I.               Minutes:  approved

II.              Treasurer’s Report (Tom): see printed report

III.            Committee Reports

A.             Picnic (Ted Alternate): going as planned

B.             Workshops (Libby):  August Workshop to be at GVG – Libby to call to confirm date, November – group asked if one of the two workshops can be on a Sunday – Libby will look into setting Nov for Sunday

C.              Archives (open):  Claudia donated to Area Archives a binder that was found in Boulder City that was dated from 1994, had elections info and GSR welcome,

D.             H&I (open):  Jim F. has volunteered to do H&I for district

E.              Grapevine (Jake): Jake filled in for Joan, May 21 will be a Grapevine Workshop at Triangle Club, 2 to 3:30, will cover how to write and submit an article & other materials, talked about Arbor Cards,

Motion: District One to form an Arbor Card team.

Motion: Passed – Joan “volunteered” to organize a district team.

F.              Hotline (Ted):  3 spots open 1) 5th week Sunday 8pm to 8am, 2) 5th week Monday 8pm to 8am, 3) 1st Monday 4pm to 8pm, Hot line meeting held 2nd Monday 6:30 at Central Office

G.             PI/CPC (open): Tony M. may volunteer has to check with home, meetings are 4:30 2nd Monday, discussion of purpose of Green can

H.             Intergroup (open): May have a volunteer – 2nd Monday at 6pm at central office

I.               Special Needs (open): a.k.a. Accessibility – 2nd Monday at 7pm


IV.            Old Business

A.             AA Service Manual Ch. 9  (Kerri) Group decided to table for this meeting as trustee at large covered a lot of the chapter

B.             Guidelines – started reviewing document – got partially through the first page. Libby will do rewrite and send to Claudia after fixes are in to save time for the whole group.

V.             New Business

Request for secretary to add Serenity Prayer as 1st item on agenda (so we remember)

Request to DCM and/or secretary to add district meeting location and time on reminder emails

Discussion next time about how to handle a situation where people are talking about non-AA controversial or offensive topics in the meeting room before the meeting starts.

Kerri L. Lost and Found GSR Jake S. Grapevine Chair
Ruthie Boulder City Basic Alt. GSR Pam L. 51 Club GSR
Dee H. Precisely How GSR Jim F. GSR
Hallie Tuesday Night Green Valley Erin F. Women in Recovery GSR
Tony M. Smell the Roses GSR Tom W. Beer 30 GSR & Treasurer
Joni S. Beer 30 Alt. GSR Jacque J. GVG Sunrise District 1 Meeting Minutes April 2016Group
Ted G. ADCM & Stepping Out Friday GSR Irene P. Searchlight GSR
Janey P. Tuesday Night Henderson GSR Cherie M. CPC Chair
Kathleen B. Hugs GSR Claudia B. DCM/Boulder City Group
Libby G. Workshop Chair