A. Before start Libby passed out contribution receipts to groups
B. Serenity Prayer
C. GSR Pledge (Jake did during SAGSC meeting)
II. Minutes
A. Emailed prior to meeting, hard copies available. Motion to approve minutes as is made and carried. Also, FYI, website has been updted with meeting minutes through November 2019 and the calendar of events page has been updated for 2020. Need to get 2020 picnic date on Area 42 website.
III. Treasury, DCM, ADCM & Group Reports
A. Treasury Report (Marty)
1. See treasury report above
2. Unable to check PO box last month but good news is that we had no expenses for the month. No income, no expenses, PO Box was full when checked on the orst of the month so stay tuned for next momnth report.
B. DCM Report (Libby)
1. If anybody has any questions, see me.
C. ADCM Report (Diana)
1. Nothing to report.
IV. Intros and Group reports around the room
A. Lou, gsr, sunrise group at gvg, all wonderful
B. John, alt gsr, 51 club Friday night men’s stag
C. Kelly, gsr, Henderson unified group, Henderson 51 club
D. Jennifer, gsr, beer 30 at gvg 5:30pm every day exceot Wednesday, all good.
E. Sue, alt gsr, women in recovery group, Saturday mornigns
F. Danella, gsr, women in recovery group, Saturday mornings
G. Gary, alt gsr, firsrt brew group
H. Keri, light on the hill group at united Methodist church
I. Greg, gsr, 7:30pm Sunday night closed meeting at 51 club, no changes
J. Diana, gsr, Thursday night steps to freedom group, group well and healthy
K. Janey, gsr, Friday night steppin out step study, have a weekly potluck meeting, attendance low, fri night 7pm, community church in Henderson, potluck starts at 6:0pm
L. Chrsitine, gsr & picnic co-chair, Wednesday women’s big book study, alt gsr stepped down, other than that all well.
M. Rick, secretary, picnic chair, gsr, daily reflections at gvg everyday at 10am except Saturday, all good with group
N. Amy, gsr, new comers rock at 8:15pm Sunday night
O. Kristy, gsr, Monday night smell the roses group at 7pm at the community church at greenway and horizon, all good
P. Chris, gsr, tues night gvg group, all good
Q. Bruce and Colleen sitting in from Boulder Basic Group.
R. Marty, distric one treasurer and gsr, boulder basic group, no changes to report.
V. Committee Reports
A. Picnic Report – Rick
1. No report
B. Workshops – Kristy
1. Looking at doing a 7th tradition workshop on April 18th at GVG or triangle club in cooperation with District 13, more info coming
2. Is the group ok with doing workshop on this date?
a) Motion for April 18th date made and carried
C. Archives – Jake
1. No report
D. H&I – Lou
1. No report, think Allen covered it all during SAGSC meeting.
E. Grapevine – (?)
1. Need new rep, monthly meeting last fri of month at 6pm
2. Remove dean from agenda and minutes, no longer gsr for hugs.
F. Hotline – Janie
1. Passing around district 2020 hotline commitment sheet, shift is from 8am to 8pm first monday of the month. If interested in district commitment or general hotline help, please sing up and/or see Janey.
G. PI/CPC – Janie
1. Flyer is out, there are upcoming events this month, hoping to get print out of schedule of events for yeart and haver at next meeting.
H. Intergroup – Caroline
1. Not in attendance, report emailed out pror to meeting and hard copies available.
2. (report inserted on following two pages)
VI. Traditions & Concepts
A. Marty gave Tradition 1 Summary
B. Diana gave Concept 1 Summary
C. ? will give tradition 2 summary in February
VII. Old Business
A. Rick to update website with all district guidelines, including recent finance guidelines – add category for this.
B. Libby needs more topic suggestions for the GSO conference in 2021.