I.                 Introductions & Formalities

A.               Meeting held via Zoom due to shelter-in-place orders / covid-19

B.               Intro given by Marty

C.               Serenity Prayer

D.               GSR Preamble

II.               Minutes (Colleen)

A.               Emailed prior to meeting. Motion to approve minutes as is made and carried.

III.              Treasury, DCM, ADCM Reports  (Louis)

A.               Lou reported a balance in the checking account on 4/1/2021 of $2656.72.  There were contributions of $55.75 and a disbursement of $88.00 for the PO Box. The balance on 4/30/21 was $2624.47.  The savings account has a  balance of $504.42.  Interest earned this month was $.01 for a balance at the end of the month of $504.43.

IV.             DCM Report (Marty)  Marty mentioned that the delegate’s report would be given by Julie C, our Area 42 delegate, at the SAGSC meeting to be held that afternoon at 1:15.  The minutes and agenda had been sent out by Claudia B, the SAGSC secretary.

A.               ADCM Report (Matt) No report.

V.               Intros and Group reports around the room

A.               Those in attendance:  Marty B, Colleen D,  Danella K,  Louis P, Diana M, Janey,  Bob H, Carol H, John M, Shelley C, Hew B, John L, Ralph W, Claudia B, Kimberly W, Libby, Dr. Peggy Locke, Paul H, Steffen S.

VI.             Committee Reports

A.               Picnic Report –(Claudia) Claudia reported that the picnic is a go.  All Boulder City events scheduled at the Park are now open to be held in person.  The park has been reserved for October 9.  Claudia asked that if anyone has any ideas for things to be included that have not been before to contact her.  She also stated that music will be provided by Fisherman Tom and friends as in the past.  DaNella K is co-chair.

B.               Workshops – (Bob V & Lou P) Lou reported that the event is scheduled for July 10 and the theme is Back to Basics.  More details later.

C.                Archives-(Diana M) Diana reported that Ronnie, the Area Archivist spent $1400 for shelving, chairs, etc. for the Archives.  He has also been throwing out junk that doesn’t belong in that area.  She has been attending the Pacific Region monthly calls with him.  There are about 30 archivists from the Pacific Region participating.  Much helpful information has been presented and questions answered.

D.               H&I – (KevinL) No report.

E.               Grapevine (Janey) Janey reported that here was an organizing party for the Grapevines held at Central Office to get things ready for Founders Day which will be held on June 12.  The committee meets the last Friday of the month at 6 pm on zoom.

Hew W reported that he participated in that organizing party and it was a great service opportunity.

F.                Hotline –  Marty reported that Kristy will no longer be able to attend meetings because of changes to her work schedule.  She has the shifts filled to the end of the year.  He would like to fill the position with someone else.  Libby told the group what duties are included in the job.  Paul H. volunteered to take the position.

G.              PI/CPC – (Bob V.) No report.

H.               Intergroup – (Danella) Danella submitted a complete report to Colleen, the secretary.  At the meeting, she just mentioned a few of the highlights since the report will also be given at the SAGSC meeting. The complete report is as follows:


Intergroup met on May 10, 2021.


Central Office:  Judy P. reporting.  Paid part time bookkeeping position still open.  Resumes needed by ASAP.  In office hotline shifts available Monday 12 – 4; Tuesday 8-12.  Intergroup body voted to approve the sale of chips / medallions at Central Office.  Meeting Guide app is not accurate.  Taking steps to have it fixed.  Need to keep Meeting Schedule up to date.  Send corrections and contact info for meeting reps to Judy.  JudyAA710@gmail.com


Treasurer: Bob F. reporting.  Year-to-date (April 30):

Income                        $73,712.90

Expenses                     $63,226.80

Net Income     $10,486.10

$54,018.34 Prudent Reserve


Hotline:  Claudia reporting.  Volunteers needed for 4 open, once per month, shifts.  Flexible shifts.  Go to your groups and let them know we need volunteers.  In keeping with the Spirit of Rotation, Billy & Claudia are getting ready to rotate out of the Hotline and 12 Step List at the end of this year.  Call Billy at 702-493-8529 or www.lvcentraloffice.org and click on Hotline link.


12th Step List:  Billy reporting.  List is in good shape, but always need new people.


General Service Liaison: Caroline reporting.  Report attached in email. For more info contact your GSR or Caroline CarolineTJ@cox.net


Accessibilities: Cynthia reporting.  No report. Contact Cynthia for more info 404-788-8089 or cynthhuey@yahoo.com.


PI: John reporting.  No report.


CPC: Robin reporting.  Nevada Recovery Workplace Initiative started by Governor.  CPC is reviewing previous events and making contacts.


Meetings to Go:  Cynthia reporting.  Committee is restarting meetings in retirement homes, hospitals or institutions.  No home visits, just phone calls. If you know of someone that needs a meeting or wants to volunteer, contact Cynthia: 404-788-8089


Board of Directors:  Bryce reporting.  Judy P. confirmed as permanent Manager.


Men’s Night Out:  Michael reporting. No report. Date set for Aug. 28th at Palace Station.


Archives:  Ronnie reporting.  Spent $1400 in past 90 days.  Shelving is in place and everything is off the floor.  There is a sort table, 2 soft chairs, a Rubbermaid hand truck.  Non-archival matter, like paint cans, decaying boxes, junk, etc., have been tossed.  Ronnie is attending monthly Pacific Region Archives meetings.  NAGSC needs more storage space.  Archive is in the process of digitizing 1951 – 2010 Archives for all to see.


Silver Streak:  Dave reporting.  Mid-May last of bi-weekly Silver Streak.  Going back to monthly.  Editor wants to establish a Steering Committee (possibly in July) to reconsider the Silver Streak – how can it best be of service?  Blog?  Website?  Please write articles about Steps, Traditions, Meeting-In-Spotlight, Old-Timer (20+ years) Interviews, anecdotes and home-group histories. Keep sending in fliers about announcements, meetings, etc.  Contact Dave: lvsilverstreak@gmail.com


LVYPAA:  Anna reporting. No report.


Las Vegas Round Up:  Dave reporting.  The committees are established and the website is up and running.  68 people registered and 4 banquet tickets have been sold for this year’s Roundup at the Tropicana.  A hiking activity has been added.  Speakers are being vetted by an Ad Hoc Committee.  “Sobriety is a Journey, Not a Destination.” Will be 11/25-11/28, in-person. 4 speaker meetings, 6 workshops/panels. Ruth G will be Kick-off Speaker and talk about the history of the Roundup.  The next committee meeting is May 30th, 1pm @ TIE Club.  Register at www.lasvegasroundup.org  There is a draft of a donor solicitation letter being circulated in the fellowship with some alarm.  Some people don’t know the Las Vegas Roundup is not a part of Intergroup.  It is a separate 501(c)3 charitable organization.  The money from the marathon meetings is given to Central Office, but the rest of the funds received are used by the committee.  The Roundup has been struggling for the past few years.  Volunteers and donations are needed.  The Roundup Board will decide on the donation solicitations.  It was noted that there are 3 regularly scheduled roundups in Southern Nevada.  All are separate 501(c)3 organizations and the Las Vegas Roundup is the only one who makes an appearance and gives a report at Intergroup.


Grapevine:  Sarah reporting.  Committee meets on the last Friday of the month @ 6pm @ Central Office and needs some love for the Grapevine – committee members.  There is a Grapevine event this Saturday at 8:15 @ Central Office.  Contact Jason for more information:  406-451-3019


Founders Day:  Jasmin reporting.  Celebrating Founders Day, NEXT MONTH Saturday June 12th, 10am-2pm, LIVE Event only.  Per revised CDC guidelines, 185 people are allowed in Central Office.  Please register ASAP so they can have a head count and order snacks.  Tickets $5.


Please copy and paste this blurb at all Zoom meetings you attend, and make announcements at all live meetings:

AA is about to celebrate its 86th birthday!  Join us for two speakers, an old-timers panel, a sobriety countdown, and an amazing raffle!  The Las Vegas Founders’ Day event will be held on Saturday, June 12th at Central Office from 10 am-2 pm.  Registration is required.  Space is limited, so buy your ticket soon!  Also, presales help us cover refreshments and snacks for the event.  Click on this link for the itinerary and registration information.  All proceeds will go to Las Vegas Central Office.



Please share this information at all your meetings!


Intergroup Outreach:  Michael reporting. If you’re interested in volunteering, contact Michael: 702-742-3668, michael.harriman@rocketmail.com


H&I: No report.


New Business:

  • Gloria 38 years sober today
  • To expedite Intergroup meetings and keep them under 1 hour, it was voted for all committee chairs to submit written reports to the secretary (Amanda). She will email them to all of the Intergroup members prior to the meeting.  Reports will not be given live during the meeting.
  • August 15th – Mt Charleston Picnic is on! Live!


VII.            Traditions & Concepts

1.               Tradition 5 was presented by John L.

2.               Concept 5 was presented by Claudia B.

3.               Tradition 6 will be presented by Dr. Paggy L in June.

4.               Concept 6 will be presented by Janey in June.


VIII.          Old Business:  No old business to discuss.

IX.              New Business:

1.               There was a discussion regarding an in person business meeting now that restrictions due to Covid have been lifted.  It was decided to have the June business meeting at the Lost and Found meeting hall on Sunday, June 13 at 10:30.  The address is 544 Avenue H, Boulder City, NV.

2.                John M asked again that we consider the Google Ads business listing project that he is involved in.  He explained more about it and where information could be found regarding the project.  It was decided that this information needs to be reviewed by the members of the group before any decision can be made.  Discussion will continue at the next meeting.

X.               Motion to Close

A.              Closed meeting at 11.34