I. Introductions & Formalities
A. While we were waiting for everyone to arrive, Libby handed out contribution receipts.
B. Meeting officially called to order with citation of the “Serenity Prayer”.
C. Libby read the GSR Preamble (skipped because Jake already read during the SAGSC meeting).
D. In Attendance: Libby, Rick, Kristy, Sherri, Christine, Caroline, Ralph, Diana, Chyna, Amy, Chris, Louis, Greg, Marita, Doug, Kevin, Gary.
II. Minutes
A. Motion to approve the minutes from June 9, 2019 made and carried.
III. Treasurer & DCM Report
A. Treasurer’s Report (Marty)
Lou gave report for Marty. Checking account balance as of 6/1 was $1,243.88. We had contributions and deposits of $262.42 with zero expenses for the month, leaving us with a checking account balance of $1,506.30. Our savings account earned $0.02 in interest leaving us with an ending savings account balance of $504.22.
B. DCM Report
• Libby gave report.
a) You heard my report from the platform.
b) Pretty much we have lost workshop, H&I, PI/CPC & Accessibilities positions, leaving us with three openings for these committees. We will “limp” along. Really, the most important open position is workshops, and maybe instead of seeking a new workshop chair, we will just ask for volunteers and do it together
c) Any questions? Really trying to keep it short since SAGSC ran so long
d) Rick pointed out we have some new GSR’s to the district, joining out meeting today. Chyna and Amy introduced themselves from Newcomers Rock at GVG.
C. Alternate DCM
• Diana gave report
a) Nothing to report.
D. Introductions & Group Reports
• A quick round-robin to check in with each person in attendance, including their group, service position, and how everything is going with their group.
a) Kevin, GSR for Searchlight, all good.
b) Gary, Alt GSR for First Brew Group at the Meeting Place, all good
c) Rick, GSR for Daily Reflections meeting at GVG, all good.
d) Doug, GSR for First Brew Group at the Meeting Place, all good
e) Marita, filling in for GSR, Marty, who could not make it today, for Monday and Thursday Boulder City Basics group, all good.
f) Greg, GSR, 7:30pm Sunday night closed meeting at the 51 Club, small group, 16-18 people, but all good.
g) Dean, GSR for Hugs, meets at the 51 Club, all good.
h) Chyna, Alt GSR for Newcomers Rock at GVG, group is all good but we are new so we will have questions.
i) Amy, GSR, newcomers rock, what Chyna said.
j) Chris, GSR, Tuesday night GVG group, all good.
k) Ralph, no status ? member at large
l) Caroline, Intergroup Liaision
m) Christine, GSR, Wedneday Women’s BB Study, group doing well, also your picnic co-chair.
n) Sherri, GSR, Rock Solid Group Friday 10am, all good.
o) Kristie, GSR, Monday Night Smell the Roses, at the community church on Horizon/Greenway, al good
p) Diana, GSR, Thursday 7pm Steps to Freedom, also your Area 42 Translator and sit on the Board of Directors for the Intergroup
q) Lou, GSR, Sunrise Group at GVG, meets 7 days a week at 7am, group meetings usually have 50-60/meeting and last Sunday at business meeting had 8 attendees, in general all good.
r) Samantha, alcoholic, joining us from SWACYPAA.
IV. Committee Reports:
A. Picnic
• Rick gave report
a) District One Fellowship Carnival
b) Saturday, October 12th
c) 1301 5th Street
d) 12pm – 4pm, Speaker Meeting at 2:30
e) Revised Schedule
(1) 12pm – Donut on a string
(2) 12:30pm – Balloon Stomp (or relay race)
(3) 1pm – Sobriety Bingo (inside)
(4) 1:30pm – Water balloon dodge ball
(5) 2pm – Human pinata
(6) 3pm – Speaker meeting
(7) 3:30pm – YPAA sobriety countdown
f) Do we want to decide on a band or a DJ?
(1) Group unanimously voted for Bob’s band.
g) Any more thoughts about raffle? – table for next meeting
h) Prizes for Bingo? – table for next meeting
i) We will get flyer out this week, please start spreading the word.
j) Risk and Samantha to get together to discuss details, Rick will try to go to next SWACYPAA meeting, Samantha mentioned that SWACYPAA has a bunch of carnival stuff because they just hosted theirs. She will speak to group but pretty sure they will be good with us borrowing some of the stuff.
k) Rick brought up that with bouncy house, insurance, and all the plans, we will be going over the budget we previously discussed. So, do we need to cut back? What do we want to do? Libby mentioned that based on previous discussions and between 7th tradition, raffle, etc pretty sure we can at least break even or get close to break-even ad would rather see us do these things to try and have a great turn out as opposed to last few years. Caroline suggested we empower the committee to review everything and make a recommendation to the group on what to spend. Libby also mentioned we made more than expected on the Chili cook off and have a little more in the kitty than usual. Libby reiterated Caroline’s comment about empowering the picnic committee so continue to be responsible, do what we need to and let group know as we are getting close to or over budget for further approval
l) Chyna asked for picnic details, Rick reiterated, Chyna mentioned that lots of newcomers at group, Libby said to speak to Rick and Christine to put those newcomers to work if interested, Libby asked Chyna if they know someone who can face paint, Chyna said she can or will ask around to see about a volunteer.
m) Rick asked group if we want PI/CPC at picnic? – Decided to ask them if they want to be at picnic so they can do sing-ups. Invite them and then they can decide if they want to be there.
B. Workshops
• We need a workshop chair, if not we will just “voluntold” people ?
a) Libby brought up that we need volunteers for the joint workshop with D3 in mesquite. Libby will reach out to District 3 to get details and then let us all know so we can get dates on our calendar. We would like to get at least 10 volunteers from our district for this. Next month at meeting we will do sign up.
b) Kristy – had idea that we put on a dance for workshop. Foot loose in fellowship, maybe ask young people to help us, so it’s not just another workshop – but more fun. Libby ”voluntold” Kristy to be head of this workshop.
C. Archives
• Jake – not in attendance, gave Libby report
a) Next month he should have exciting archival information for us.
D. H&I
• As Libby mentioned previously, Bob had to step down as our H&I Liaison.
No report to give. Christine volunteered to handle this month for us, need volunteer going forward.
E. Grapevine
• Dean gave report
a) April gave report in SAGSC meeting, all same, everything going well with Grapevine at the moment. If you want Grapevine represented at your event or meeting, reach out to April.
b) The Monthly Grapevine committee meeting is the last Friday of every month at 6pm at central office
c) Libby also passed out a flyer about Grapevine new book that has been put out – “Our Great Responsibility.”
F. Hotline
• Janey not here.
a) Libby gave a brief report. She believes the only month we need covered is August. Nobody volunteered. Libby said she will probably volunteer Jake since he’s not here and he has previously mentioned he would always step up as a back-up if needed.
H. Accessibilities (Diana):
• Libby pointed out that we need new Liaisons for both PI/CPC and Accessibilities and also noted that reports from Area committees for both were just given in the SAGSC meeting
I. Finance (Marty)
• Marty not here, Libby gave report.
a) Some work done by the Finance committee since our last meeting. They had first writing of the proposed new guidelines, Libby reviewed and made some suggestions to the committee. They should be able to have that ready to go over at our next meeting and we will do that at a Boulder City meeting because to do it now after SAGSC would be cruel and unusual punishment
b) For those that don’t know, D1 has guidelines for how we run our meeting and that is all housed on our D1 website along with past meeting minutes, flyers, etc. When Rick gets your email and contact details, he will add you to D1 group and send you minutes, information, etc. In that information, we realized there was a gap in our finance guidelines for what happen when we switch over years/commitments, so the guidelines the finance committee is writing and that we are discussing now are being done to address that gap.
J. Intergroup.
• Caroline gave report – see below for full report.
a) When Caroline was discussing trouble the 12th Step list is having with volunteers, Marita asked if Las Vegas has tried going to all DCM’s and getting them to find a few volunteers? Having a personal request can make a big difference in getting people involved.
V. Traditions & Concepts
• Diana gave tradition 7 summary.
• Lou gave concept 7 summary
• Rick will do concept 8 at our next district meeting.
VI. Old Business:
A. Were supposed to get work on and get together a list of young people’s meetings. It worked ? We have Chyna and Amy here. Asked Chyna and Amy if they had any questions. They do not at this point – today has been brain overload for all!
B. Did anyone come back with any workshop ideas, other than Kristy’ dance idea? No… Obviously we need some liaisons, please think about this and ask around for volunteers.
VII. New Business:
A. Our next meeting will be August 11th at the Lost & Found in Boulder City.
VIII. Motion to close made, seconded, and carried
A. Closed with responsibility pledge & meeting ended at 4:28 pm