A. Before start Libby passed out contribution receipts to groups
B. Serenity Prayer
C. GSR Pledge
II. Minutes
A. Emailed prior to meeting, hard copies available. Motion to approve minutes as is made and carried.
III. Treasury, DCM, ADCM & Group Reports
A. Treasury Report (Marty)
2. See treasury report above
3. Made a couple visits to PO Box this month since he was unable to check it in december quite a bit of mail in the po box, one contribution received unsure who the group is, only real cost this month is traposnortation. .
B. DCM Report (Libby)
1. The Pacific Regional Forum will be in Las Vegas in August this year, Libby has some info cards, if you want one, take one They will be looking for volunteers. Up to us since we’re local to support and volunteer and show up. For those who don’t know forum is put on by GSO from NY – they come and tell us what they do, how they operate, what happens with literature, etc. If you can make it, would be awesome, mark yoiur calendars. It is a free event. Registration won’t be up yet, probably until after Tonopah.
2. The chili cook-off is in two weeks. The 22nd. Would be great if we can go and support the activity. This is a get together for different districts in the southern area. Will be at lakes Lutheran church on cimaron and sahara 12-2pm. Can find details online (https://lasvegasdistrict7.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/CHILI-COOK-OFF-FINAL.jpg).
3. Tonopah coming up in March. So the district one meeting in March will be during lunch in Tonopah. We will provide pizza and salad and have meeting during the lunch break in the blue room on Saturday the 28th. If have not done it yet, time is now to make room reservation. Jennifer asked about reimbursement. Libbey explained GSR funding options.
a) Assembly usually ends around 11am on Sunday morning.
C. ADCM Report (Diana)
1. Not here.
IV. Intros and Group reports around the room
A. John, alt GSR, frinday night men’s stag at 51 club, all ok, he did produce two items for the group – he made a list of recurring events and committees that need volunteers, will forward to Rick to be forwarded to the group.
B. Tony, brand new GSR for Sickos group in Henderson
C. Lou, GSR, 7am sunrise group at gvg, all is good there
D. Lois, encouraged to attend by Lou, she wants to be of service, so she is putting on a sponsorship seminar, has no idea how to get info out to groups, will bring it up in new business so we can pass on info
E. Chris, GSR, green valley group Tuesday night, all good
F. Kelly, GSR, Henderson unified groups covers many meetings, elected new alt GSR Robin S.
1. has a question – group has secretary she was put into alt chair position and it seems group is divided. Libby stated guiding principle of spirit of rotation and her personal feeling that better to have someone in position than nobody, but if can be different people particulary in an alt position that is certainly best
2. Bruce – no conflicts of interest for area voting, as secretary of group, probably ok to be alt as long as there is no conflict of interest, it is up to group conscience.
G. Ben, precisely high group, closed meeting on Tuesday night for aa only, newly elected GSR
H. Greg, GSR for the Sunday night 7:30pm closed meeting at 51 club in hnderson.
I. Lori, dcm for district 13, here to chime in on new business with Kristy and to listen.
J. Jennifer, GSR, beer 30 at gvg in Henderson which meets every day at 5:30 except for Wednesday, just here to be of service to group, all good at meetings, about 80 people that show up on Tuesday and a good aouth the other days as well, well supported, long term sobriety, all good.
K. Daryl, rep for meetings to go nd would like to give a little pitch during new business, available for any workshops.
L. Carloine, District One intergroup liaison, will have report soon.
M. Marty, GSR for boulder basing group, meets mon and thurs nights at 8pm, no changes.
N. Kristy, GSR & D1 workshop chair, for Monday night smell the roses at community church at grrenway and horizon at 7pm, no changes, all good.
O. Christine, GSR for wed womens big book study at 12:15pm at 215 and paseo verde, meeting doing well, gets 25-35 people in attendance, also picnic co-chair for D1.
P. Gary, GSR for first brew group at meeting place, all good.
Q. Bruce, on summary report committee for southern area, involved with meetings to go, member
R. Colleen, grapevine rep for district one, has grapevines if anyone wants one.
V. Committee Reports
A. Picnic Report – Rick
1. No report, only February, will meet and start working after March Assembly. Rick confirmed with Marty that we are set for same date this year (which will be Sat, Oct 10th). Rick also asked for group consensus about repeating same theme/style. This sparked quite a bit of unintended discussion about picnic and cost. We will put together ideas and budget and present to group before doing anything. Jenifer made good suggestion about having some kind of competition or performances. Rick was quick to add her to picnic committee.
B. Workshops – Kristy
1. Went to district 13 meeting last week. Agreed to host on 4/18 2-4pm at triangle club on topic of self support.
2. Gave info to Lou to get flyer done.
3. Also reached out to Shaun, sags treasurer, yesterday to see if he would be willing to speak, also asked marty to speak and he suggested to Claudia.
4. Thinking pizza, district 13 can do some food too, drinks need to be purchased from club and 7th tradition.
5. Was also going to speak to Lisa, area secretary, to get some of the money and spiritually pamphlets to hand out.
a) Caroline stated PI loves to go to events and they have pamphlet racks they can bring if Kristy wants to reach out to her & Daryl stated he informed CPC as well and Daryl will bring meetings to go table, Colleen will talk to April about bringing H&I table.
b) Jennifer – asked about the roundtables. March 1st 12:30 – 4:30 on the TIE club, will prep us to go to Tonopah. It is a discussion of a selection of the agenda items be diuscussed at the conference in new York for the delegates to take back for voting.
c) Marty commented Caludia will be on panel although she doen’t know it yet.
C. Archives – Jake
1. Not in attendance, no report
D. H&I – Lou
1. Unable to attend H&I meeting, no report.
E. Grapevine – (Colleen)
1. Colleen attended grapevine meeting at CO. Grapevine currently looking for stories on the following topics by deadline dates
a) Sober & out – feb 15th
b) Young and sober – march 15
c) Stories about Monety – April 15th
d) Living in remote communities – June 15th
2. Will tell April about picnic and our workshop.
3. Can anyone attend in feb & march – meeting is 4th Friday of month at CO at 6pm, need alternate to cover.
F. Hotline – Janie
1. Not here, no attendance.
G. PI/CPC – Janie
1. Not here, no attendance.
H. Intergroup – Caroline
1. January 2020 Intergroup Report
I. Jasmin welcomed everyone & opened with Serenity Prayer. Sign in sheet circulated. Roll call taken. The 12 Traditions were read. December minutes passed with corrections. 20 reps.
J. Central Office Leslie D. reporting. In December; 3812 visitors to website, 1147 visits to meeting directory, 698 visits to PDF meeting directory. CO will be closed in observance for MLK.
K. Treasurer Leslie C. reporting. Thank you to Gratitude Ball and Giving Thanks meetings for contribution. December Total Income for CO: $11,688.90. Literature Income $4462.53; Literature Account Expense $7121.63; Bank Balances: General Account $27,095.15; Committee Account Totals $22,913.41; Total Central Office $52,310.35; Payroll Account $16.23; Prudent Reserve Account $43,004.39; Literature Account $(-2,659.10); Total Bank Account $107,950.36.
L. Board of Directors Vicky reported. Vicky is incoming chair. New members will join at next meeting. Attended SAGS. Money transferred to SAGS. Committed to keeping communication open.
M. Founder’s Day. Jasmine reported. Love to have more committee members. Committee meets 1st Monday of month at CO 6pm. Date booked for June 13th at Christ Episcopal Church
Intgp Liaison Kristen reported. Round Table TIE Club March 1st 1230pm. PRAASA 20/20 at Arizona, March 6-8thin Tucson. Tonopah GSR meeting March 27-29. SAGSAC May 17th 115pm at TIE Club. Regional Forum Aug 21-23rd Westgate. International AA convention Detroit, July 2-5th. Kristen at 702 235 2157.
N. Bridging the Gap no report
O. Hotline/12th step list Billy reporting. Have 8 open shifts. Need people to answer calls and for 12th step volunteer list. Call Billy at 702 493 8529 for info.
P. Special Needs/Accessibilities no report
Q. Grapevine No report.
H&I Alan reported. Going well. Always can use volunteers. New facility to start panel. H&I is self-supporting using pink cans. Pink cans started because committee never had enough money to cover literature expenses. Monthly meeting held at CO on 3rd Tuesday at 6pm. Alan 702 353 3606
R. Meetings To Go Darryl reported. Subcommittee of Accessibilities very busy. 3 ongoing meetings; 1. Silver Sky/contact Heather, 2. Silver Ridge, 3. Veterans Home. Keep announcing at meetings. Contact Darry at 702 416 0284 or Laura at 562 233 4491.
S. PI/CPC Elizabeth reported. Upcoming events need volunteers; Conference at Tropicana- April 22-24th, GSO Sponsored conference June 30-July 3rd. Giving Project on last Sat of month. Thank you for past volunteers, donations to green can and passing green can. We are not funded by SAGS for literature. Meet 2nd Monday at CO at 4pm. Contact George at 516-662-3314 or Laura 562 233 4491.
T. Archives no report
U. Gratitude Ball no report
V. LVYPAA Jay reported. Committee meets 1st Sunday at CO at 130 pm. Positions open. Next event; Jan 18th at Stairway for Speaker mtg from 2-4pm. Contact Jay 702 526 1458.
W. Unity Richard reported no report
X. Las Vegas Round-Up no report
Y. Spanish Central Office No report
Z. Spanish GSR No report
AA. Men’s Night Out Dave reported. April 25th at Palace Station, Billy S-speaker. Website is available to purchase tickets. www.lvmensnightout.org Committee beginning to meet. Third Saturday 830 am at CO.
BB. Silverstreak David reported. Thank you for submissions. 15th of month is deadline. Need volunteer for submission regarding step 3 and steps 5-12. Please contact Dave to post events in Silverstreak at 804-267-0492 or lvsilverstreak@gmail.com in the future. Be kind, subscribe.
CC. Old Business None
DD. Announcements
1. SOS Club on Las Vegas Blvd. near Southpoint Casino
2. District 7 Chili Cook-off at the Lakes Lutheran Church 8200 W. Sahara on Feb 22nd
3. 12-2pm, Contact April J 702 215 1435
4. 4th Sunday of the month for Meetings To Go committee at 6pm at CO
5. Bridging the Gap is the committee that helps inmates, people in facilities who want to get in touch with AA
EE. Closed with Responsibility Pledge. Thank you for letting me be of service. The 7thtradition collected $71. Thank you for being of service.
VI. Traditions & Concepts
A. Christine gave Tradition 2 Summary
B. Libby read Diana’s Concept 2 Summary
C. Christine will give tradition 3 summary in February
VII. Old Business
A. Marty – talking about the Forum. For those that do not know, the forum is regional (they come to 15 regions), they bring their road show with staff and basically their job is to tell us what they do for AA, it is free, the reason he brings it up is that he has contact info for volunteer sign up. The contact is him. Marty B. 702-812-9372. Dates are 8/21 – 8/23 here in las vegas. Text Marty if interested in volunteering.
VIII. New Business
A. Meetings to GO, Daryl B, what we do is take meetings to AA members that are homebound, in hospitals, can’t physically get to meetings, he has flyers and a volunteer list. They are availbe, please reach out to them if know of someone who needs meetings to go.
B. Sponsorship Workshop
1. Lois – needs some input and help on putting together a workshop on sponsorship, Lou has made a draft, haven’t nailed down date/time, have many people interested in attending workshop like this, what she needs is help in spreading the word, thoughs about food, and locations. The group made some suggestions, among having a potluck as a solution for trying to get funds for food, and members offered to continue discussion with her after meeting..