I.                 Introductions & Formalities

A.               Meeting held via Zoom due to shelter-in-place orders / covid-19

B.               Intro given by Marty

C.               Serenity Prayer

D.               GSR Preamble

II.               Minutes (Colleen)

A.               Emailed prior to meeting. Motion to approve minutes as is made and carried. Colleen also reported that she is bringing the website up to date in the next few days.

III.              Treasury, DCM, ADCM Reports  (Louis)

A.               Lou reported a balance in the checking account on 3/1/2021 of $4126.86.  There were contributions of $29.86 and disbursements of $1500 ($750 to Central Office and $750 to GSO).  The balance on 3/31/21 was $2656.72.  The savings account has a  balance of $504.42.  There was no interest earned this month.

B.               DCM Report (Marty)  Marty reported that Julie C, the delegate, had sent a survey to be filled out by the groups giving input on the conference agenda items.  He said that he was unable to complete it electronically.  Several other members said they had completed it and been able to send it electronically.  Perhaps there are two different surveys?  Many groups have been unable to have business meetings due to the pandemic so it has been difficult to get a group conscience.

C.               ADCM Report (Matt) No report.

IV.             Intros and Group reports around the room

A.               Those in attendance:  Marty B, Colleen D,  Danella K,  Louis P, Diana M, Janey,  Bob H, Robert V, Kevin L, Carol H, Will E, Dee H, John M, Shelley C, Hew B, Craig C, John L, Derek S, Mark C, Ralph W.

1.  Items of note: Craig C.  introduced himself and mentioned that his group which meets at 6th and St. Louis wants to join us to be in a more active district.

V.               Committee Reports

A.               Picnic Report –(Claudia) Marty reported for Claudia.  There is nothing new at this time.   Plans will be made as it gets closer to summer.

B.               Workshops – (Bob V & Lou P) Bob V reported that the theme they have chosen is Back to Basics.  They are looking for a place to hold the event.  Central Office was suggested since the facility has the capability for a hybrid meeting.  Bob will contact Central Office and see what dates are available.

C.                Archives-(Diana M) Diana accompanied Ronnie D, the area archivist, to a Pacific Region zoom call which included archive representatatives from all over the Pacific Region.  They received much valuable information and plans are to have monthly zoom call archive meetings.

D.               H&I – (KevinL.) Kevin reported that nothing much has changed since his last report.  Most facilities are still shut down due to the pandemic.  A few are opening up but there is not much activity at this time.

E.               Grapevine (Janey) Janey reported that there was no monthly committee meeting because of the Assembly.  They meet the last Friday of the month at 6 pm on zoom.  There is a new Grapevine newsletter available and there are two, new books coming out this month.  The Carry the Message project is also ongoing.

F.                Hotline –    No report.

G.              PI/CPC – (Bob V.) Bob reported that the Las Vegas Review-Journal published an article regarding AA during the pandemic.  It was very well done.  He also mentioned that the PI/CPC is looking to bolster the Public Service Announcements (PSAs) that exist and to create some new ones for the local AA community.

H.               Intergroup – (Danella) Danella was unable to give a report since the Intergroup meeting does not occur until the day after our district meeting.  She will write her report after the meeting and send it to Colleen for disbursement.

VI.             Traditions & Concepts

1.               Tradition 4 was presented by Lou.

2.               Concept 4 was presented by Kevin L.

VII.            Old Business:  No old business to discuss.

VIII.          New Business:

1.               Craig C. asked Ralph W. to explain how it came about that their group wanted to join our district.  It was decided that we needed to make a motion to accept their group into our district.  It was moved, seconded and passed unanimously.

2.               John L asked if the Assmbly at Tonopah was a go for an in-person meeting.  Plans are in place for it to be in-person and they are working on making the event a hybrid meeting.  Those who are going in person need to make reservations at a hotel. The Belvada was suggested..  Their website is belvadahotel.com.

3.                It was decided that the listing for our District Meeting at Central Office should be changed to say that it takes place on the second Sunday of the month at 10:30 am.  Danella will see if she can take care of it at the Intergroup Meeting which will be held tomorrow.

4.               There is a possibility that the next District Meeting may be an in-person meeting.  Marty reported that Boulder City will go to making its own decisions on restrictions as of May 1.  A decision will be made after that date.

5.                John M brought up the subject of Google Business Listings.  He presented a link that gives information about how the process works.  He is participating in the committee that is reviewing this topic.  The link is https://trianglefellowship.com/alcoholism-recovery-program/celebrate-recovery-service-is-sobriety/

IX.              Motion to Close

A.              Closed meeting at 11.36