-Serenity Prayer followed by the reading of the GSR preamble.
I. May Minutes – Joan submitted to Lynn and Jake after May meeting. Some members did not get copies, but minutes were approved anyway.
II. Treasurer’s Report – Kariene provided copies of April and May Statements and reconciliation report. Treasurer’s report was approved.
III. Business
a) Picnic Chair – Libby – (Bridget co-chair): Jake will be speaker. Grapevine and Archives will be there. Arrangements made for DJ, Bubbles made. Still need a face painter and a bouncy house.
b) Summer Workshop –
Dave K. (682-552-7069) and Robert K. (702-772-3956) visited our meeting from District 15. Shannon is no longer DCM of District 15. Cherie (cmatisse@hotmail.com) went to meeting at TIE Club and they agreed on date and time:
August 16 from 2 pm to 4 pm. Kimberly, Kit and Claudia set as panel members. TIE Club will provide water and coffee. District 1 will bring pizza. Flyer will request that attendees bring side dishes.
Claudia will make a poster for the event.
c) PICPC –Claudia is stepping down as liaison. Debbie was unable to attend the district meeting. Cherie reports that PI/CPC has radio spots on several different stations, is planning on staging mock panels at Central Office, checking on Big Book at local libraries. They had a table at the Founders Day celebration.
d) Hotline – 14 slots open, please contact Ted Garry if interested and he will train you.
IV. New Business
a) Reaching out to home groups without an active GSR.
Still working on the welcome packet.
b) Hosting Fall Assembly
Jake has a list of everything we need to bring. District pays for food and Area will reimburse from the basket collections. Ted and Libby offered to deliver the food and supplies to Tonopah in their van.
c) Workshop request
Vonda asked District 1 to bring a panel or presentation to HUGS on the Traditions. Her group has a lot of questions about the Traditions.
d) Next meeting after 1:15 SAGSC meeting at TIE Club, July 13
In attendance –
Sherry H | Searchlight GSR | Vonda A | HUGS GSR |
Claudia B | Boulder City Group GSR | Jessica F | Rock Solid Step Study Alt GSR |
Libby G | Smell the Roses GSR | Tom W | Beer Thirty |
Ted G | Stepping Out Fri Night GSR | Greg | NAGL |
Kariene R | District 1 Treasurer | ||
Bridget Al | Precisely How GSR | ||
Sara G | Tues Night GV Group GSR | ||
Joan R | Lost and Found GSR |