I.                 Introductions & Formalities

A.               Meeting held following the SAGSC meeting at Las Vegas Central Office.

B.               Meeting chaired by Libby G.

C.               Serenity Prayer

II.               Minutes (Colleen)

A.               Emailed prior to meeting. Motion to approve minutes as is made and carried.

III.              Treasury, DCM, ADCM Reports  (Louis)

A.               Lou reported a balance in the checking account on 10/1/2021 of $5,348.81.  There were contributions of $75.76 and a deposit from the picnic of $218.20 . There were expenses totaling $1396.24.  The balance on 10/31/21 was $4246.53  The savings account has a balance of 504.45.  No interest was earned this month.

No DCM or Alternate DCM Report.

IV.             Intros and Group reports around the room

A.               Those in attendance:  Libby G, Colleen D,  Danella K, Louis P, Diana M, Claudia B, Bob H, Kevin L, Carol H,  John L, Craig C, Ralph W, Kim W, Kerinda R, Sandy G, Bobby F.

V          Committee Reports

A.         Picnic Report –(Claudia) Report was given at last meeting.  There were about 100 people in attendance.  Claudia touched on highlights.  There was too much food.  The grills were locked and the locks had to be broken.  Alternative ideas for food will be discussed for next year’s picnic.  Pizza? Chicken?  Also more publicity is needed and the event should be coordinated with Central Office so that there are no conflicting events.

B.               Workshops – (Bob V & Lou P) Lou reported that the workshop held in August had about 100 people.  No report.

C.               Archives-(Diana M) Diana asked members to not throw any thing away.  Send flyers, etc. to Archives.

D.               H&I – (Kevin L.) Kevin said everything had been reported at the SAGSC meeting.  He will be attending another meeting of the committee this week.

E.               Grapevine (Janey) No report.  Information given at the SAGSC meeting. Volunteers are needed for the Grapevine table at the Las Vegas roundup to be held Thanksgiving weekend.

F.                Hotline (Paul)   No report.  Libby mentioned that the shift for District 1 is the first Monday on the month from 8 pm to 8 am.   Paul is working on filling on shifts for next year.


G.              PI/CPC – John H. (PI chair) chaired the meeting as Robin was not present.

  1. John presented a pamphlet he has been working on that will be used solely on digital platforms targeting those who are wondering if they are alcoholics (John Hopkins famous 20 questions revised) and promoting AA. Lots of discussion around this body of work which was authored by John, who is very knowledgeable with google.
  2. Nov 17th Homeless Connect is looking for volunteers. Contact Robin.
  3. Roundup is coming up. This committee will need volunteers to cover the PI-CPC table.
  4. Finally we discussed creating a bs card for this committee’s work that will include a QR code linking to a website that provides information about AA’s public outreach. It was noted that since we cannot get into hospitals due to HIPPA, this tool would be useful..

H.               Intergroup – (Danella) (Craig C)  A bookkeeper has been hired.  The office manager at Central Office is also looking for a part time office assistant.  The Men’s Night Out is scheduled for June 25, 2022.  Additional information was included at the SAGSC meeting.

V.               Traditions & Concepts:  reports were postponed until next month.  In addition, Colleen will summarize Tradition 12 and Libby will summarize Concept 12.

VI.             Old Business:

A.               Craig C reported that Billy Noonan, a past trustee, has agreed to do a workshop for us on December 12. Craig has secured the date at Central Office.  It was decided the subject will be “The Home Group” and it will be held from 2 pm-4 pm. Bobby F will take care of food-cookies, candy, etc.  Diana will find out if we need to provide our own coffee, creamer and sugar.  Lou will make a flyer.  Colleen will distribute the flyer to Central Office, the Silver Streak and the area newsletter.  There will be rountables for members to discuss the topic.

B.               Discussion regarding the $25 payment to Lost and Found for the internet was tabled until the December meeting.

VII.            Meeting closed at 4:20.


The next meeting is scheduled for December 19, the 3rd Sunday of December at the Lost and Found Meeting Room. 544 Avenue H, Boulder City, NV.