MEETING MINUTES      DISTRICT 1 –                   March 28, 2015

I.               February Minutes – Approved

II.              Treasurer’s Report (Vonda): As of Feb 1,2015 District 1 had a balance of $1,364.09 Deposit was made 2/12/2015 in the amount of $381.22 leaving a balance of $1,745.31. check was given to Claudia in the amount of $480 for PRAASA.  We had first workshop in March with room rental in the amount of $30.00, check to Libby $63.14. Another deposit in the amount of $89.80. With ending balance as of 3/26/15 of $1261.97. We had contributions for the month of Feb;

A.             Lost & Found-$126.22

B.             Searchlight Wed-$100.00

C.              Claudia B. -$25.00

D.             Herald C. – $60.00

E.              Promise Seekers-$40.00

F.              Steps to Freedom-$5.00

G.             3/26/15 Contribution from Searchlight Group-$50.00

As of 4/6, unless we change account to new account $14 charge. As long as we have 1000 in the account. Consensus on change the bank account. Deadline as of 4/6. Vonda and Tom will investigate alternatives. Jake: we may need to register with the Secretary of State in order to maintain our non-profit status.

III.            Committee Reports

A.             Picnic (Bridgette) DJ, Bouncy House, Grapevine table all booked. Picnic will on October 10th at Broadbent Park. Holding off on flyers to find out about bubbles or other children’s activity.

B.             Workshops (Libby) Workshop went well. Tried to approach sponsorship from all different directions. Finding one, being one, and what group June 20 Central Office Legacy of Unity get with Rhonda and Archives. Cherie: possible conflict w/ district 7 workshop? Libby says 6/20 is the only time Jack had the meeting room available at Central Office. October workshop no date set yet.

C.              Archives: New volunteer: Dee H. from the Precisely How Group. Congratulations and thank you for your willingness to be of service.

D.             H&I (Jake): H&I doing well on Institution side but need help with Corrections side. Need people. Formed a steering committee they will help people who want to sign up for H&I to get through the process. Third Tuesday at Central office 6 pm

E.              Grapevine (Joan): Grapevine working with H&I committee to collect old grapevines to bring into institutions. Will send out flyer to our list. If you could please collect old issues and bring them to the next meeting I will bring them to Central Office.

F.              Hotline (Ted): District one took a commitment to do first Monday night 8 to 8 . We have nine spots open (in addition to that shift). Julie’s group is taking a shift and she is acting as a liaison. We had a lot of great interest. You can do it one time or you can do it many times. Ted a couple of Saturday shifts open. Ted has paperwork to sign up for hotline.

G.             PI/CPC (Vonda): Would like to be alternate with Kathleen as the main representative. Unanimous approval. Cherie: Russ the PI chair is extremely ill. Mayor’s Faith Initiative Workshop part of the Addictions workshop. July 11 will have table. Recovery rally. Ask Cherie to send her report. Kathleen did a great job with student organization of student professionals dropped off literature at behavioral health in Laughlin. Russ interviewed by Zappos. Article on alcoholism in the in-house newsletter. Upcoming: PTA annual convention April 25th. Alan V. will step in to help. Literature to all middle and high schools, demand is way beyond our budget. PI budget is already gone. Want to do add a green can. Libraries: BB 12×12 Grapevine. Marita: Ask GSO for literature if demand for specific projects is high especially if bringing literature to professionals.

H.             Intergroup (Kariene): Not present.

I.               Special Needs (Verna): Red Rock assisted living, bringing BB looking for old grapevines. Need volunteers we have the whole area to cover. We have split up the alphabet to call these places, and it s a cold call but some don’t want us. We give out Hotline number if they don’t want literature. Please announce at your groups.


IV.            Old Business

V.             New Business

A.             District One Website — should we keep the meeting schedule? Any other changes you would like to see? Please take a look at so we can discuss changes to the website in March meeting:

B.             Ideas for monthly meeting to include a discussion topic of a piece of literature. Choose a piece of literature. Will do the first chapter of the Service Manual Barbara will present at April meeting. Will move PI report to first item

C.              Ten minutes for problems/questions/concerns: Ask It Basket? Pads and pencils for sharing issues


Next meeting at Boulder City Lost and Found April 12th 10:15 am


Close with responsibility pledge

For those in attendance – thank you for your service!

Claudia B DCM Julie G. GSR GVG Tues Night Robindale
Joan R. Secretary/GSR Lost & Found Barbara B. GSR Rock Solid Group
Vonda A. Treasurer/GSR HUGS Ted G. Alt. DCM/Stepping Out
Kathleen B. PI/CPC liaison/ Alt GSR HUGS Libby G. Area Web/Dist. 1Workshop
Jake S. SAGSC Grapevine Chair Cherie M. CPC Chair/Alt H&I
Jacque J. GSR GVG Sunrise Tom W. GSR Beer 30
Bridget A. Picnic Chair/GSR Precisely How Joni S. Alt GSR Beer 30
Dee H. Alt GSR Precisely How Melodie R. GSR Boulder City Group
Marita R. Past Delegate Julian R. Past Trustee
Verna W. SNAC/Alt GSR Principles Before Personalities Group

Dstrict 1 Meeting Minutes March 2015