District Meeting Lost and Found, Boulder City, NV 10:15 AM February 8, 2015
Serenity Prayer followed by the reading of the GSR preamble.
I. Minutes: Approved
II. Treasurer’s Report
Vonda did not have a report for this month; will give a full report next month. Being new, Vonda is working on getting the checking account signatures in place and clearing up questions she has on last month’s report.
Discussion question: difference between contribution and donation. Contribution, generally, comes from a group; donation, generally, comes from an individual. How do groups contribute to District Treasury?
Question regarding expenses for Tonopah. Financial help can be requested from District 1 ($50); SAGSC ($75); Area 42 ($50). Individual groups, if financially able, support each GSR’s attendance at Tonopah.
III. Committee Reports
A. Picnic: Brigit
Picnic scheduled for October 10, 2015, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Reminder that gifts are needed for the raffle. Last year we did not have enough gifts. We should ask our groups to contribute a gift. We’d like to have a face-painter if possible.
B. Workshops: Libby
Suggestions for three workshops: 1) Recovery, 2) Unity and 3) Service.
Recovery: March 21 was selected as the date. Will include speakers and question panel—focus for newcomers and the value of sponsors, including service sponsorship—have handouts. Location: suggest one of the clubhouses (they attract newcomers).
Unity: June 13 or June 20. June suggested having it follow Founders Day. Suggest topic should be singleness of purpose as a result of the lessons learned through AA history. Do this with another District and/or Archives. Location: the other district’s location or Central Office to include the archives room.
Service: (“Service in Action”) October 11 suggested and discussed. Idea is to invite people to 10:15 meeting to watch service in action. For this year, make it inside the group and district; next year make it outside the group and district. Have group and district service level speakers and question panel. Location: Lost & Found Group? May be too small.
C. Archives: Position Open
D. H&I: Tony
New Meetings:
Monday, 7:00 pm, Salvation Army – women only (Kelly, 702-769-5614)
Wednesday, 7:00 pm – Boxwood House (Bill S, 702-807-7729)
Friday, 7:00 pm – Catholic Churches (Jim R. 702-415-4814)
Friday, 6:00 pm (change): now open to all, no requirement to be a vet.
(Tom T., 702-499-9395)
Sunday, 6:00 pm, We Care (women only). (Joan M. 702-876-55260)
Discontinued: Men’s meeting, Salvation Army, 7:00 pm
Clark County Detention Center:
Men’s panels are on hold.
Women’s panels are resuming.
For clearance, contact Matt, 714-318-4564.
H&I Workshop: 2/28/2015
Christ’s Church Episcopal
200 S. Maryland Parkway
Henderson, NV 89104
8:00 – 3:00 pm
Breakfast and lunch served.
Contact Nina, 702-335-9108 or Dave M., 702-300-1969
In the future, Tony will post all this information on the District One website.
E. Grapevine: Jake
Grapevine members meet second Friday of the month at 6:00 pm at Central Office. Service Festival scheduled for 2/15/2015. Grapevine is an important tool for some people who don’t have many meetings. Visit the Grapevine website for a quote of the day.
F. Hotline: Ted
Needs shift covered first Monday of each month, from 8:00 pm – 8:00 am. A group can take a commitment—once a month, once a year. Contact Hotline Chair Billy, 702-493-8529.
G. PI/CPC: Vonda/Cherie
Committee meets 2nd Monday of month at Central Office, before Inter-group Meeting. Upcoming events: Psych Association, 2/14 weekend. So. Area 42 sponsoring Service Festival on 2/15. Various company human resource personnel are reaching out to AA.
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
A. District One Website Preliminary discussion suggests that the AA Meeting list be removed from the www.districtone-nv.org but the group will examine the website and discuss further changes needed at March meeting.
For those in attendance – thank you for your service!
Jorge | Claudia B. | DCM | |
Jaqcue J. | Pat L. | Smell the Roses | |
Barbara B. | Alt. Secretary/Rock Solid SS | Jake S. | Grapevine Chair |
Bridget A. | Picnic Chair/Precisely How | Audrey S. | |
Melodie R. | Boulder City Group | Julie G. | Tuesday Night Green V. |
Tom W. | Alt. Treasurer/Beer 30 | Kathleen B. | HUGS |
Jane P. | Tuesday Henderson | Libby G. | Workshop Chair |
Ted G. | Alt. DCM | Suzanne G. | First Brew |
Dean H. | Tea Time | Vonda A. | Treasurer/HUGS |