I.               Introductions & Formalities

A.             Meeting held via Zoom due to shelter-in-place orders / covid-19

B.              Intro given by Libby and then our illustrious ADCM, Diana invited to run the district meeting

C.              Serenity Prayer

D.             GSR Preamble

II.              Minutes

A.             Emailed prior to meeting. Motion to approve minutes as is made and carried. 

III.            Treasury, DCM, ADCM Reports

A.             Treasury Report (Marty)

1.              See treasury report above

2.              Started October with balance of $3,156.07. Contributions totaling $33.42. No expenses for the month, zero interest on saving account this month. Ending balance of $3,189.49. Current saving balance of $504.40

B.              DCM Report (Libby)

1.              Had the workshop yesterday, 30 people in attendance, very good workshop, always a success when people cry… ? Really appreciated all the support from District One peeps for showing up and speaking, talked to 5B DCM afterwards and he was very happy with how it turned out.

2.              Second Sunday in December will be our final meeting for this panel and our elections assembly. Libby will see if Marita or someone can help with voting.  Think about what position you might want to take over.

3.              Asked group if next meeting should be via zoom, in person, or hybrid. majority vote to stay zoom and have election via zoom. Libby will send out invite.

a)              Some discussion about having meetings in zoom vs in person vs hybrid. It is possible to have safe meetings.

C.              ADCM Report (Diana) 

1.              Just wanted to add on to what Libby said, that the workshop with District 5B was wonderful. Also that serving with Libby was an amazing experience. A huge “thank you” to Liby for her leadership and service.

IV.            Intros and Group reports around the room

A.             Those in attendance:

1.              Libby, Kevin, Shelley, Marty, Lou, Carol, Danella, Janey, Diana, Colleen, Caroline, Rick, and Jake (from StateFarm).

B.             Items of Note:

1.              Shelley, new GSR, for Women’s Night Out Group, meets Monday nights at the Triangle Club, recently merged with District 1, excited to be part of district and serve as GSR for group.

2.              Decisions still varied from group to group, but some groups are currently holding in person meetings, some holding zoom, some holding both, many groups considering how to continue with recent Stay at Home 2.0 order.

V.             Committee Reports

A.             Picnic Report – Rick

1.              Nothing to report, but FYI, I have binder and all supplies in my garage and ready for the next picnic committee chair.

B.              Workshops – N/A

C.              Archives – Jake

1.              New central office is open and archives are all moved over to new central office space. Gabriel is working hard and lots of work going on to get finished setting up. Ronnie will be new archivist for the new panel starting in January.

2.              Jake and Libby have completed the “How to Survivie a Global Pandemic in AA” form and it will be distributed to groups shortly. Please work on with your groups and return for the archives. Can be mailed to the PO box or scaned and returned via email to Jake, Libby, or Rick.

D.             H&I – Lou

1.              Upcoming H&I is this week, so report information may be a little dated, but current treasury balance is ~$18k. Same institutions still open – WestCare Detox, Women’s Salvation Army & Crossroads. Putting togther order for NY – voted to spend up tp $10k on this order, will have status of this in next meeting. Still working on getting Venmo up and running for contributions.  

2.              In regards to the question last month about a Sunday night H&I meting at Seven Hills, there is no official H&I panel at Seven Hills on Sunday evenings.

E.              Grapevine – Colleen

1.              Nothing new currently going on with Grapevine at the Area level. Check out ePub app to get digital version of the Grapevine. $1.99 per issue or $19.99 for the year.

F.              Hotline – Janey

1.              All positions have been filled, but always looking for back-ups. Please let Janey know if interested. Hotline running well though the pandemic. Please be sure to update central office with your group meeting information so that the Hotline has current information to give out.

G.             PI/CPC – Janey

1.              Pursuing television stations to use AA PSA’s to carry message to suffering alcohilics. Committee doing well overall in terms of getting information out especially considering current times.

H.             Intergroup – Caroline

1.              Central Office Leslie D. reporting.  Central Office is back in business. The move was successful.  

2.              Volunteers are back in the office answering the phone.  The main phone line:  702-598-1888 has been restored.  The temporary line has been disconnected.  

3.              Phone answering shifts are available:  Monday and Friday 8-12 and Tuesday 12-4

4.              Leslie is retiring at the end of December.  She loves her job as Central Office Manager, but family duties call.  Rick sent at least one email earlier this week with the job description and instructions.  

5.              Treasurer Leslie C. reporting. October income was $13,000 (including a $4,300 personal contribution); Expenses were $7,000.  YTD net gain of $31,000.  Prudent Reserve Balance is $54,000.  As part of the deal Central Office made with the landlord, no rent is due until February and then it is $4,000/month.  

6.              Board of Directors Vickie reporting.  

a)              The Board wants as many applicants as possible to choose from.  Please forward information about the manager position to everyone you know.  

b)              The new audio visual (zoom) system has been installed.

c)              The Board is hosting an Open Forum live and via zoom on December 12th.  Open House from 1:30 – 2 and Forum from 2-4.

7.              Founder’s Day. Jasmine reporting. The committee will start meeting in January

8.              Hotline / 12 Step List  Billy & Claudia reporting.

a)              3 shifts are available

9.              backups are always needed

a)              New volunteer packets are available.  

10.           Accessibilities Cynthia H. will be the new Chair starting January 1st

11.           H&I Alan reporting. There are a few active zoom panels in treatment centers.  Correctional facilities are still locked down.  Group meets 3rd Tuesday of the month 6pm via Zoom.  

12.           CPC/PI John H. (new PI Chair) reporting. Open CPC Chair, Co-Chair, PI Co-Chair and Secretary positions.  Public information campaign starting at Urgent Care centers.  Volunteers needed. Committee meets at 4:30pm on second Monday via Zoom – just before Intergroup.  

13.           LVYPAA Anna reporting.  Events are starting back up.  

14.           Las Vegas Round-Up David reporting.  The Roundup starts Thanksgiving Day via zoom.  Speaker meetings, marathon meetings, workshops.  FREE Register at www.LasVegasRoundup.org

15.           SilverStreak  Dave reporting.  Central Office Manager position is in the current Silver Streak.  Articles are always welcome.  Contact Dave lvsilverstreak@gmail.com for help. Be kind, subscribe. 

16.           Elections:  2021 – Michael H. Chair; Bill Alt. Chair, Amanda V. Secretary

17.           End of the Month Speaker Meeting starting back up on the last Friday in January.

a)              Old Business.  None.

b)              New Business.  

c)              Choices is hosting hybrid holiday alcathons

18.           December 19th – Virtual Western Regional Forum. Register at www.aa.org on November 20th.

VI.            Traditions & Concepts

A.             Diana gave Concept 11 Summary.

B.              Colleen gave Tradition 11 Summary.

C.              _____________ will give Tradition 12 Summary in December. (forgot to assign during meeting)

VII.          Old Business

A.             N/A

VIII.         New Business

A.             As our Alternate Delegate for Panel 71 one of Jake’s main functions and focuses will be the Area Conference Committees. There hav been questions about this so to clarify –  Area vs Standing Committees

1.              Area Committees exist basically to mostly deal with agenda items that will be addressed at the Area assemblies. They are separate from standing committees. The Area Committees will receive the Conference Agenda Items for their committee, summarize that information, inform the Delegate what the committee feels should be discussed at the Spring Assembly, then find out what actually happened with the Agenda Items at the General Service Conference, and then inform the body of at the Fall Assembly of what transpired.

2.              Standing committees consist of the people responsible for doing the “boots on the ground” work for those various committees at the Area level

IX.            Motion to Close

A.             Closed meeting at 11:34am