District 1 Meeting Minutes February 2016

I.               Minutes:  approved

II.              Treasurer’s Report (Tom): see printed report

III.            Committee Reports

A.             Picnic (Bridget): Ted will contact Bridget and ask about park reservation.

B.             Workshops (Libby): Chili Cook-off Feb 27. Flyers are out there and ask anyone who is attend to bring extension cords and power strips. Will have the play and everything else is organized. We have GVG set up for August workshop for any Saturday afternoon, but no date decided yet. Will ask St. Tims again for August workshop.

C.              Archives (open): no report

D.             H&I (open): no report

E.              Grapevine (Joan): February 26 is next meeting. Grapevine going well, but did not have new issues at last meeting. Started women’s Grapevine noon 315 Utah, Boulder City, NV (Claudia’s House)

F.              Hotline (Ted):  Hotline doing well. Ted is Tuesday Captain and rep for District One. Fifth Sunday and Fifth Monday 8 pm to 8 am are the only two open shifts. Dist. 1 has agreed to do Hotline commitment on 1st Monday 8 – 8. Need a rep for March. Libby will take that shift. Hotline committee meets at Central Office on the Second Monday at 6:30 pm. New hotline volunteers will need to take a brief training. Contact Ted for more details 702-335-5455.

G.             PI/CPC (open): no report

H.             Intergroup (open): no report

I.               Special Needs (open): no report


IV.            Old Business

A.             AA Service Manual Ch. 8 Barbara. General Service Conference delegates are assigned to one committee and they meet in their committees at the beginning of the Conference and then present their reports to the rest of the conference. The Committees are made up of half first year and half second year Delegates. Each Delegate gets a packet of background information before the Conference. Committees are:  Agenda, Cooperation with the Professional Community, Corrections, Finance, Grapevine, Literature, Policy and Admissions, Public Information, Report and Charter, Treatment/Special Needs-Accessibilities, Trustees. Secondary committees: International Conventions/Regional Forums, Archives.
Presentation for Chapter 9: Kerri will present.

B.             Group Discussion: Next month talk about openings. Do not have to be a GSR to fulfill commitment. H& I Committee 3rd Tuesday 6 pm is a good way to get an overview of Hospitals and Institutions activity in the valley.

V.             New Business

A.             Ten minutes for problems/questions/concerns: Ask It Basket? Talk about Committees, next month, Archives.

Libby G. Workshop Chair Ted G. Alt. DCM/Stepping Out GSR
Tony  Smell the Roses GSR Tom W. Treasurer/Beer 30 GSR
Barbara B. Alt. Sec./Rock Solid GSR Jacque J. 7am Sunrise GVG GSR
Kerri S. Lost and Found GSR Gwen Visitor/ Lost &Found
Jane P. Tues Henderson GSR Joan R. Secretary/BC Group GSR