I           The meeting was held at the Lost and Found Meeting Room, 544 Avenue H, Boulder City, NV.  It was chaired by Ruthie. She opened with the serenity prayer and the GSR Preamble.

II          Minutes (Colleen D.) Colleen emailed the minutes from the last meeting.   She received one small correction in language, nothing in business of the meeting.  Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes.  Motion approved.  She thanked Carol for filling in for her while she was traveling.

III         Treasurer (Louis P.) Lou reported: November’s beginning balance: checking, $5,104.92  plus contributions/deposits, $217.76, less expenses of $2013.00.  The ending balance 11/30/22 is $3309.68. Savings account is $854.52. $.05 was earned in interest.  Ending balance was $854.57.

IV        DCM report (Marty B.) Marty attended the meeting on Zoom from his home in Whidbey Island, WA.  He thanked Colleen for being a good secretary and Lou for being a wonderful treasurer.  He shared how much General Service has enhanced his sobriety and urged others to consider adding this to their program.

V         No ADCM report (Ruthie B.) Ruthie shared how much Marty and Claudia helped her in her position as Alternate DCM.  She thanked them and mentioned that now that she understands the duties of Alternate DCM, it is time to move on.

VI        Intros and Group reports. Present were Carol H., Lou P., Diane O., Diana M., Kimberly W., Mike L., Mike S., Jake S., Bobby F., Ralph W., Colleen D., DaNella K., Kevin L., Craig C., Bob H., Will, John B., Bryan C., Mike D., (Online) Gloria W., Peggy L., John M., Marty B., Claudia B., Robert V.

VII       Committee reports

  1. Picnic report – (Claudia) (DaNella Co-Chair) No report.
  2. Workshops – (Craig) Craig reported that the workshop held on December 11 was very successful. Billy N. gave a wonderful talk.  Questions and answers went on for a long time. There were approximately 100 attendees.
  3. Archives Liaison – (Diana M) Diana reported that Ronny works every Saturday in the Archives room at Central Office from 9-11 am. All are welcome to help.  She donated many artifacts and memorabilia from the La Vina Celebration held in Las Vegas last July to the Archives.
  4. H & I (Kevin L.) – Kevin reported that the H & I Committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month at Central Office. There is a 20-minute orientation class held at 5:30 for anyone who is interested in being a volunteer.
  5. Grapevine (Janey) – No report.
  6. Hotline (Paul H.) –See new business.
  7. PI/CPC – (Bob V) – Bob has not been able to attend the meetings in person because of a   prior commitment.  He reviews the minutes every month.  New chairs for the new year are Robin for PI and Chris for CPC.
  8. Intergroup – (Craig C.) Craig reported that there are several shifts that need to be filled at Central Office answering the phones. Central Office had a good month financially.  The Silver Streak editor needs to have any announcements from the districts by the 20th of the month.  Our area has submitted a bid for the International Conference which will be held in 2035.  Surrounding areas have committed to assist us if we get the bid.

VIII      Tradition Summary

Bobby F. presented Tradition 12. Carol H. will present Tradition 1 next month.

IX        Concept Summary

Claudia B. presented Concept 12. Mike D. will present Concept 1 next month.

X         Old Business –Ad Hoc Committee Report: Lou reported that the 3 members (Lou, Diane O and Peggy L) met and recommended that a new website be adopted.  Diane O was nominated to be the webmaster.  She accepted the nomination and was voted in.  Lou said that he has created a mock site at districtone.sunrise-marketing.com for review by members.  It would include minutes, etc. and other information for the district.  Peggy reminded us to keep it simple.

XI        New Business – Central Office has offered to District One the Hotline shift of the second Sunday of each month from 8 pm- 8 am.  The members voted to accept this commitment.  Gloria W. volunteered to fulfill this shift in January.  She will contact Paul to let him know.

Elections were held with Jake S. presiding.  Those elected to fill service positions include:

DCM: Lou P. –  Alt.DCM: Danella K

Secretary: Carol H. – Alt. Secretary: Diane O.

Treasurer: Ralph W. – Alt. Treasurer: Peggy L.

Picnic Chair: Bobby F.

Workshop Chair:

Archives: Diana M.

H & I: Kimberly W.

Grapevine:  Ruthie B.

Hotline: Paul

PI/CPC: Bob V.

Intergroup Liaison:    Mike S.

Meeting closed at 12:10 p.m.

Next meeting: January 8, 10:15 a.m. at Central Office, 1515 S. Tropicana, Las Vegas, NV

Prior to the SAGSC meeting.