H & I Committee Meeting April 21 2015
H & I steering committee formed to facilitate processing applications of individuals joining panels of jails and prisons. Point of contact is Sandy 702 409 8648.
Sandy provides applications,assistance in completion of applications and will provide status of application during application process.
Sandy maintains listing of jails and prisons who need panel members to assist in submission of application to these facilities.
GSR’s should refer interested group members to Sandy for assistance in application process and information on requirements and expected processing times.
Panels being formed to visit assisted living facilities. Darryl B. 702 416 0284 is contact for anyone wishing to join one of these panels.
The following need new panel members:
Salvation Army (women) contact Kelly K 702 769 5614
Rawson-Neal Psychiatric Hosp. new meetings Monday,Thursday,Saturday all 7pm contact Eugene W 702 488 7332
Salvation Army (men) Tom 702 499 9395
yours in fellowship Tony S 702 271 9027