
I.                Minutes:  approved

II.              Treasurer’s Report (Tom):  current balance in checking $1674.55 savings $503.51. Also wrote three checks and gave out 50 cash for GSR who needed travel funds.

III.            Committee Reports

A.             Picnic (Bridget): Dee reporting for Bridget. She broke her collarbone. We need volunteers to bring coolers and set up and tear down. Come see Dee if you want to help set up and tear down. Jake works Saturdays, so Joan will bring the Grapevine table and the Big Book. Barbie says her group has a basket to give away and a clown company for a children’s activity. Libby has four raffle donations, Tom will donate a Chip clock, and Libby and Janie will coordinate the grilling. Joan will pick up key and podium.

B.             Workshops (Libby): Thank you to everybody who helped with the last workshop. Next workshop “Sweet Amends” have the audience ask the different questions and have an Ask It Basket. We are still looking for a location. Most likely will be St. Timothy’s and will try to have it on a Sunday afternoon. New Lost and Found meeting room might work too. Joan will check and get back to Libby.

C.              Archives (open):

D.             H&I (Kathleen): will go to next meeting and will report back.

E.              Grapevine (Joan): Next workshop will be at the TIE Club on Sept. 24 from 1:30 – 3:30 pm. Grapevine published a new book on the Traditions.

F.              Hotline (open):  Bobby will be our new liaison for the Hotline. District 1 still has the first Monday of each month,  8 pm – 8 am. We need a Tuesday captain. The volunteers are there and all you need to do is call them to remind them.

G.             PI/CPC (open):  Cherie is the CPC Chair for SAGSC, we have a new chair Tim and co-chair for PI. Today Tim is at the Henderson Suicide Prevention walk and Lynn is heading up a table at an event in Pahrump. PI/CPC looking for group reps to cover events near the group. Henderson is having their National Night Out in October and we will need coverage.

H.             Intergroup (open): Tish from the Henderson Closed Group volunteered be our Intergroup rep. Also, group conscience decided to not have a meeting in October.

I.               Accessibilities (open): Barbie will be our accessibilities rep.

IV.            Old Business

A.             Guidelines  Committee:  We will review the guidelines and discuss as the main topic of our next district meeting after the SAGSC meeting. We will not have committee reports unless there is an urgent topic.district-1-meeting-minutes-september-2016

V.             New Business

Ten minutes for problems/questions/concerns: Ask It Basket?


Joan R. BC Basic GSR/Dist. 1 Sec. Hallie L. Tuesday Night Green Valley Group GSR
Bobby D. First Brew GSR Barbie B. Daily Reflections 10 am GVG GSR
Dee H. Precisely How GSR/Picnic Jake SAGSC Grapevine Chair
Jacque J. Sunrise 7 am GVG GSR Michael R. Fri. Night Men’s Stag GSR
Janey P. Tues. Henderson Open GSR Tom W. Beer 30 GSR/Dist 1 Treas.
Cherie M. SAGSC CPC Chair Amanda C. Steps to Freedom GSR
Libby G. Workshop Chair/ Area Web Irene P. Searchlight GSR
Erin F. Women In Recovery GSR Pam L. Henderson Closed Grp. GSR
Amber W. HUGS Alt. GSR Kathleen HUGS GSR/H&I Rep.
Claudia B. Dist. 1 DCM