District 1 February Meeting Minutes 2.9.14

Serenity Prayer followed by GSR Preamble

I. Approve January Minutes – Approved.

II. Treasurers Report – Kariene created new format.  We are balanced and in the black!  To view report and/or bank statements contact Kariene. 

 III. Business:

Picnic Chair –LibbyWill discuss picnic in the Spring. 

 Workshop Chair – Cherie– Grapevine Workshop to be held with the Chili Cook-Off February 22, 2pm – 4pm. 

ACTION ITEMS:  Join us at 1:30pm to set-up and/or stay after to clean up!

§  Posters created yesterday, 2/8, successfully.

§  Please bring any donations of Grapevines directly to the Workshop February 22nd.

§  Will hold 50/50 raffle; 50% goes to the raffle winner and 50% to District. 

§  The District will combine this 50% and the funds raised from the donation can to pay for the cost of the church ($75).  Any remaining funds will be donated to the Central Office.

§  Agenda in process.  Speakers confirmed and will speak approximately 30 minutes after the chili tasting.

§  Awards announced after the speakers.

 PICPC – Claudia – Claudia not in attendance.  Cherie and Kimberly from District 5B have teamed up to hold meetings and are going to Tonopah together.  They will have a table at the H&I Workshop March 1st.

 H&I – Tony (Liaison) – H&I Workshop March 1st, Salvation Army at 2900 Palomino, 8am – 3pm.  Breakfast and lunch are available for small cost.  Workshop includes panels, speakers and a question and answer session.  H&I opportunities will be represented to sign up!

 ACTION ITEM:  Tony requests that GSR’s attend and bring at least 1 person from their home group along.

 Grapevine – LibbyACTION ITEM:  Please ask your Grapevine Rep to register on the Grapevine website http://www.aagrapevine.org/.

 Hotline –Billy, Hotline Chair and Claudia, 12 Step Chair, attended.  Billy brought information packets and trained the GSR’s that volunteered to take a shift on behalf of District 1.

*District 1’s shift is the first Monday of each month, 8pm – 8am.  Starts this month, 2/17.

 Tonopah Reminder to make reservations for Tonopah!  If a group cannot afford to send their GSR, funds are available as follows:  $50 from District 1 and Area 42 plus $75 from SAGS ($175 total).  Please speak with Jake.

·         Secretary to send out separate email regarding room and ride shares.  Irene can take 6 and Ted & Libby can take 5.

·         Jake joined the Assembly Question Committee and should know by February 15th or 16th when the questions will be distributed. 

 Lost and Found ClubJoan gave a key to the Lost and Found Club to Jake today.

 SOLD OUT:  District 1’s order of the 75th Edition of the Big Book – Jake is placing the order Friday.  Woo Hoo



District 1 website:  Irene added all of the District 1 meetings she could locate on a Google map and posted this on the website.  Check it out at https://districtone-nv.org/district-one-meetings/.

·         If anyone knows of new meetings or meetings that are no longer meeting, please inform Irene and/or Lynn.

 Tracking down GSR’s:  Jake will send several meetings that have identified GSR’s but we are unsure if the information is accurate/updated.  The ad hoc committee will attend the meetings, track down the GSR and review an information packet with them. 

·         Ad hoc committee:  Lisa, Greg, Irene, Kariene, Joan, Ted, Cherie, Lynn and Bridget. 

·         GSR info packet:  GSR pamphlet, information sheet for monthly meetings (directions, dates and times), group registration form and District 1 website information. 

o   The GSR pamphlet is $.08, available to order online at the AAWS website.

 Website education:  Jessica raised great point about AA websites’; search engines often list non-AA approved websites.  Please educate your groups to go to the “official” AA website (http://www.aa.org), the Las Vegas Central Office website (http://lvcentraloffice.org/), and District 1’s website (https://districtone-nv.org).


Donation to Lost and Found Club: Motion made and approved to contribute $5 out of the District 1 meetings’ 7th Tradition directly to the Lost and Found Club.  Money will be deposited in the safe beginning today.


§  Saturday, February 22nd, 2pm-4pm – Annual Chili Cook-Off and Grapevine Workshop (flyer attached).

§  Sunday, February 23rd, 1pm – Round Tables at the TIE Club

§  Saturday, March 1st, 8am-3pm – H&I Workshop at the Salvation Army on Palomino (flyer attached).

§  Friday, March 28th-Sunday, March 30th – Tonopah

 In attendance – A big THANK YOU for your service:  Jake, DCM; Irene, Alt DCM and Webmaster; Kariene, Treasurer; Lisa, Alt. Treasurer; Lynn S, Secretary; Tony, H&I Liaison; Cherie; PICPC Liaison; Diana, Thursday Night Sickos; Jason, Friday Night Men’s Group; Dean, Tea Time Group; Sheri, Searchlight; Libby, Smell the Roses; Ted, Stepping Out Friday Night; Jessica, Alt. GSR Rock Solid Group; Greg, Not a Glum Lot; Joan, Lost and Found; Mark, Lost and Found; Bridget, Precisely How Group.