I.             Introductions & Formalities

A.               Meeting held via Zoom due to shelter-in-place orders / covid-19

B.               Intro given by Marty

C.               Serenity Prayer

D.               GSR Preamble

II.            Minutes-Colleen

A.               Emailed prior to meeting. Motion to approve minutes as is made and carried.

III.          Treasury, DCM, ADCM Reports

A.           Treasury Report-Louis

1.               Started January with balance of $3687.17.   Contributions totaling $262.40. No expenses for the month, .01  interest on saving account this month. Ending balance of $3,949.57. Current saving balance of $504.41.

2.               Lou is now a signer on the account.

B.           DCM Report (Marty)

1.               Marty and Lou spent a lot of time cleaning up the accounts, removing people who were no longer involved, etc. Provided needed documentation to the bank for adding Lou as a signer of the account.

2.               Marty attended the SAGSC meeting held on January 10.

3.               Marty told the new GSRs about the New GSR Survival Guide that contains information that will help them in their position.  It is located on the Nevada area website (nevadaarea42.org.)  Click on the right hand column under Manuals and Forms to locate it.

C.               ADCM Report (Matt M)

No report at this time.

IV.             Intros and Group Reports

A.               Those in attendance:

1.               Peggy L,  Diana M, Mark C, Donella, Marty B, Claudia B, Bob H, Jake S, Matt M, Will E, Kevin L, John L, Robert V, derek S, Louis P, Ralph W, John M, Shelley C, Carol H, Libby, Hanlon.

B.               Items of Note:

1.               Each GSR reported on their group.  Many were brand new and did not have anything to report at this time.  Next meeting they will know more and be able to share with us.

2.               Carol H reported that the Rock Solid 12&12 Women’s Meeting that is held on Friday Mornings at 10:AM could use support.  She put the zoom information in the chat. 

V.        Committee Reports

A.        Picnic Report – Claudia B

1.               At this time, it is still up in the air whether there will be a picnic in the fall.  It depends on the status of covid-19. If it is not feasible to have the inperson picnic, Claudia would like to have some kind of fun event on zoom. 

2.               Marty reported that he had talked with the Park Department, reserved the weekend after the Art in the Park and placed the deposit for that weekend.

B.           Workshops – N/A

C.           Archives – Diana M

1.               Diana reported that Ronnie D is the new Area 42 archivist.  He will serve for 4 years.  He has been gathering the names of the new DCMs and the District Area Archive liasons.  He has also reached out to GSO to learn about the guidelines for Area Archives.  

2.               The first Area Archives meeting will be held in February, date to be announced. 

D.           H&I –Kevin L

1.               Kevin reported that he will attend his first H&I meeting soon and will have a report for us at the next meeting. 

2.               At this time there are no panels being held in corrections facilities. 

E.            Grapevine – Janey

1.               Since the Grapevine Committee meets the last Friday of the month at Central Office,  she has not had the opportunity to attend yet.  The Grapevine is looking for stories of older people (older in age) in sobriety. She will have more information next month.

F.            Hotline/ 12 Step List – Libby (interim liaison)

1.               Shifts are available. They can be filled by an individual or a group.  Volunteers are always needed for the hotline shifts and for the 12 step list.  The shift is from 8 pm-8am.

G.              PI/CPC – Bob H

1.               Bob attended 1st PI/CPC meeting.  John H is the new chair for this committee.  Bob and he discussed the use of Public Service Announcements as a tool to spred the AA message to the still suffering alcoholic. 

2.               Members of the committee have still been placing information in venues such as Doctor’s offices, treatment centers, etc. 

H. Intergroup – Donella read Caroline’s report of the last Intergroup meeting.

As I mentioned on Sunday, Intergroup meets the 2nd Monday ( January 11th).  The Zoom info (recurring monthly) is:  845 2256 3005  pw: 509081  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Judy, the new Central Office Manager introduced herself.  She can be reached at the office 702-598-1888 or via email at JudyAA710@gmail.com. The office is open Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm.  There are 4 in-office hotline shifts available.  Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 8-noon. And Tuesday from noon – 4.  Contact Central Office if you are interested. 

Bryce, President of the Board of Directors acknowledged and thanked Leslie for her service.  Unfortunately, Leslie’s husband, Cowboy Lee, passed away recently.

Bob, the Board Treasurer, reported that because of technical difficulties we do not have a written financial report this month.  However, Central Office took in approximately $11,200 in income, and spent about $6,000 on expenses, for an approximate net gain of $5,200.  The reason the expenses are so low is that Central Office received 6 months rent-free when it signed the lease.  The rent, $4,000/month, starts in February.

The Hotline has 2 open shifts:  the 4th Monday from 8pm-8am and the 5th Thursday from 4-8pm.  A hotline commitment can be taken on by either an individual or a group.  It is a great way to be of service.

The 12-Step List can always use volunteers.  You can sign up for the Hotline or the 12-Step List on the website at www.LVCentralOffice.org.

The Unity Committee needs a Chair.  Contact Central Office for more info.

H&I is taking 4 panels a month into facilities and 2 zoom panels.  All corrections facilities are closed.

Accessibilities needs a Meetings to Go Chair.  Call Cynthia at 404-788-8089 for more info. 

Las Vegas Young People in AA (LVYPAA) is hosting its first event of the year on February 13th.  You can learn more at www.LVYPAA.org, or email LVYPAA.nv@gmail.com

Public Information (PI) is placing AA literature in urgent care facilities.  So far, they have placed 19 racks in the south and will be placing 12 in the north soon.  They are working with local media to get the word out that AA is alive and well.

Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) is carrying the message, mainly through zoom, to professionals who work with untreated alcoholics.   CPC, PI, and Accessibilities meet the 2nd Monday of the month at 4:30 (just before Intergroup).  Zoom 889 0735 7523  pw: Serenity

We will have our first every Hybrid Founders’ Day on June 12th .  A limited number of people will be live (socially distanced and masked) at Central Office and the rest of us can attend via zoom.  There will be a speaker, an Old Timers panel, and then another speaker.  The committee meets the first Monday of the month (February 1st) at 6p via zoom:  829 3716 6969  pw: 529570

The Silver Streak (Central Office newsletter published twice monthly) needs articles, particularly Meeting in the Spotlight, Traditions, Steps, flyers, and Old Timers.  The deadline is the 10th and 25th of each month.  You can submit articles or reach the editor at LVSilverStreak@gmail.com or call 804-267-0492

The Intergroup Chair is using, and paying for, his private zoom account for Intergroup meetings.  It is his contribution to Central Office.  A member questioned whether Central Office should be self-supporting and paying for the account.  More information will be collected and we will discuss it next month.

That’s it for now.  You can call, text, or email me any time.  Thank you for letting me be of service.

Traditions & Concepts

I. Libby gave Tradition 1 Summary.

J. Marty gave Concept 1 Summary.

K. _____________ will give Tradition 2 Summary in February. (forgot to assign during meeting)

L.  _____________ will give Concept 2 Summary in February. (forgot to assign during meeting)

VI.          Old Business

A.               Libby mentioned that there is a substantial amount of money in the district treasury right now.  Since there is no traveling to service events at this time, a discussion ensued about whether to continue to keep the money in the treasury or to distribute it to the service entities such as Area 42, Las Vegas Central Office, or the General Service Office in New York.  While some felt that we should keep the money so that funds are available in the future, Claudia B reminded us that it is not wise to accumulate a large amount of funds in our treasuries.  It often causes problems.  It was decided that the GSRs would take this information back to their group’s business meeting, explain that there is an excess and get a group conscience regarding disbursement. 

VII.         New Business

A.               Libby mentioned to the new GSRs that registration for PRAASA  (Pacific Region Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly) is now open.  This year it is on zoom.  Registration is $15.00.  It is a wonderful way to learn more about General Service and is well worth the time involved.  Funds are available if you cannot afford it.  Contact Libby if you need assistance at eagarry@hotmail.com.

B.               Jake is our new Alternate Delegate for Panel 71.  In that position,  one of Jake’s main functions and focuses will be the Area Conference Committees. He explained again what the committees will consist of and what is involved to participate as a volunteer. 

1.               The committees will review the agenda items that will be discussed at the General Service Conference in New York in the spring.  There are 13 committees.  The committees will read the information sent from GSO that pertains to their committee.  They will discuss the information and condense it into material to be presented at the roundtables so that the body of the fellowship is better informed.  At the roundtables, members of the fellowship will discuss the information and give their informed group conscience to the delegate who will take that information back to the Conference. 

2.               The roundtables will take place by zoom on March 14.  The result of those discussions will be presented at the Area Assembly March  26-28.

3.                If you would like to volunteer, please contact Jake at 702-285-9062 or jackesanchehjf@yahoo.com.

Marty announced that Bob H and Lou had agreed to be co-chairs for the Workshop Committee.

VIII.     Next meeting:  February 14, 10:30 am. Same zoom meeting code.

Motion to Close

C.               Closed meeting at 11:34am