I. Introductions & Formalities
A. Libby passed out available SAGSC contribution receipts
B. 18 people in attendance (attendance sheet distributed to capture names and email for attendees and give everyone chance to make sure they are on mailing list to receive meeting minutes).
C. Libby welcomed everyone to the first District One Meeting of Panel 69. Libby introduced herself as our new DCM and noted that we have both new and returning faces this panel. Libby ensured all had her contact details and encouraged questions.
D. Meeting officially called to order with citation of the “Serenity Prayer”.
E. Libby read the “GSR Preamble”
F. In Attendance: Dana, Chris, Sherri, Louis, Kevin, Janey, Marty B., Liz, Christine, Ralph, Caroline, Paul, Dean, Doug, Diana, David, Libby, Rick.
II. Minutes
A. Other than addition of December treasury notes, meeting minutes from December approved
III. Treasurer & DCM Report
A. Treasurer’s Report (Marty)
· Beginning balance of $1,603.72 in checking. Contributions of $197.33. Expenses of $46.00. Ending balance of $1,755.05
B. DCM Report
· Point of information from Libby
a) Usually the area assembly is held in March, however this year the Area Assembly is in April, so our March district meeting will be in Boulder City and then April’s district meeting will be at the Area Assembly. To reiterate, Second Sunday in March we will meeting in Boulder City at the Lost & Found Meeting and April’s district meeting will be held (as usual) in the blue room on the Saturday of the Area Assembly in Tonopah in April.
C. Alternate DCM
· Diana is our Alt DCM and introduced herself
· She will have slot on agenda next month to give official ADCM report. She is, “happy to be here and following Libby’s lead.”
D. Quickly went around the room for everyone to give an introduction.
IV. Committee Reports:
A. Picnic
· Rick gave report
· Not much of a report to give yet, group noted later during discussion to make sure I contact grapevine and archives very early on to get on schedule with them so we can have their respective tables at the picnic).
B. Workshops
· Joan not in attendance, Libby gave report from email she received from Joan
· Joan is looking at doing workshop in Spring (April/March) on making 12th step calls. Maybe as speaker we can get the bridging the gap people/committees involved in doing that.
C. Archives
· Jake gave report
· Archives committee hasn’t had a committee meeting since the last district meeting; will have more info next meeting.
· Libby has request – she would like to offer up as a mission for the Archives that we develop and distribute a form to all new meetings. The form would be filled out by new groups and then distributed to us so we can pass around the message of new groups. Libby will create and send the form to Jake.
· Jake asked anyone that has grapevines from 2016, 2017 & 2018 to please bring them in as contributions for the Archives.
D. H&I
· Lou gave report for Bob (not in attendance)
· There has not been an H&I Committee meeting yet since last district meeting. Will have report next meeting
E. Grapevine
· Dean gave report
· Grapevine doing well, April, new chair, anytime group needs grapevine table there, contact her. Meet every last Friday of month at central office.
F. Hotline
· Janey gave report.
· No meeting since last district meeting. Will have more info next meeting, but Janey did note that the hotline is always in need of volunteers. If anyone is looking for a service commitment, let Janey know and she will connect you to get set up with a hotline slot. She also has District One Hotline Coverage List for our group hotline commitment. Please note we need July – November covered. Janey distributed sheet during meeting for more volunteer sign-ups.
· Diana gave report.
· We will be needing the PI co-chair position covered. PI/CPC Standing meeting will be held tomorrow (Mon, Jan 15th) at 4:30pm just before the Intergroup meeting. Diana noted that the meeting does need bi-lingual support. Other than that, everything is going fine.
H. Intergroup
· It was noted that Ralph needed to remove himself from the Intergroup position and we need someone to stand for the position. Libby referred to pre-meeting discussion with Caroline and that she would stand for position. Pending Caroline formally accepting, group was fine with this.
I. Accessibilities (Diana): see report above. (pull additional notes from SAGSC)
V. Traditions & Concepts
A. This will be a new standing monthly agenda item for us. In the goal of expanding our collective service knowledge and ensuring our focus is always on unity, recovery, and service – at each meeting we will have one person from the group to read and share about one of our twelve traditions and another person to read and share about one of our twelve concepts.
· Diana read and gave summary on Tradition One: “Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon A.A. unity.”
· Jake read and gave summary on Concept One: “Final responsibility and ultimate authority for A.A. world services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship.”
VI. Old Business: No old business to discuss
VII. New Business:
A. Chili Cook Off
· An annual multi-district event, because someone from our district won the cook off last year, we have the honor of hosting it this year.
· Need to find location, create flyers, pick date, spread information across valley, pick judges, maybe a little/simple workshop to bring in service so event is more than just chili.
· We need to set up a chili committee to run this.
· Chili-cook off needs to happen in March
a) Libby will work with Joan on committee and organization
b) Claudia suggested making theme & workshop topic: “the concept of unity”
c) Discussed possible locations and prefer Horizon/Greenway or Valle Verde/Wigwam locations.
d) Tentative working date is March 23rd1-3pm
VIII. Motion to close carried and passed
A. Closed with responsibility pledge