April 12, 2015 at Lost and Found
I. Minutes — Approved
II. Treasurer’s Report – Vonda stepping down will meet with Claudia and Tom a week from now to switch over account. Tom is stepping in as new Treasurer. We will need a new alternate Treasurer; election to be held at May meeting.
III. Committee Reports
A. PI/CPC (Kathleen) — unable to attend, Cherie reports. PI/CPC needs volunteers to help. Need new PI Chair: Meeting Second Monday of month at 4:30 before Intergroup meeting. Cherie bringing Big Books and 12 x 12 Green Valley Library and Palo Verde, working on Heritage Senior Center on Racetrack. The committee donated to Pahrump and District 17 may fund a subscription for the Pahrump library. CPC is making a presentation to Valley Electric. AA.org has a newsletter To the Professional and videos for HR, Legal and Health. Cherie 702-366-5736 cmatisse@hotmail.com Contact Cherie if interested in assisting with tables and presentations.
B. Picnic (Ted) — everything is set up will wait to shop a few days before, Will send out flyer as soon as Bridget finalizes speaker.
C. Workshops (Libby) – June 20 Saturday 2 -4 Legacy of Unity. Archives will be involved. Will have fliers available by May meeting and bring extras for SAGSC.
D. Archives (Dee) – absent. Libby has a bunch of District One archival material in the garage. Audrey suggests that we bring up role of our District Archivist as it relates to the Area archivist. Hallie Tuesday Night Green Valley Group is celebrating 20 years and has its own archives. Should we bring it to Rhonda or to the District? Libby, do we want to make copies? Maybe we should make copies and scan to website? Set up a workday when groups can bring in their archives and we can organize them for the District and then give the originals to Rhonda. Audrey says Rhonda wants everyone to keep their records in a binder so they can turn it in to archives when your tenure is over. Tom, I am concerned that we will have a lot of duplicates and extra work. Audrey we should table this discussion until the archivist is present.
E. H&I (Tony) – H& I is doing well, but we need help on the Corrections side and a steering committee is forming to help volunteers get through the process to get approval to get into the prisons. On Third Tuesday at Central Office will have April 21, 6 pm will have an updated report with contact information. Also working on getting Grapevine into prison libraries. Audrey GSR’s should strongly encourage their groups to get an H&I rep in order to bring info back to our groups. Cherie points out that if group is small, then the Intergroup rep can bring info back from all of the committees including H& I and Grapevine.
F. Grapevine (Joan) – Grapevine delivery to Central Office still delayed. Grapevine meeting changed to fourth Friday at 6 pm
G. Hotline (Ted) – Cherie is District One’s hotline volunteer for May. If you have a group with at least six people you can do a hotline twice a year, or twelve can do a volunteer shift once a year. A lot of 8 pm to 8 am shifts open. Must have a year or more service. Claudia create a scarcity to appeal to group. Audrey, Women in Recovery group and Hallie, Tuesday Night Green Valley both are taking a monthly commitment. Ted G. 702-335-5455.
H. Intergroup (Kariene) – absent (Cherie) The Gratitude Ball will be next Saturday, April 18. Founders Day is Saturday, June 13 place to be determined. Roundup is looking for new location.
IV. Old Business
A. Discussion: AA Service Manual Ch. 1 lead by Barbara B.: Includes the Forward as well. Assembly helped to understand the difference between Delegate and Trustee by meeting Mike and Joel. Chapter 1 includes long form of Traditions and helps understand the story of how they developed. When Dr. Bob died, they realized the founders cannot do all on their own, that the Service structure needs to provide stability to keep AA running after the deaths of its founders and old timers. Bill wanted AA to be safe even from himself. In Chapter 1, I learned that we do not have bosses. The General Service is meant to help new meetings get started and to keep the literature in print. The individual groups carry the message. The groups are the top of the inverted pyramid and all of the other servants report to the groups. All committees affect AA as a whole. There must be constant communication between all elements of the structure. The Delegate. The “Sense of the Assembly” is really important and the Delegate brings our group conscience to the General Service Conference in New York.
Each Delegate and each Trustee serves on a committee. Mike is on Report and Charter and Joel is on the CPC/ Special Needs committee.
We may not need General Service for our own personal recovery but we need it for the alcoholic still stumbling in the darkness a block away from a meeting.
Elections procedure, two thirds majority “going to the hat”
Ted will present on Chapter 2 at May meeting
V. New Business
A. Ten minutes for problems/questions/concerns:
Tom W. attended a meeting where the format requested that no one text during the meeting, but does including that in the format alienate those who feel singled out. Ted says that he’s been in a group where someone was asked to leave. Cherie says that a newcomer took pictures of a celebrity attending a meeting and posted it on Facebook so anonymity is an issue with cell phone use in the meeting. Jim mentions that we have lady that knits, so where do you draw the line. Tony, you can’t exclude anyone who has a desire to stop drinking. Some people’s shares annoy me too, but they have a right to be there. Claudia, each group is autonomous, so any group can decide their own format.
B. Claudia – wants to establish District guidelines so we will look over District 13’s guidelines as an example and discuss at the next meeting.
Close with responsibility pledge
For those in attendance – thank you for your service!
Barbara B.
Alt. Sec/ GSR Rock Solid
Cherie M.
CPC Chair
Ted G.
Alt. DCM/ GSR Stepping Out Fri Night
Hallie L.
GSR Tuesday Night Green Valley
Claudia B.
DCM District One
Audrey S.
GSR Women in Recovery
Tony S.
H & I Liaison District One
Joan R.
Secretary/ GSR Lost & Found
Jim F.
GSR GVG Daily Reflections
Tom W.
Treasurer/GSR Beer 30
Jacque J.
GSR Sunrise Group
Libby G.
Area Web Master/ Dist1 Workshop Chair