I.                Minutes:  approved

II.              Treasurer’s Report (Tom):
Checking account balance as of 8/14/16, $1799.28.  Expenses since last report $1577.06.  The expenses include Tonopah ($519.23), the picnic ($940.83), and PO box rent ($67).  Contributions since last report, $574.10.  Leaving a balance of $796.32.

Savings account balance as of 8/14/16, $503.49.  Interest earned since last report $.06, leaving a current balance of $503.55.

Balances reconciled to Wells Fargo online account summaries.

Details available upon request.

III.            Committee Reports:

A.               Picnic (Dee): DJ did a great job. He did kids games and so we gave him extra 50 dollars. We need extra ice chests for next year.

B.               Workshops (Libby): Had final workshop of the year last weekend. It was small and awesome. Of all of them it was my favorite. You wouldn’t think a workshop on the 8th and 9th step would be so interesting but people asked a lot of good questions. Thank you for letting me be your Workshop Chair and I think we did a lot of creative projects. We are the first to create a Concepts Play, for instance.

C.              Archives (open):

D.             H&I (Kathleen): H and I meeting , Sept 20, 2016, 3rd Tues of month at 6 pm, WestCare Detox needs help with their panels. Salvation Army, men needed, 2nd and third Thursday of the month, call Tom P. VA Med- southwest clinic still looking for veterans only meeting call Fred S. Salvation Army men’s vets, need people Fri. and Sun-Tom P.  Corrections: CCDC women’s tower needs help. McClure Corrections need help. Anyone that has been cleared, please step up. You are required to get the TB tests on your own. One coordinator needed for Jean. Casa Grande Transitional – Thursday night 8 – 9 pm, needs help Please see Kathleen for phone numbers.

E.                Grapevine (Joan): I set up and supervised the Grapevine table at the picnic. Passed out issues of the October Grapevine.

F.                Hotline (Bobby):  Libby gave report. Pam is doing November and Claudia is doing December. We do first Monday 8 pm to 8 am shift. Looking for January volunteer.

G.               PI/CPC (open):  Need a liaison. Come to the PI/CPC meeting at Second Monday of the Month at 4 or 4:30 pm at Central Office.

H.               Intergroup (open): Tish’s schedule changed, so the position is open again.

I.                 Accessibilities (Barbie): Went in September. Needs to check with libraries to see what they have for the hearing impaired. The website does have audio downloads for people with vision problems. Making the Grapevine in Large Print is cost prohibitive, but if you buy the digital version you can zoom in to make the fonts larger. Convoy of Hope on Bonanza later this week.

IV.            Old Business

A.               Guidelines Committee: discussed and approved

V.             New Business

Ten minutes for problems/questions/concerns: Ask It Basket?


District 1 Minutes November 2016


Steve G. Daily Reflections GSR Kathleen B. H&I Rep/Weds. Wms. BB GSR
Dee H. Alt. Picnic Chair/Precisely How GSR Amber HUGS GSR
Tom W. Treasurer/Beer 30 GSR Hallie L. Tues Night Green Valley Grp GSR
Michael R Fri Night Men’s Stag GSR Cherie CPC Chair
Beth D. Fri Night Stepping Out GSR Gary S. First Brew GSR
Kristy M. Smell the Roses GSR Barbara B. GVG Daily Reflections GSR
Pam L. Henderson Closed Grp GSR Claudia B. District One DCM
Liz F. Rock Solid Step Study GSR Joan R. Secretary/BC Basic GSR
Libby G. Workshop Chair