I           The meeting was held at the Lost and Found, 544 Avenue H, Boulder City, NV

Chaired by Lou. He opened with the Serenity Prayer and the GSR Preamble.

II          Minutes (Carol H.)

Carol emailed the minutes from January’s meeting.  She received one small correction regarding the motion for DaNella to attend PRAASA this year.  Correction was made to indicate the motion passed as a onetime event.  Motion made, was seconded, and passed.

III         Treasurer (Ralph W.)

Ralph reported starting balance of the checking account is 2,510.38 plus contributions of 966.51 equals an ending balance of 3,476.89. The savings account current balance 1,454.88.

IV        DCM report (Louis P.)

Lou passed around a list of all the meetings in D1, approximately 100, for review and comments on if the groups have a GSR or if the meeting still exists.

D1 will be hosting the Area Assembly in Tonopah this March 31st through April 2nd.  Volunteers are needed to host the 7 a.m. AA meetings and the speaker meeting, provide and upkeep of the snacks, set up for the banquet, and conduct the sobriety countdown.  DaNella has a signup sheet.  The Area Conference Committee’s have received their background information on the agenda items.

V         ADCM report (DaNella K.)

DaNella is handling the volunteer list for the positions D1 has committed to take on at the Area Assembly.  Please contact DaNella if you are interested in volunteering. She will contact NACYPAA for assistance in volunteering again, as they did so at the last Assembly and were very helpful.

VI        Intros and Group reports.

Present were Carol H. Lou P. Dano B. Diana M. Kimberly W. Diane O. Ralph W. Christine P. DaNella K. Annette B. Teresa C. Terry, Paul H. Mike S. Mike D. Kevin L. Libby G. John B. Danielle T. Bobby F. Sherri N. Karinda R. Tommy O., (Online) Randy G. Robert (Bob) V. Tom H. Ruthie B.

VII       Committee reports

  1.  Picnic report – (Bobby F.) A clean up and inventory was done on all supplies and some items that wouldn’t keep, and some literature, were donated to meetings.  This year’s picnic will be on October  14th, one week after the Gratitude Ball (October 7th”).
  2. Workshops – (Kevin L.) Lots of ideas were submitted and discussed regarding the topics for this year’s workshops.  Kevin indicated that the first workshop will probably take place mid April.  More information to come.
  3. Archives Liaison – (Diana M) Diana reported that Ronny works every Saturday in the Archives room at Central Office from 9:30-11 a.m. All are welcome to help.
  4. H & I (Kimberly W.) – Kimberly reported that the H & I Committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month at Central Office. There is a 20-minute orientation class held at 5:30. This is a hybrid meeting. Volunteers and panel leaders are needed for hospitals, institutions and jails. For more information, please contact Kim 702/401-2488.  As a reminder for all groups:  Please make out your contributions to Las Vegas Hospitals and Institutions.  Do not abbreviate to H & I.
  5. Grapevine (Ruthie B.) – Ruthie reported that the grapevine is hiring. There are 3 opportunities all located in NY: Controller, Editor & Editorial Assistant (LaViña Magazine,
  6. Please visit AA GRAPEVINE, Inc.  AA Grapevine is collecting 7-minute long audio stories from the Fellowship for the audio project.  Your choice of topic and you can submit two different ways: the project voicemail system at 559-726-1216, or submit your own digital recording via smart phone or other mobile device. Send a recording via email to: webcoord@aagrapevine.org. AA does not accept audio recordings from meetings.  Audio tapes made by other AA members are available at AA Grapevine’s dedicated YouTube channel. Three topics highlighted are: Sponsorship, Voices of Women, and From Relapse to Recovery.  You can find GV information on The Meeting Guide APP, click on News on the bottom and scroll down to GV.
  7. Hotline (Paul H.) – D1 now has the 2nd Sunday of each month for the hotline. Hours are 8 p.m. (Sunday)  through 8 a.m. (Monday).  Anyone interested should add their name to the list the Paul has passed around.
  8. PI/CPC – (Bob V) – Bob reported that on Thurs, April 13, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Central Office, there will be a roundtable discussion on ‘How AA Cooperates with Professionals.’
  9. Intergroup – (Mike S.) Mike reported that the Las Vegas Central Office is accepting resumes for the Board of Director position, which needs a minimum of 5 years sobriety.
  10. 12 Step volunteers are highly needed.  Contact Todd at 702/351-2013. The UFCW (United Food and Commercial Workers) will be holding their national convention at the Mirage Hotel, April 24th through 27th; they have requested 4 AA members to volunteer per day, 6:30 a.m. to 7:15 a.m. Also, volunteers are needed to staff a literature table on site.
  11. The deadline for any articles/flyers, etc., for the Silver Streak is the 20th of each month.  Gratitude Ball is October 7th at the Palace Station.  Tickets are $65.00; Cathy will be chairing a planning meeting at Central Office, April 3rd, 6 p.m.  Volunteers are needed.

VIII      Tradition Summary

Bob V. presented Tradition 2.  Diane O. will present Tradition 3 next month.

IX        Concept Summary

DaNella presented Concept 2.  Ralph will present Concept 3 next month.

X         Passed the basket for the 7th Tradition.

XI        Old Business – None

XII       New Business – Ralph mentioned that Diana M. has an article published in the March issue of the grapevine.

DaNella K. announced a successful turnout for volunteers on the 26th annual Women’s Day event. This will held around September or October.  More information to come.

Dano mentioned that D5 is having a workshop, April 15th.  Topic is:  12 Steps, 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts.

XIII      Meeting closed at 11:10 a.m.

Next meeting: March 19, 10:15 a.m. at Central Office, 1515 E. Tropicana #710, Las Vegas, prior to the Southern Roundtables.