Serenity Prayer followed by the reading of the GSR preamble. Introductions.
I. Minutes (Joan): approved
II. Treasurer’s Report (Tom): Handed out activity reports 4/20 changed over Claudia and Tom both on account. Wells Fargo not charging us monthly fee after all. Savings account is interest bearing we earned .02 cents interest! Payments made to Picnic Chair, DCM, and a few GSRs. Both accounts in black, and please see Tom’s report for details.
III. Committee Reports
A. Picnic (Bridget): Gave Tom bill $450 for DJ. Libby in process of making up flayer will be ready soon. Will pay for Bouncy House online. Will get acct number from Tom.
B. Workshops (Libby): Set for June 20 at Central Office: Unity how AA got started and survive in Nevada will send me email of flyer to get on Dist. 1 website and on Area Website. Send to Central Office as well. Ted cost of room is 20 percent of 7th trad. Still waiting on date for workshop for 3rd legacy w/ unnamed district? (Ask Paula maybe? Dist. 9)
C. Archives (Dee): Absent
D. H&I (Tony): Absent: Submitted report: H & I Committee Meeting April 21 2015
H & I steering committee formed to facilitate processing applications of individuals joining panels of jails and prisons. Point of contact is Sandy 702 409 8648. Sandy provides applications and assistance for completing applications and will follow up on applications’ progress. She maintains listing of jails and prisons who need panel members to assist in submission of application to these facilities. GSR’s should refer interested group members to Sandy for assistance in application process and information on requirements and expected processing times.
Panels needed to visit assisted living facilities. Contact Darryl B. 702 416 0284
The following need new panel members: Salvation Army (women) contact Kelly K 702 769 5614; Rawson-Neal Psychiatric Hosp. new meetings Monday, Thursday, Saturday all 7pm contact Eugene W 702 488 7332;?Salvation Army (men) Tom 702 499 9395.
E. Grapevine (Joan): Grapevine writing workshop District 13 host at Triangle Club 4600 S. Nellis, Saturday June 27 2 – 3:30 pm.
F. Hotline (Ted): Have 8 open spots right now. We are taking a Monday 8 -8 shift. Julie will take the July shift. Cherie requests that if you get an early request from a professional organization please take a message and get info to Cherie or Jack at Central Office. Need 5th week shifts covered.
G. PI/CPC (Cherie): We have a liaison Kathleen and Vonda as alternate. Kathleen has been active but we need a lot more help. Delivering literature to senior centers and libraries. Need people available to restock literature. If you have time during the week to make a presentation at a facility, please let Cherie know. We need help with pretty much everything that AA does. Will have green cans to collect additional donations at meetings to fund literature, table registration, transportation and other expenses. We donate everything. Libraries, facilities and employers do not pay. If someone is available on a certain day, Cherie can tell you what needs to be done on that day. Libby suggests a matrix of tasks and times for potential volunteers. Also, make a list of locations in District 1 that need volunteers. Julie requests that Cherie come to present to her group.
H. Intergroup (Kariene): Missed most recent meeting but went to the one last month. AA Economics: $2 versus $1 for donations. Has a list of meetings on the Strip. Cross out meetings at the Riviera. Founders Day June 6th 7 am -5 pm Christ Church 2000 S. Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas. Contact Billy to get on 12 Step List 702-493-8529 Or Daryl for Special Needs 702-416-0284. Area Archivist Rhonda has group history forms. On the 3rd Saturdays at 1 pm at Central Office she works on archives and can use some help.
Roundup will be held at Westgate, which used to be Hilton across the street from where the Riviera used to be. Will still be on Thanksgiving weekend. Room price $49 on Thurs $65 on Fri
& Sat, Sun $49 for extra $20 per night can upgrade to suite. Registration opens June 1st. Kelly 702-354-4620. Roundup committee meeting last Sunday of the month at 4 pm TIE Club.
I. Special Needs (Verna): Absent
IV. Old Business
A. AA Service Manual Ch. 2 Discussion led by Ted G.: tabled until next
B. District One Guidelines discussion postponed until June meeting.
V. New Business
A. Ten minutes for problems/questions/concerns: Ask It Basket?
Should we send out receipts to groups or not?
B. Julian’s 50th Birthday party: May 25 1 -4 pm Broadbent Park. Everyone invited. Please bring a dish to pass and a folding/camp chair.
Close with responsibility pledge
For those in attendance – thank you for your service!
Libby G. | Workshop Chair | Joan R. | Secretary/ Lost &Found GSR |
Bridget A. | Picnic Chair/Precisely How GSR | ||
Ted G. | Alt. DCM | ||
Kariene R. | Intergroup Rep. | ||
Jacque J. | Sunrise GVG 7 am GSR | ||
Tom W. | Treasurer/Beer 30 GSR | ||
Barbara B. | Rock Solid Step Study GSR | ||
Jane P. | Tues. Open Discussion Henderson |