-Serenity Prayer followed by the reading of the GSR preamble.
I. June Minutes – Approved.
II. Treasurer’s Report – Kariene out of town.
III. Business
a) Tonopah 9/5 – 9/7: District 1 will be managing the food tables. Jake and Libby will pick up and deliver the food. A sign-up sheet was passed for District 1 GSR’s to take a 2 hour shift to cover over the weekend. Please see Libby at August District 1 meeting to sign-up.
b) Picnic Chair – Libby – (Bridget co-chair): Working on reserving a bouncy house. Flyers will be available for the August District 1 meeting and Tonopah.
c) Summer Workshop – Anonymity and Social Media. August 16 from 2 pm to 4 pm, TIE Club.
TIE Club will provide water, coffee, chips, pizza and spaghetti. District 1 will bring pizza. Flyer will request that attendees bring side dishes. Waiting on cost to rent Club for this time. The flyer is complete and distributed during this meeting. Cherie is ordering the new anonymity pamphlets. Claudia will make a poster for the event.
d) PICPC – CPC webpage being updated. Need liaisons from Districts’ 11, 15, 17, 19. Scheduling conference calls with remote area Districts. Currently focusing on Senior Centers.
e) Hotline – 14 slots open, please contact Ted Garry if interested and he will train you.
f) H&I – Fred setting up meetings at the VA Hospital, both the Intensive Outpatient and Inpatient programs. Working on veterans and non-veterans participating in meetings.
g) Archives – Scott requests that any notes, event flyers from home groups are given to him.
IV. New Business
a) Reaching out to home groups without an active GSR.
Welcome packet should be ready by August.
b) Workshop request – Vonda asked District 1 to bring a panel or presentation to HUGS on the Traditions. Her group has a lot of questions about the Traditions.
c) Jake is the new Grapevine rep for Friday night men’s stag meeting.
d) Next meeting August 10th, 10:15am at The Lost and Found Club, Boulder City.
In attendance –
Lisa W | Alt. Treasurer | Vonda | HUGS GSR |
Jake | DCM | Tony | H&I Liaison |
Libby G | Smell the Roses GSR, et. al. | Lynn | Secretary |
Kathleen | HUGS | Greg | NAGL |
Larry | First Brew | Scott | Archives Liaison |
Cherie | Workshop Chair, PICPC liaison | ||
Dave | Dist. 15 workshop co-chair | Tim | DCM District 15 |