District One meeting Saturday, September 9th Tonopah Nevada
Joan opened the meeting at 12:13 PM with the serenity prayer and Pizza. 11 members in attendance Pam, Kathleen, Irene, Kerri, Dee, Kristy, Libby, Janey, Joan, Gary, and Jake. There was a motion to approve the August meeting minutes, the minutes were approved.
Dee gave the treasurer’s report. Current checking balance $1,300.99 and savings account balance $503.76. All balances in report are reconciled with Wells Fargo account summaries.
Kerri gave the picnic report. The grapevine Committee will not be available to set up a table at the picnic this year. They have offered us to be able to set up a table ourselves if someone is willing to get the literature and bring it. Kerri will be asking Caroline if she would like to have a table for PI/CPC. Carrie got the picnic inventory left over last year from Libby. We are still looking for volunteers and someone to bring the music. The DJ has been canceled. She is also looking for donations of conference approved literature for raffle prizes.
Kathleen reported on workshops. The next workshop will be November 4th on the 11th step. This workshop is listed on the Area 42 website and the Las Vegas Cental Offfice website and the flyer will be printed in next month’s silver streak. The Workshop will be at the GVG from 2 PM to 4 PM. The workshop will start with a five minute meditation and there will be pizza as well as a pot luck. The next workshop is tentatively scheduled for April 1 with a topic of rule 62.
Kristy reported for the Archives. There was no archives committee meeting last month.
District One is still committed to doing the Hotline shift from 8 PM to 8 AM the first Monday of every month. Joan did the shift in September. Pam will take it in October and Dee volunteered for November.
Janey reported for PI. The PI Committee is doing very well. They are still doing their monthly events. They are coming up on their busy season and are always looking for volunteers and group liaisons. They meet the second Monday of every month at 4:30 PMright before the Intergroup meeting.
Jake reported for Intergroup. Jack F The central office manager unfortunately had a stroke this month. He is currently at Valley Hospital. Gary saw him right before Tonopah and said he seems to be doing very well. Central office had 412 information calls and 73 12 step calls. The website averaged 172 hits per day or 5332 for the month. Jake will not be at the intergroup meeting for the next 2 months because he is the coach of his sons baseball team that plays every Monday. Dee our alternate intergroup Liason has volunteered to cover these meetings. Thanks Dee!
Old business. The hosting of the area 42 assembly went very well. Thank you very much to all of the volunteers. We received lots of compliments about the food selection. All of the meetings were covered. The basket was passed and all of the expenses were met first try.
New business. There was a discussion of carrying The message of the importance of having a GSR for your group and the importance of general service. This will always be a never ending job. Joan will be working on putting together a plan to try and visit some of the groups that are listed as active on our roster, but do not show up for district meetings.