Minutes: approved


Treasurer’s Report (Tom): Balance as of 7/12/15 $1,079.83, Collections/deposits $321. Payments $41.03. Balance as of 8/8/15 $1,359.80. Savings 7/12/15 $503.22, interest $.02, total ending balance $503.24

  1. Tom presenting a summary report, will provide details if requested.
  2. Recommendation to include group contributions on report.


Committee Reports:

  1. Picnic – Ted gave report for Bridget,
    1. Will need to coordinate with getting a district bank card with paying for picnic supplies in October.
    2. Looking for volunteers for face painting, bouncy castles and for cooking.

Advised GSR’s to tell their groups to have volunteers show up at 10am.

Workshops – Libby

  1. Have not heard from Allyson at District 13, will reach out

Archives – No report

H&I – Tony

  1. Most recent report is on District One website
  2. Next HI meeting is August 18th

H&I Workshop is coming but no date yet

Contact info for corrections forms Sandy 702-409-8648 or Tom 702-375-7465

Grapevine – No report

Hotline – 5 spots to fill for hotline, shift is 1 time per month for either 4 or 8 hours

District 1 hotline volunteer for next month is Janey P.

Hotline contacts Bobby 702-493-8529 or Claudia 702-493-9694

PI/CPC – Emailed report

Participated in National Night Out – covered 8 locations

Need alternate for District One

Need co-chairs for PI/CPC – meeting at 4pm at Central Office Monday 8/10

Intergroup – No report

Verna will follow up with Kariene to see if she plans on attending District meetings and wants to do the service. (I spoke with Kariene last week and she said she will step down as Intergroup rep and she thanks the group for the opportunity to serve—Joan).

Special Needs – Verna

Working on contacting assisted living for meetings

Darryl is contact for arranging for rides

Can get committee contact info from Central Office website


Old Business

AA Service Manual Ch. 4 Discussion led by Jacque J. – Chapter focused on what is the Area, how it is determined, and related details, conference structure, delegate-DCM-GSR, world-wide organization, Assembly is defined as a meeting of GSR and committee members, each area determines how many assemblies to have, described eligibility to vote, no standard fellowship procedures for all areas – each makes its own, once an AA group has registered with GSO they can vote in area business, two types of assemblies 1) elections; 2) Sharing Sessions; described election assemblies, usually before November, Areas also usually have archives, newsletters, bulletins, some have conventions, It is possible to form a new area but is a very involved formal process, also can change regional boundaries which is again a very involved formal process.

Tom will do September Service Manual Chapter 5 for September.


Group Discussion: How to handle predators in meetings – Example provided and discussion followed, banning someone from AA is a death sentence, meeting in example told predator to only attend men’s meeting, having under-aged women involved makes it more complicated – could be considered statuary rape, Things to do: group to talk to them, GSR to talk to him, if happens at club house can report person to club owner who can have police ban the person, let police do police work, go back to the traditions.


Claudia B. DCM Ted G. ADCM/Hotmail/Fri Stepping Out GSR
Jane P. Tues Henderson GSR Libby G. Workshop Chair
Tony S. H&I Liaison Tom W. Treasurer/Beer 30 GSR
Morgana J. Steps to Freedom GSR Jim F. Daily Reflections GSR
Verna W. Principles before Personalities GSR Julie G. Tues. Robindale GSR
Nanette A. Beer 30 Alt GSR Jacque J. Sunrise Group GSR
Jake L. Sunrise Group Alt. GSR Tom H. Searchlight Group GSR