I.                 Introductions & Formalities

A.               Meeting held in person at the Lost and Found Meeting Room, 944 Avenue H, Boulder City, NV and with a zoom meeting

B.               Intro given by Marty

C.               Serenity Prayer

D.               GSR Preamble

II.               Minutes (Libby)

A.               Emailed prior to meeting. Motion to approve minutes as is made and carried.

Kim asked about Treatment phone number – Jake provided Cynthia’s number 404-788-8089

III.              Treasury, DCM, ADCM Reports  (Louis)

A.               Lou reported a balance in the checking account on 7/1/2021 of $3,320.21.  There were contributions of $1,059.77. Expenses were $10 rent and $35.98 domain name.  The balance on 7/31/21 was $4,334.00.  The savings account has a  balance of $504.44.  No interest was earned this month so end of the month balance was of $504.44.

B.               DCM Report (Marty)  Have receipt for Beer Thirty – Lou to deliver. Men’s Night Out is Aug 28th  at Palace Station- reach out to Central Office for more details. Renewed Domain name for website, Picnic is 2nd Saturday in Oct, requests for help coming. Workshop is Aug 28th at Central Office. There will be a district meeting at Tonopah (lunch on Saturday – there may be hybrid. John will investigate)

C.               ADCM Report (Matt) No report. Marty will ask for a new ADCM as Matt can’t do the commitment.

IV.             Intros and Group reports around the room

Those in attendance:  Marty B, Colleen D (zoom),  Lou P, Diana M, Janey P,  John L, Ralph W, Kimberly W, Libby G, Steffen S, Bobby F, Ruthie B, Will E, Kevin L, Craig J, Craig C, Bob H, Jake S.

V.               Committee Reports


A.               Picnic Report –(Marty) It will be held October 9, 2021, 11 am-4 pm at Broadbent Park.  Look for emails requesting help. DaNella K is co-chair.


B.               Workshops – (Bob V & Lou P) Flyer available – Jake is one of the speakers, working on getting Archives and Grapevine to have tables


C.                Archives-(Diana M) Nothing new, Ronnie working on mounting and display cases, cleaning up a great deal.


H&I – (Kevin L). Had 105 panels in July – activity is increasing, there  is a new panel at the VA Rehab and new panel for 1st Responders. Organizational realignment to align w/501c3. Contributions are down. May change literature give-aways to best use money available. Next meeting is this Tuesday.

D.               Grapevine (Janey) Don’t have to be a GV Rep to volunteer at upcoming events. Chris C. is new GV Publisher in New York. Several new books are available – go to storeaagapevine.org. Get free quotes at aagrapevine.org. Grapevine Chair is Jason 406-451-3019


E.               Hotline – (Paul H.) – No report.


F.                PI/CPC – (Bob V.) No report.


G.              Intergroup (DaNella) DaNella sent her report to the secretary after the last meeting.  Her report was included in the July Minutes.

VI.             Traditions & Concepts

1.               Tradition 8 was presented by Bobby F.

2.               Concept 8 was presented by Jake.

3.               Tradition 9 will be presented by Kimberly.

4.               Concept 9 will be presented by Ralph.


VII.            Old Business:

1.               Motion: On a one time basis make available $100 for GSRs and Alt. GSRs to go to Tonopah, after group support.  Motion Passed – Per Marty an email blast will be sent to district to let everyone know.


2.               Motion: On a one time basis make available $100 for non-GSR’s serving district commitments to go to Tonopah. Motion Passed.


3.               Change in meeting location – after discussion it was decided that the meeting will stay at Lost & Found.


4.               Motion to change District 1 meetings from the 2nd Sunday to the 3rd Sunday (Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct and Dec) it will remain at 10:15 at the Lost & Found – Motion Passed with confirmation to be provided by Ruthie (Secretary for Lost & Found) that it is available. Also will need to update District Guidelines w/new dates and let Central Office know the new dates.


VIII.          New Business:

1.               New ADCM is Ruthie B. to assume duties immediately

IX.              Motion to Close

A.               Closed meeting at 11:30