I.               Serenity Prayer followed by the reading of the GSR preamble.

II.              Introductions of all attending

III.            Minutes : December 2014 approved

IV.           Treasurer’s Report : Approved

V.             Committee Reports

A.             Picnic: Bridget A.: Date set 10/10/15 and Broadbent Park reserved. Precisely How Group will help with picnic. Will be looking into more entertainment for children. Libby has supplies from last picnic. Ted will cook.

B.             Workshops: Libby: Recommend 3 workshops on Each of 3 Legacies Start w/ Tools of Recovery, then Unity and Service. Will get dates set and put together committee and meetings

C.              Archives: Larry: No report.

D.             H&I: Tony: Meets 3rd Tues of Month, H& I workshop 2/28 Episcopal Church. 8 am to 3 pm breakfast contact Nina 702-335-9108 Dave M. 702-300-1969, New coordinator for LV Rescue Mission Dan S. 702-806-4751 Tues 6 pm meetings. Two new meetings: We Care Mondays and Thursdays 6:30 pm contact Joan 702-876-5526 (women only). Wed 7 pm at Indian Springs Boot Camp contact David M 702-300-1969 (women and men). Fridays 7 pm Three Lakes Valley Conservation Camp 1st & 2nd Fridays contact David M 702-300-1969.

E.              Grapevine: Joan: Sold 3 older titles to Tom W. (I owe Tom 2 dollars).

F.              Hotline: Ted: District One voted to take the first Monday 8 pm to 8 am shift of each month. Sign-up sheet sent around the room.

G.             PIC/CPC: Vonda – Absent

H.             Intergroup: Kariene elected to post

VI.            Old Business

A.             Positions filled: Kathleen, Alt. PIC/CPC liaison. Janie, Alt. Workshop chair. Cherie M., Alt. H&I liaison, Ted G., Alt Picnic Chair, Hallie, Alt. Archives liaison

VII.          New Business

A.             Agenda Items for 2015 General Conference – Claudia will email items to everyone on email list ASAP, by March 1, 2015 at latest.

B.             Libby suggested we invite Delegate Mike M. to District One’s February meeting to explain the Agenda process.


VIII.         Close with Responsibility Pledge

IX.            For those in attendance – thank you for your service!

Joan R. Lost &Found/Sec./Grapevine Steve G Wed. Night Big Book
Tom W. Beer 30/Alt. Treasurer Suzanne G. First Brew
Pat L. Smell the Roses Kathleen B. HUGS/Alt. PIC/CPC
Kariene R. Intergroup Larry P. First Brew/Archives
Bridget A. Precisely How/Picnic Hallie L. Tues. GV Grp./Alt. Archives
Dee H. Precisely How Jake S. DCM Emeritus
Jane P. Tuesday Henderson Melodie R. Boulder City Group
Libby G. Workshop Chair (Area Web) Tony S. H & I Liaison
Cherie M. H & I Alt. Liaison Claudia B. DCM
Ted G. Alt. DCM/Hotline/Alt Picnic

Dstrict 1 Meeting Minutes January 2015