District 1 Minutes December 10 2017
Attendance: Joan R., Bette B., Kristy M.,Dean H., Kathy B., Marita R., Jake S., Janey, Mattie M., Libby G., Bobby B., Beth B., Liz F.
Joan opened the meeting on 12/10/17 with the serenity prayer at 10:15 AM at Lost and Found in Boulder City. Liz took minutes.
I. Minutes: The November minutes were approved.
II. Treasurer’s Report (Erin): Erin was unable to attend but she sent the following report:
Checking Account:
- Checking Account Balance as of 11/12/17 $776.70
- Contributions/Deposits + $ 274.26
- $1050.96
- Less Expenses – $ 92.22
- Balance as of 12/8/17 $ 958.74
Pending Deposit $210.82 – not included in current checking account balance.
Savings Account:
- Savings Account Balance as of 11/12/17 $503.80
- Interest Earned + $ 0.03
- Current Balance $503.83
Balances reconciled with Wells Fargo Account summaries on 12/8/17 (details available upon request).
11/4/2017 11th Step Workshop Figures:
- Attendance: 30
- 7th Tradition: $46
- Rent: $27 ($0.90 per person x 30)
- Coffee $6.00 ($3 per pot x 2)
- Pizza: $42.22
- Net: -$29.2
III. Committee Reports
A. Picnic (Kerri): Absent. No report.
B. Workshops (Kathleen): There is no new news.
C. Archives (Kristy): Kristy has been unable to attend Archives meetings.
D. H&I (Steve): Steve had to step down from this position. Mattie volunteered to take the position and she will be the new H&I Liaison!!
E. Grapevine (Liz): There was no November Grapevine meeting so Liz has nothing to report.
F. Hotline (Bobby): Rock Solid Step Study will be taking on a monthly hotline commitment, beginning in January. Marita’s group may also sign up. Our District voted unanimously to renew our 1st Monday 8PM to 8AM hotline commitment. Libby passed around the sign-up sheet. Anyone can go to the Intergroup meeting (2nd Monday 6:30 PM at Central Office) to get instructions on how to do a hotline shift.
G. PI/CPC (Janey): Janey was unable to attend the last meeting but, as of the prior month’s meeting, all events were well staffed and doctors requested literature. Please ask your groups to get involved – PI/CPC always needs help! The PI/CPC meeting is 4:30 PM, the 2nd Monday at Central Office.
H. Intergroup (Jake): PRAASA will be March 2 – 4, 2018, in Sparks, NV. The Gratitude Meeting at Our Meeting Place on the day before Thanksgiving raised $204 for Central Office. The Vegas River Roundup Sober Fun Bus will be on January 13, 2018. There is limited seating and the price is $45. Bus trip to the 2018 River Roundup (1/13/18). Contact Leslie@vegassoberfunbus.com to get involved. Sign up on line (or ask Ken K. at LVSILVERSTREAK@GMAIL.COM) to get the Las Vegas Silver Streak for free! It is theKen K. is in charge of the Las Vegas Silver Streak. Ken is happy to make fliers or ads for your event and the cutoff is the 25th for the following month’s publication. There is a new feature called “Meeting in the Spotlight,” and the first one is about the meeting First Brew. The Intergroup meeting is held at 6 PM on the second Monday at Central Office.
I. Accessibilities (Barbie): Absent. Bobby will speak to her about whether she will be continuing in this position.
IV. Old Business
A. District One Proposal (Joan): Joan will email us a rough draft of the proposal tonight. We should present this to our groups and get feedback to discuss at our January District One meeting.
V. New Business
A. Marita R. (Panel 49 (1999-2000) delegate from Area 05 (Southern California)) presents the process of taking a group’s suggestion and turning it into a proposal that might make it all the way to the General Service Conference:
The GSR brings its group’s idea to the District meeting. Then all GSR’s from the District bring the idea back to their groups for discussion, and then bring their group’s thoughts on the idea back to the District. If the District decides to go ahead with the idea, the DCM for that District brings it to their Area Committee meeting at SAGSC. If approved by SAGSC, it would go on the Area agenda for discussion at Tonopah. If approved by the Area, then the Area Delegate sends a request for the idea to be placed on the GSC (General Service Conference) agenda. The GSC coordinator (a staff member at GSO) sends it to the appropriate Trustee’s Committee for discussion. “Hot Topics” (= topics with a lot of emotion attached) tend to be dropped. If the Trustee’s Committee gives the go-ahead, the idea is put on the agenda for the next year’s GSC and the Delegate can put it on the Roundtable agenda and/or Tonopah agenda (as he or she sees fit). The Delegate can present feedback from Roundtable/Tonopah discussions at the GSC when the idea comes up for discussion there. The idea is voted on at the GSC. If it is not voted down, it becomes an Advisory Action (given the green light to be acted upon) or an Additional Consideration (tabled for further discussion). The Advisory Actions and Additional Considerations are outlined in the final GSC report. Staff members at GSO implement the Advisory Actions.