MEETING MINUTES – DISTRICT 1 – August 14, 2016
Meeting was opened with Serenity Prayer and Preamble.
Introductions and welcome to new GSRs.
- Minutes: Moved, seconded and voted to accept Minutes of July 2016.
- Treasurer’s Report (Tom): Checking account balance as of 7/10/16 was $1,648.96.
Expenses since last report $0.00. Contributions: $150.23. Current balance: $1,799.28
III. Committee Reports
- Picnic (Bridget): Date and time: October 8, 2016; 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Broadbent Park in Boulder City. Discussed the following:
- Shopping: Tom and Bridget will meet at Smart & Final at Eastern and St. Rose Parkway on Friday, Oct. 7, 4:30.
- Key: Joan will pick up key from Town Hall on Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016.
- Podium: Delivery and pick-up. Due to the fire, may or may not be able to get the podium. Kathy (speaker) has asked to speak outside. Set-up will be inside. Will discuss on day of picnic.
- Raffle prizes: please wrap. Each of us needs to ask our home group to donate a prize.
- Raffle tickets: need a volunteer to distribute. Everyone attending picnic will be given one ticket. Discussion regarding specialty tickets; whether to sell for $1.00. Gifts will be kept AA related.
- Face Painter: Torrie is face painter and will be present from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.
- Bounce-house: no bounce-house this year due to insurance issue.
- DJ will bring extra toys and games. Barbie will contact friend who does clown and balloon entertainment.
- Big Book: Jake will get.
- Make sure Big Book is signed: Jake
- Sobriety Countdown: Jake
- Speaker Gift and Card: Bridget
- Grill Cooks; Set up Grill: Libby will recruit
- Coolers for Meat: various members will bring coolers.
- Coolers for Soda: 11 cases of sodas and water need to be in coolers.
- Ice – 80 pounds: Tom
- Two (2) Donation Cans: we have
- One Donation Basket for meeting: we have
- Extension cords: need two (2). We have
- Cake: ½ sheet cake to say, “Thank You from District One”: Tom
- Food: covered dish. Everyone to bring a dish. Announce at home group.
- Coffee set-up:
- Coffee urn: Libby
- Clean-up: all volunteered.
Co-chair needed for next year’s picnic. Claudia will send email to all members to ask for volunteers. Many members of this committee do not come to meetings.
- Workshops (Libby): Fourth Step Workshop, Saturday, August 20, 2016 at GVG in Henderson, NV. Libby had flyers available to distribute to our groups.
- Claudia, Tom and Joan will speak
- Tom will get snacks
- Barbie and Jake will cover for Libby
- Members bring snack of some sort and announce workshop to group.
Next workshop: “Sweet Amends” sometime in November
- Archives (open): Discussed duties of Archivest.
- H&I (Jim F.): absent
- Grapevine (Jake for Joan): Jake reported that Grapevine is doing well. Grapevine workshop will be held Sept. 24, from 1:30 – 3:30 pm at the T.A.I. club. All members please announce to your groups.
- Hotline: Ted is dearly missed by all. He was passionate for AA and especially the Hotline.
District One Commitment: first Monday of every month from 8:00 pm – 8:00 am.
- September: Tom
- October: Jake
- November: Pam
- December: Claudia
- PI/CPC (open):
- Intergroup (open):
- Accessibilities (open):
Claudia announced that elections are coming in December and please give thought to open positions.
- Old Business
- AA Service Manual: Kerri had to leave early.
- Guidelines Committee Report: Claudia will distribute in Tonopah; will vote at that time. Claudia will send an email to remind us all of this.
- New Business
Tonopah Expenses: 1) Each GSR’s group; 2) District $75; 3) SAG $75; 4) Area 42 $50.
Problems/questions/concerns; Ask It Basket
October District One Meeting: location will be next to the Courthouse.
Claudia B.
Barbara B.
Jacque J.
Libby G.
Kristy M.
Jake S.
Tom W.
Bridget A.
Barbie B.
Michael R.
Janey P.
Pam L.