Bridging the Gap needs contacts to reply to correspondence. If you participate in this activity you cannot enter facilities on a panel. Contact: Lenny 702 577 7988
WestCare Detox has a new meeting beginning November 1 2015 at noon contact: Marvin 702 502 9633
Desert Hope needs help on panels 2nd & 4th Thursdays Contact Kelly 702 769 5614
Silver Rock new panels for 2nd & 4th Wednesdays; 1st & 3rd Thursdays 7pm contact: Dan 702 806 4751
CCDC some meetings resumed contact Christy 702 281 5406
Southern Desert Prison needs Spanish speaking panel members contact:Hank 917 373 7898
All AA volunteers must be cleared to go to any of the correctional facilities
contact information H & I Committee: Chair Matt 714 318 4564 Secretary Christy 702 281 5406 Treasurer L C 916 479 3485 Institutions Ben 702 245 6952 Hospitals Beth 702 813 9944 Bridging the Gap Lenny 702 577 7988 H & I workshop Nina 702 335 9108 Literature Nick 805 895 4494 Co Chair Nina 702 335 9108 Spanish groups Alejandro 702 417 1669
yours in fellowship; Tony S 702 271 9027