Pam called the meeting to order at 3:15pm. Irene took minutes.

I. MINUTES: Minutes from the April District One meeting were approved.

 II. TREASURER’S REPORT : Erin was absent so there was no report


A. Picnic (Kerri): Kerri booked the DJ – same guy from last year.  Speaker is booked. Claudia has some supplies in her garage.  Kari has a list of the items that were purchased in 2016 and she will use that as her guide for shopping.  Barbie asked if we were going to do a raffle again.  By the next meeting she will figure out whether or not GVG Daily Reflections will put together another gift basket.

B. Workshop (Amber): Amber filled in for Kathleen, the next workshop will be July 22 2-4pm Safety in AA.  They need the funding for the $30 up front and  $25 on the day of the event. It was brought up that the Serenity Club is having an event that day it was asked if we could change the day. There was discussion on the calendar.

Barbie made a motion for the workshop chair to look into options for alternate dates for this workshop since it conflicts with another one. This motion passed unanimously.

Amber must step down as the Alternate Workshop Chair.  It came up in discussion that Claudia might be interested in doing it. Barbie made a motion to make Claudia the Alt. Workshop Chair, motion passed unanimously. However, Joan later reminded us that we can’t elect someone who is not present, so the matter will be addressed at a subsequent meeting.

C. Archives (Kristy): Absent

D. H&I. (Janey): All meetings going well for hospitals.  The number of meetings for institutions growing. Volunteers still needed – See Steve.

Approved $100 – $150 quarterly for Workshop Expenses.  Meeting Coordinator for Salvation Army Women’s Meeting is needed.  See Steve.

Nov 10-12 is a National Corrections Conference In Saint Louis – H&I approved expense to send Alan $750 – $800.

H & I Workshop July 22 1:30pm at the Serenity Club.

E. Grapevine (Liz): Absent

F. Hotline(Bobby): Due to some great support, we filled a lot of open positions on the hotline.  It’s a great way for your group to get into service.  Some people try it and fall in love with it.

Discussion followed on different options for shifts and how to serve the hotline.  Bobbie will send someone the link to the current information about how to handle the calls.

G. PI/CPC (Janey): Well represented at monthly events which are as follows:

2nd Tuesday 12pm-2 Care Coalition

2nd Saturday 10am-12pm Giving Project

3rd Wednesday 11:30am – 1pm Pact Coalition

3rd Wed 8:30am Nevada Homeless Alliance

3rd Thursday 9:00am-10:30 Mayor’s Faith initiative

They’ve been passing out business cards to be invited to different events.

May 5th there was a table at the Cinco de Mayo event

May 24th 9am-11 Senior Health Fair at Centennial Hills YMCA

H. Intergroup (Jake):  

May 2017: Phone: 821 info calls, Hotline: 2123, 12 step: 72


Website: 198 per day. 6138 total for month

April. 2017: Phone: Info calls 931, Hotline 1597, 12 Step 63

Hotline: 162

Website: 181 per day. 5430 total for month

(She has the silver streak if you’d like to subscribe)

Founders Day is set for June 10. Tickets are $5 and Dee has them.

We had discussion about the difference between AA and non-AA –

GSO an AA function and an AA meeting are different –  if you are having a function that hosting place must be paid for.

I. Accessibilities: nothing to report


A. Steve researched the cost of renting a Van for PRAASA – it would be approximately $87 per person but it’s too early to make any reservation.

All other old business tabled.


 A. District One proposal to SAGSC for PRAASA funding (Marita):

Marita said that the best ideas come from the groups and then move forward.  At the SAGSC meeting, as she was hearing about sending money to GSO, she had the idea: We (Area 42) are getting the opportunity to host PRASSA.  We have 11 DCM’s in the south, we have 8 Standing Committee Chairs, 2 Trainers = 21 people. The hotel for PRASSA is very inexpensive. She would like District One to propose that SAGSC spend $100 per person (= $2100 total) for all of these people to attend PRASSA + .37 in mileage $1296 for a total of $4196. None of these people can go to a group to fund this – she picked one night because each one should be encouraged to buddy up with another.  The reason for the mileage is that each car could be loaded with GSR’s to head up there.   This would be a one-time only event.  Have the proposal say that the total is not to exceed $4196.   There will be volunteers needed and it would be really great if we could help the north with this great responsibility.

There was some discussion on the proposal.  At the last PRASSA there were several DCMs that were not able to attend due to financial hardship on the group (on the District?).

The motion is that District One propose to SAGAC that SAGSC fund, for one time only PRASSA 2018 and in an amount not to exceed $4200: one night hotel and mileage per Guidelines for each of 11 DCM’s in the south, 8 Standing Committee Chairs and 2 Trainers (21 people total).

Marita will write up the proposal.

The proposal will need to be done prior to July (when the finance committee meets).

 B. Barbie: would like Pam be our next DCM, she’s learning well.

District 1 Minutes May 2017