Attendance: Erin F. (Treasurer), Kerri L. (Picnic Chair & Workshop Alternate), Dee H. (GSR Precisely How Group, Alt Treasurer), Kathleen B. (Workshop Chair, GSR Wed Women’s Big Book Study), Pam L. (Alt DCM, GSR Henderson Closed Group), Irene P. (GSR Searchlight Group), Randy J., Steve G. (Alt GSR Daily Reflections@GVG 10 AM, H&I Liaison), Kristy M. (GSR Monday Night Smell the Roses, Archives Chair), Barbie (GSR Daily Reflections@GVG 10 AM ), Libby (GSR Friday Night Stepping Out, Area 42 Webmaster), Bobby D. (GSR First Brew @ Meeting Place 7AM, Hotline Liaison), Joan R. (DCM), Liz F. (GSR Rock Solid Step Study, Secretary).
I. Minutes: June minutes were approved.
II. Treasurer’s Report (Erin): Bal checking $1016.45, Savings Balance $503.72. Finance Committee to meet August 7. I will give Joan the checkbook. Dee will do the treasurer’s report in Tonopah.
III. Committee Reports
A. Picnic (Kerri): Have not gotten numbers on big ticket items yet. Libby will give Kerri inventory of the supplies that she has. Dee noticed that the picnic is not on the website yet. Can perhaps get it on the website by announcing speaker(s). Libby will do a flyer and Kerri will get it into Silver Streak.
Regarding the FREE raffle basket of approved AA literature: Barbie’s group will likely NOT be able to donate it. Pam suggested that everyone ask their group to donate one item (of approved AA literature) for the basket. Regarding the 50/50 raffle basket: There was discussion as to whether we should also do this basket. Kristy made a motion to do both baskets at the picnic. This motion passed, but further discussion raised the concern that (since the picnic will already be hectic) it might be too confusing to have two different types of raffles (free and not free) at the same time. Pam made a motion that through the year 2018 there be no 50/50 raffles at workshops. This motion passed.
B. Reports Workshops (Kathleen): The July 22 workshop is all set & we have flyer. We have some speakers and we are getting more. Will print out Rhonda’s safety thing. The November 4 workshop has not location yet. Kathleen will start looking for a free location. November workshop is on Step 11 and will start with a 10 minute meditation. The first 2018 workshop will be on Rule 62! Will try to do it Sunday April 1. Pam: The Triangle Club has Sundays open. There is no special member rate for workshops.
C. Archives (Kristy): I went to the Area 42 Archives meeting on June 17. We were able to get a lot of items filed. But there is a lot to do. We need binders. Please donate! I am available to help with Archives at your home group if you like.
D. H&I (Steve): Last month we collected the most in donations EVER (over $4000). Our new balance is $6100. The workshop July 22 will have a great speaker! H&I is going into the recovery high school. We need young people with some time to go in. Will investigate the new Spring Mountain treatment center on Rainbow. The VA meeting is on Sunday. Is it open or closed? We really need help so please spread the word and have people contact Steve.
E. Grapevine (Liz): Liz couldn’t make the meeting so no report.
F. Hotline (Bobby): Slots are filling up better, due to groups sponsoring slots. There is a new problem: lots of new people don’t know the rules. New people need to read the rules & then ask Bobby is they have questions.
G. PI/CPC (Janey): Janey absent, no report.
H. Intergroup (Jake): The next Intergroup meeting is tomorrow. The report is the same as the SAGSC Intergroup report (Kelly M.): For the month ending May 30th, 2017, Jack F. reported that Central Office took in 432 information calls and the Hotline received 1,856 information calls. Central Office received 52 twelve-step calls and the Hotline received 183 twelve-step calls. The website experienced an average of 183 hits per day and a total of approximately 5,800 visits for the month of June. See SACSC minutes for the rest of the Intergroup report.
I. Accessibilities (Barbie): Nothing new but will make it a point to have something new to report next time!!
IV. Old Business
A. District One proposal to SAGSC for PRAASA funding: A vote at the SAGSC meeting determined that SAGSC will provide $7500 (funds permitting) for DCMs, GSRs, trainers, and Area officers not otherwise funded (@ $150 per person up to about 50 people) to attend PRAASA 2018. See SAGSC July minutes for more details.
B. Recording District One Meetings: Since no full names are used, anonymity will not be compromised. Pam made a motion that District One meetings be audio recorded for more accurate meeting minutes. The motion passed.
C. Picnic Budget (Erin): Although we pass the basket at the picnic, we don’t get expenses back. Past treasurer’s spread sheets and past minutes show that expenses will likely be around $1000: AAA Production will be $450 and food will be about $400. We already made a deposit for the location and they roll it over. Money is tight so if there are any other large expenses that anyone knows about regarding the picnic, please let Erin know.
V. New Business
A. District One Hosting Fall Assembly (Joan): District One volunteered to host the Fall Assembly. This means we will host/lead three meetings (2 morning and 1 evening) and provide and serve snacks for the Assembly. Do we want to do GV Jeopardy for one of the meetings? Concepts play? We need coolers. Can everyone bring any coolers they are planning to donate to the August District One meeting? For snacks, we will purchase them and be reimbursed. Pam and Irene will meet Joan at COSTCO for purchasing and Pam and Irene will transport snacks to Tonopah. Everyone needs to pitch in beforehand and during the assembly. Joan will send out a volunteer sheet.