Meeting held at Las Vegas Central Office, 155 E. Tropicana Avenue, #710, Las Vegas, NV 89119.  Meeting chaired by Marty B., and opened with the serenity prayer and the GSR Preamble.

II        Minutes (Carol H.)

Motion to approve minutes by Libby G., and was carried out.

III       Treasurer (Louis P.)

Lou reported April’s beginning balance in the checking account at 5,645.61 plus contributions/deposits of 276.69, less expenses 790.61, making April’s ending balance of 5131.69. April’s ending balance in the savings account is 854.48.

IV       No DCM report (Marty B.)

V        No ADCM report (Ruthie B.)

VI       Intros and Group reports around the room.  Bob on Zoom, present were: Karinda, Beverly, Brian, Will, Diana, Bobby, Ralph, Libby, Kimberly, Bob H., Louis, Kevin, Ruthie, Marty, DaNella, Carol, Craig.

Diana introduced the Steps to Freedom 22nd group event to be held at the Mosaic Church, off St. Rose and the 215, on June 9th.  Dinner at 6, meeting at 7 and a special speaker starts at 7:15, concluding around 8:15.

VII      Committee reports

  1. Picnic report – (Claudia) Picnic is October 8th, and the supplies are in DaNella’s garage.
  2. Workshops – (Chuck T. & Ruthie B.) No report at this time.
  3. Archives Liaison – (Diana M.) Diana reporting for Ronnie, who is now working on the archives at Central Office on Saturday mornings, 9-11, and is always looking for volunteers to help him.
  4. H & I (Kevin L.) Prisons are getting ready to open early May, some jails are currently open now and panels are still waiting for an open date.  You need to get cleared for prisons even if you’ve been cleared prior.  They’re working on creating a new service for a web chair.  The committee has voted on an ad hoc to address some changes and new positions on the board, and an update to the bylaws and guidelines to reflect those changes.  H & I orientation is prior to the business meeting from 5:30-6 pm., on the third Tuesday of each month.
  5. Grapevine (Janey) Libby reported on behalf of Janey, The grapevine website has daily quotes, a Carry the Message subscription challenge, weekly podcasts (Monday nights via your favorite platform) and you can also submit your story. All available at

The grapevine committee meeting is held at Central Office, the last Friday of each month at 6 pm., zoom only. id# 973 0573 6838, password 424242  Jason M. is the committee chair 406/451-3019..

La Vina (Diana) The Pacific Region Area 26 La Vin?a Anniversary will be celebrating their event in Las Vegas, July 22nd through the 24th at the Palace Station Casino and Hotel. Their website ( is up and working and while the event will be in Spanish, there will be an English interpreter at the event. Registration is $23.00, which includes a year’s subscription to La Vin?a.  There will be a buffet for $60.00.  Contributions are easy to make on the website, whether you wish to attend the event or just contribute.  This event will also be translated into English.

6.Hotline (Paul H.) – Ralph reporting. Hotline is doing well for D1. Claudia switched December 5th commitment date with Carol for August 1st.  Central Office always needs volunteers and is in urgent need for captains, a committee chair and co chairperson.

7. PI/CPC – (Bob) – the committee had a great meeting May 9th. John H. is formatting a digital to html for pamphlets and information for brochures.  He is also responsible for media outreach PSA distribution.  Robin, with CPC, has initiated a campaign to partner with PACT Coalition, the Nevada Homeless Alliance and Rally for Recovery to unify a message and solidify outreach.  CPC’s strategic workshop will take place in September.  Robin wants to bring in LVYPAA for partnership to help use social media.  John also suggested that we have a workshop at Central Office in the fall for distribution of business cards with QR codes, streamlining meetings that we can hand out to newcomers.  John H. is also spearheading Founder’s Day on June 12th.  He needs ticket sellers, kitchen help, and volunteers.

8. Intergroup – (Craig C.) Just to highlight a few items: Men’s night out on June 25th is $50.00, at the Tuscany, on sale now.  Ralph mentioned that there are still two vacancies available on the Intergroup Board.

VIII     Tradition Summary

Claudia presented Tradition 5 and Kevin will present Tradition 6 next month.

IX       Concept Summary

Marty presented Concept 5 and Ralph will present Concept 6 next month.

X        Old Business –

District One Guidelines were previously passed out for review by an ad hoc committee.

Lou made some changes and sent out to the ad hoc committee members and received some feedback.  Lou anticipates that the final results will be brought to the June meeting.

XI       New Business – Announcement from DaNella regarding the Women In Recovery 25th annual Women’s Day event, October 1st, and they need volunteers.  This year’s Gratitude Ball is on the same day as our picnic, October 8th.  The Round-up is this Thanksgiving.

Meeting closed at 11:10. a.m.

The next District One meeting is scheduled for June 19th, the 3rd Sunday of the month, at the Lost and Found Meeting Room, 544 Avenue H., Boulder City, NV