A. Before start Libby passed out contribution receipts to groups
B. Serenity Prayer
C. GSR Pledge
II. Minutes
A. Rick thanked Chris for taking minutes last meeting, asked if everyone had time to review and had any changes to submit. Motion made and carried to approve minutes as is. Rick had no picnic report to give, gave quick details about NYE ball we are co-hosting with LVYPAA. Please come help set-up and show up for fun and fellowship.
III. Treasury, DCM, ADCM & Group Reports
A. Treasury Report
1. Marty ran thru his printed report line by line
a) Started out the month $1142.38, collected $363.00 in deposits and contrinutions, discussed domain issue and dropped the old domain (no longer needed), reviewed oter expenses, leaving us with a balance of $1397.39 and $504.32 in the savings account
(1) Reviewed contrinutions from district groups for the month. “12 AA Principles Group” – is the unidentified group 696477 on Marty’s report
(2) Libby and Marty confirmed that the prudent reserve is held in the savings accout
(3) Marty noted that he is retaining all records for the treasury – his current record currently goes back about 2.5 years
B. DCM Report (Libby)
1. At end of this meeting we will be half way thru our term of committments for this panel.
2. PRAASA Tuscon, AZ March 6th – 8th 2020 – great way to meet people from region and learn about service. Libby also passed out PRAASA registration form and mentioned can be done online as well.
3. AA Meetings To Go – Liby passed out flyers with info to either volunteer or to take back to groups. AA Meetings To Go will take meetings to sober people that can not hysically get out to meetings.
4. New book, “Our Great Responsibility” is out and available. Should have received a mailer bout it.
5. Discusssed recent mailing info from AA: holiday gift set , quartetly report, if you are not receiving these items in the mail also, see Libby for registrations forms.
6. AA International Conventoion will be held July 2nd – 5th 2020 in Detroit Michigan, hotels in town already sold out.
7. if anyone wants Libby to show up to group or business meeting, let her know and she will be welcome to suit up and join up
8. At end of meeting we will be half way thru term of committments this panel
C. ADCM Report (Diana)
1. Nothing to report that Libby didn’t cover
IV. Intros and Group reports around the room
A. Doug, GSR, First Brew Group, here lately he thingks group is struggling and coupld use support, filled most of commitments at last group business meeting, he and Gary will be attending assembly in Tonopah, they are having issues with old/homeless members with hygiene issues, group conscious has been to allow them to stay but now concerned that this is causing attendance issues, he wants to bring this up in the next group business meeting.
B. Diana, GSR, Steps to Freedom, group is doing well / healthy, business meetings well attended and financially group is holding its own.
C. Gary, Alt GSR first brew group, added on to what Doug said about group issues with member hygiene.
D. Marty – Grateful not to have open sores, just for today… District One Treasurer and GSR for Boulder Basic Group which meets Monday and Thursday evenings right down the street at the community church and now that the winter is here the snowbirds are becak so attendance is good.
1. We collected $19 in 7th tradition, we donate $5 for the meeting room.
E. Caroline – Intergroup Liaison, not currently a GSR, home group is Southeast Sisters in Sobriety, a Wednesday women’s big book meeting.
F. Jake – District One Archives Liaison, all going well, also SAGS Chair and Alt Area Chair, grateful to ne here and sober.
G. Rick – GSR, Daily Reflections group at GVG which meets everday day except for Sunday at 10am, all good.
H. Christine, GSR for 12:15 Wednesday Women’s big book study at 215/Paseo Verde – doing well, has new Alt GSR, Joan. In last group business meeting they discussed adding a CPC rep.
I. Janey – GSR for Friday Night Stepping Out Step Study group and also Hotline & PC/CPC Liaison, all going well with group, group having elections this month and hoping people will stand for positions, overall good.
J. Paul – GSR for Lost and Found group, had group elections last month, filled all positions, he has personally made some space in commitment schedule to be more involved here at the district level.
K. Kevin GSR, Searchlight, group is good, wanted to talk about lady who lives out there started meeting on Friday at 12:30pm at senior center, really needs support. Libby suggested making a flyer and bringing it here and we can distribute to our groups. Wanted to say enjoyed the heck out of Saturday in Mesquite with the cohosted “Willing to go to Any Lengths” workshop.
L. Lou – H&I liaison for district and GSR for Sunrise Group which meets everday GVG at 7am. Other than being proud that he guilted Kevin into going to the Mesquite workshop, group had business meeting this morning. Had 30 people at business meeting which is because to get a service position you must to be at business meeting and this really stepped up attendance at business meeting. All going well with group.
M. John, representing Friday night Men’s Stag at the 51 Club, filling in for GSR. Curious to know what function of this group is. When he started out doing service work in 80/90’s he didn’t know of district level meetings so when opportunity to fill in came up he took it so he could check this out. Also in their group business meetings they discussed that H&I has abundance of funds so group considering changing their disbursements.
1. Discussion ensued about disbursements and how money for H&I is used to buy books, etc – that they require a higher prudent reserve than some other entities because of this. Also discussed what we do as a district and how district contributions are spent.
2. John asked – last year their secretary took off with $600 – left their GSR in a lurch for going to Tonopah and group just recently paid him off for him covering cost last year. Libby addressed this and also discussed options/sources to fund GSR Area trips: district will give $50, Sothern Area will give $75, Area will give $50 in the case where group doesn’t have money. Also make special considerations.
3. Carlonie noted H&I October bank balance was $13k but they also conduct 350 panels a month. She noted that personally she is slowing down her H&I contributions and giving more to other groups that need the money.
4. Lou noted that contrinutions at his group are separate (by cans)
5. Marty mentioned in past separate H&I can not used, now that it is, how it affects contrbutions, and the double edged sword of $1 going to group is stretched among much more than the $1 that goes straight to H&I. important to support but need to be diligent.
6. John asked about putting all in one pot and then distributing among pie chart percentages, Libby and group noted that’s ok just need group vote and conscious to do so.
7. Christine discussed and gave examples of how her group disburses funds from 7thtradition.
8. Doug mentioned how this issue was discussed at his group business meeting, and they will be changing their disburrsements, mentioned heated discussions he has had about $1 per person and how groups need to focus on disbursements and contributions over rent and supplies.
9. Gary – Noted recent changes at Central Office. Changed organization from steering committee to board of directors and asked of they are going to be having open meetings.
a) Diana is on board for intergroup noted at some point they are going to have open meeting so people can bring questions, Diana will let Rick know when that will be and he will send out to district via email.
V. Committee Reports
A. Picnic Report – Rick
1. No report, mentioned NYE Ball.
2. Libby mentioned workshop in Mesquite, talked about us taking the van down and that the workshop was a great success. Can check out possibility of using similar van for PRAASA.
B. Workshops – Kristy
1. No report, not in attendance.
C. Archives – Jake
1. Archives is the funnest position ever!
2. Archives was at the Round-Up, but mostly Jake has been working on district one Archive. There is some really cool stuff that he has pulled from the Area archives specifically on the district one group histories
a) Can tell when going thru things there are various gaps, trying to fill those gaps and appreciate any help in doing so for groups.
b) When making flyers, please put the year on it.
3. Libby gave him this just now, flyer about holiday gift set for $30. If interested in archives, “AA Comes of Age” is a great read.
4. So, working to wrap up “Group Histories & Flyers” binder(s). Next section he will be workin on will be “Minutes & Treasurer’s Reports”.
5. Ny info anyone has about the district or their groups – Jake will take it – to put in our archives and then submit to area archives.
D. H&I – Lou
1. Attended meeting – here are the numbers:
a) beginning balance of $8,805
b) contrinutions of $3,587
c) exenses of $6,140
d) ending balance of $7,252.
e) Distributed $2,620 in materials
f) $1000 prudent reserve
2. Other than that nothing too important
3. Jake made point about it being important to be careful about how we talk about any group having a ton of money. How much do they have relative to the work and what they do – this is the important thing. Jake suggests to look at disbursements monthly because money situations constantly are changing.
E. Grapevine – Dean
1. Not in attendance, no report given/submitted.
F. Hotline – Janie
1. Discussed confusion on sign up sheets and addressed concerns and scheduling. Passing around 2020 hotline volunteer sign up sheet for district one hotline commitment. Please sign-up. Commitment is 8pm to 8am the first Monday of each month.
G. PI/CPC – Janie
1. Busy this time of year, can always use volunteers. Let Janey know if you are interested.
2. PI/CPC meets on the 2nd monday of the month 4:30pm at Central Office. , Looking for volunteers and group liaisons, so please take info to your groups and see if you have any interest.
H. Intergroup – Caroline
1. Will the district consider moving committee meeting to following Sunday due to intergroup meeting timings? – We will discuss in new business.
2. Central Office has a new website
3. Best way to make contrinutions to GSO is through aa.org
4. There are very few intergroup reps that come to intergroup meetings, so an ad hoc committee has been formed to go around to groups for outreach. , In real need of reps, under bylaws a certain quorum is required to vote and have not been able to meet that quorum recently.
5. Founders day is coming
6. Accessibilities needs a co-chair position filled and they are also in need of grapevines for monthly homeless outreach pop-up program.
7. CPC/PI looking to fill a Secretary position
8. Silver Streak looking for articles submitted by 20th of the month.
9. Will be alcathons at the Choices Fellowship from 8pm Christmas Eve to Christmas Day. Located at 4343 Rancho Drive. Call 520-891-3786, Heather, for info
10. 4th step workshop today in Pahrump at 12:30
11. New meeting – 3rd Legacy Group “Eatin Meetin” potluck meeting at KCB last Sunday of the month at 2pm.
12. New Meeting starting 11/9 – Midtown Meeting – at Desert Parkway Behavioural Health Hospital at Maryland Pkwy & Desert Inn.
VI. Traditions & Concepts
A. Diana read and gave reports on Tradition 11 & 12
B. Tradition 1 to be done in January by Marty
C. Jake gave the best and shortest concept 11 summary that ever existed in all of space and time.
D. Concept 12 Summarized by Libby
E. Concept 1 to be done in January by Diana (Diana will do concepts all year)
VII. Old Business
A. Finance Guidelines
1. Libby read through the guidelines in their entirety
2. Motion made seconded and carried to approve
a) Amendment to the vote that we amend the prudent reserve from 1/3rd to 1/5th. Rick will make this change and then post to district website
b) Reviewed and discussed 2020 budget. Marty asked if we should raise prudent reserve by ~$100 to cover picnic expenses. Libby suggestion that for right now, let’s stick with making budget $2600 for next year and not include the picnic and see if we can break even on the picnic this time
(1) Budget approved.
c) Paul asked if guidelines we are making have to do with non-profit regulations and filings. Libby and Marty mentioned we don’t have to apply to this.
B. 1728 Meeting
C. Caroline suggestion to move from 2nd to 3rd Sunday for district business meeting.
1. Asked Paul if space available – yes.
2. Doesn’t work for Marty group business meeting.
3. Libby suggestion to make 2nd Sunday the 1728 and the 4th Sunday the district meeting.
4. Paul mentioned 4th Sunday doesn’t work for him, wants to leave it as 2nd Sunday.
5. Motion to leave everything as is and if anything urgent comes up, Caroline or whoever can email Libby and Rick will distribute info on email list to group