PRAASA (Pacific Region Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly)
a few weeks ago. The enthusiasm and dedication by a bunch of service junkies from 15 different areas was inspirational… my batteries were charged.
Each of the 15 delegates did a presentation on the agenda items coming up at the
General Service Conference. There were Roundtable workshops for GSR, DCM with questions and answer sessions. We even heard from a panel of Past Trustees, including our own Greg W. Overall it was an amazing experience.
I know you’ve all been bombarded with emails about the agenda items that are being
presented at NAGSC, SAGSC and The Area Assembly, with each detailing 5. I
separated them and emailed with the background information for each. I hope that was
helpful. Background information on any of the agenda items can be found on the area website
at nevadaarea42.org. Click on the “Area Member Info” link. The password is
The district website at Districtone-nv.org is updated. You can get past meeting minutes
upcoming meeting agendas along with district and other area event information.
Dano and Foxx our GSR and DCM trainers will be conducting a meeting at 12:00 here
to explain what will be going on today and at the assembly in regards to the agenda
V ADCM report (DaNella K.)
First I wanted to say thank you for letting me be of service. I am excited to have had the opportunity to attend my first PRAASA in Cali. I learned so much. Thank you to the district for making that possible. I was blessed to have both Lou and Libby there to answer all my questions..shout out to Libby, she never replied with an “I don’t know” or said “quit asking me so many questions.” I will say it wasn’t what I expected as it differs from the assembly, but what a learning opportunity this was. The panels and discussions were informative and It was nice to see so many people that I knew there. I was introduced to several members of AA from all over the region. I attended a workshop on the DCM positions in which we got to hear and discuss the ways the other districts held their meetings, the issues they encountered and several solutions and ideas were presented. What I heard confirmed that District 1, is a well functioning district.
As you know already, that District 1 is hosting the Area 42 Assembly, thank you for the many volunteers that have signed up on the volunteer sheet, however we are still in need, so please step up and volunteer your services. If you will be attending the assembly in person, don’t be surprised if I reach out to you at the assembly and say I need your help. I am that girl. Unfortunately, LVYPAA has declined to assist at the assembly, but we are so grateful that NCAYPAA has confirmed their willingness to help us with the countdown and anything else we might need. I will be reaching out to those of you that have volunteered your services a week before the event with a reminder. If you haven’t attended the assembly prior, District 1 occupies the left of the room, after you enter the main area. Please come sit with us and represent the district. If you have volunteered please come check in with me and Lou once you arrive. Don’t forget that District 1 does provide lunch for our attendees from the district in the blue room on Saturday at noon. We hope to see you there.
I have recently joined the translation committee, and if I can do it…anybody can. I speak no
Spanish and I barely speak proper English. So if you have time, the translation committee always needs help.
Lastly, thank you again for the funding for PRAASA and I again would like to ask the District to assist me with any funding whether full or partial for the Area 42 assembly. Thank you for allowing me to be of service for District 1.
VI Intros and Group reports.
On zoom were: Bob V./ Peggy L./ Tom H./ Present were: Carol H,/ Annette B./ Bobby F. Christine P./ DaNella K./ Danielle T./ Diana M./ John B./ Karinda R./ Libby G./ Lou P./ Mike S. Ralph W./ Randy G./ Sherri N./ Teresa,/ Terry
VII Committee reports
A. Picnic report – (Bobby F.) Bobby will be passing around a volunteer signup sheet at the Assembly.
B. Workshops – (Kevin L.) No Report
C. Archives Liaison – (Diana M) The Archivist arrives every Saturday morning to Central Office and continues to organize and update the Area 42 Archives Room from 9:30 to 11 a.m. He is always looking for volunteers to help him out. For more information call the LV Central Office: 702-598-1888
D. H & I (Kimberly W.) – Per Libby G. H&I monthly meeting is now in person only. Third Tuesday of the month at Central Office, 5:30 for new volunteer orientation and the meeting starts at 6pm.
E. Grapevine (Ruthie B.) – No Report
F. Hotline (Paul H.) – No Report
G. PI/CPC – (Bob V) – Bob reported that on Thurs, April 13, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Central Office, there will be a roundtable discussion on ‘How AA Cooperates with Professionals.’
H. Intergroup – (Mike S.) – Mike reported the following:
1) Ralph reported that a Board of Directors position will be filled by the end of the month.
2) Monthly business for H&I meetings will be “in person” only, no “zoom” available.
3) Founder’s Day will be on Saturday, June 10, 2023. It starts at 7 am with a meeting. The day will be filled with a panel and speaker; a presentation of AA history, a BBQ cookout; and an evening speaker. It will be held at the Lutheran Church on 6th and St. Louis.
4) CPC reports that the roundtable with the professional community will have lunch and beverages served. All are welcome to participate, no minimum sobriety requirement.
5) PI reports that 3 events will be in need of volunteers to man literature tables. a) March 22 at Silver Nugget; b) April 15 at Price Recreation Center; c) April 24-27 at Mirage Hotel.
6) RoundUp has lots of committee positions open and is in need of a webmaster.
7) Old Grapevines will be distributed free to recovery programs across the Valley. “History of Grapevine” workshop will be held on April 22 from 10-11 AM at Central Office.
8) Men’s Night Out will need an infusion of new volunteers for future banquets.
9) Silver Streak is accepting all AA related articles.
VIII Tradition Summary
Bobby F. presented Tradition 3. John B. will present Tradition 4 next month.
IX Concept Summary
Ralph presented Concept 3. Libby G. will present Concept 4 next month.
X Passed the basket for the 7th Tradition.
XI Old Business – None
XII New Business – There will be a Grapevine workshop at Central Office, 10 a.m. with Diana M. as speaker. Let’s everyone attend to show our support.
As Treasurer, Ralph stated that D1 covers all expense (meals, gas, lodging) for our DCM and this year our ADCM, DaNella will be completely funded as well.
There was some discussion on increasing the reimbursement funding for GSRs at the area assemblies from 100.00 to 150.00 due to inflation. Motion to accept the increase by Peggy L, seconded by Libby G. Motion passed unanimously.
Scott, D7 Intergroup Liaison, and Chairman for Intergroup was present to encourage participation from all Intergroup Representatives, as well as any AA members, to attend the monthly Intergroup meeting at Central Office, the second Monday of each month, at 6 p.m.
XIII Meeting closed at 11:10 a.m.
Next meeting: April 16, 10:15 a.m. at The Lost and Found, Avenue H, Boulder City, NV