District 1 Minutes November 2017
Joan opened the meeting at 3:00 PM (Sunday November 12, at the T.I.E. Club) with the serenity prayer. Liz took minutes.
Attendance: Kathleen, Bobby, Joan, Claudia, Betty, Jake and Liz.
I. Minutes: There was a motion to approve the September 2017 meeting minutes. The minutes were approved.
II. Treasurer’s Report (Erin): Erin was absent but Joan read the report Erin sent in, which follows:
Checking Account:
- Checking Balance (as of 9/9/17)* = $1131.43
- Contributions/Deposits + $ 607.70
- 1739.13
- Less Expenses –$ 962.43
- Current Checking Balance $ 776.70
Savings Account:
- Savings Balance (as of 9/9/17)* $ 503.76
- Interest Earned + $ 0.04
- Current Savings Balance $ 503.80
Balance reconciled with Wells Fargo Account summaries on 11/3/17 (details upon request).
*No meeting in October due to picnic.
Picnic Contributions: Expenses**:
- $89 – 7th Tradition Food $223.33
- $10 (Coffee can) Ice $ 10.46
- $26 (Food can) $233.79
- $130 Total
** Still awaiting receipts from some people, so final picnic total will change.
III. Committee Reports
A. Picnic (Kerri): Absent, no report.
B. Workshops (Kathleen): The spirituality workshop was great! We are in the hole from it, but Erin will report on that at the next meeting. The next workshop will be a Sunday in April, assuming Kathleen can get off work on a Sunday. That workshop will be on Rule 62. There will be a speaker. We need fun ideas, games, etc., to make it fun but not the same as a picnic. Claudia suggested AA Jeopardy. Should food be a potluck? We might pair with another district, possibly District 9, to share expenses and bring in more people. Jake will reach out to Vicky (District 9 DCM) on this, because Kathleen has tried but had trouble connecting with her.
C. Archives (Kristy): Absent, no report.
D. H&I (Steve): Steve has to step down from this position. He was absent, but Joan read his report, which follows:
H and I report – November 2017
- Income: $3197.25
- Expenses: $3055.00
- New balance: $4543.34
- Daily Reflections best donation for the month @ $381.
- Roundup table needs help for the weekend. setup Thanksgiving Day 12 noon. (Call Christy D.)
- Lisa L. New chair of WeCare mtgs.
- Desert Hope wants to add a new meeting on Sundays. Call Gary
- Rawson N. needs help. Call Eugene TB test necessary.
- Salvation Army ARC: needs coverage First Saturday of month covered. Call Kelly C.
- Hope for Prisoners. Saturday mornings 12 noon. (CANCELLED)
- Recovery high school has 20 students now. Meetings CHANGED TO WED 3:30. Call Debbie.
- LVYPAA.. 7pm Tuesday nights Solutions … Needs Help ( Call Juan. No phone number available)
- GSR:: Intergroup needs contributions..
- Next H and I Mtg.. Tuesday Nov. 21st, 6pm Central Office..
- Thank you for letting me be of Service!
E. Grapevine (Liz): Liz could not make the meeting, but had Grapevines to distribute.
F. Hotline (Bobby): Claudia will do our District one first Monday shift in December. Bobby says the Saturday shift is doing well, due to groups pitching in one slot per month (If 12 people in a group sign up then it is only one shift per person per year!). Please encourage your groups to do this. New groups should put a point person in touch with Bobby. He can go through directions over the phone in about 15 minutes and that person can pass on to group members.
G. PI/CPC (Janey): Absent, no report.
H. Intergroup (Jake): No report today. Dee has gone to the last few meetings, but Jake will be able to start going again after his other commitment ends.
I. Accessibilities (Barbie): Absent, no report.
IV. Old Business
A. Group Outreach (Joan): Joan has been reaching out to groups that donate to SAGSC. She identifies the groups via donation receipts, which she hand-delivers to the group at its meeting. She participates in the meeting and during announcements makes her pitch…..Don’t you want to know where your money is going? Come join us and find out! Please let Joan know of any new groups that you are aware of.
V. New Business
A. District One proposal for a PRAASA discussion topic (Joan): Joan’s idea for a PRAASA discussion topic is the creation of an APP that would list all meetings that participate in general service. This APP would be convenient for all alcoholics looking for the information, would encourage groups to participate in and donate to general service organizations and would be more user-friendly for young people. This user-friendliness for younger AAs fits in well with (PRAASA program chair) Marita’s theme for PRAASA: AA for All Generations. Marita will come to our next District 1 meeting to help us understand the process and procedures we must follow in order to formally make this proposal.