June 9, 2013, District One Meeting Minutes – Lost n’ Found

 Present:     Jake, DCM                                                     Diana, Thursday Night Sickos

                      Debbie, Sat. Women in Recovery       Greg D. Not a Glum Lot

                      Tony, H &I Liaison                                      Scott, Set Us Free

                      Sherry, Searchlight                                   Bridget, Precisely How

                      Irene, Searchlight                                      Libby, Smell the Roses

                      Ted, Stepping Out                                     Jessica

                      Kateri                                                              Cherie


 Jake called the meeting to order at 10:20 a.m. and opened the meeting with a moment of silence and the Serenity Prayer followed by the reading of the GSR preamble.

 I.            May 19, 2013, Minutes – approved.  M/S/C

II.            Treasurer’s Report – reviewed and accepted.

III.            Business

a.       Picnic Chair – Libby is the new picnic chair.  She’ll solicit help from the group with the picnic as we near the date.  Jake will get supplies and the history book.

b.      Workshop Chair – Cherie reported that District 9 has not committed to the workshop yet, but she anticipates hearing from them soon.  As far as she knows, District 5B is still on board.  District 1 will conduct the workshop solo if the other two districts are not able to participate.  It was suggested that instead of just having three speakers talk about the “Three Legacies” that maybe we could have each speaker talk for 10 minutes (one for each legacy) then have three separate tables, one dedicated for each legacy that people can hold 30 minute discussions on the topics.  Group tabled the discussion until we hear from Districts 9 and 5B.  We’ll make decision at next District 1 meeting in July.

c.       PICPC – Cherie indicated that a few high schools were visited and will have more to report to group at July meeting

d.      H&I – Tony reported that meetings are held at Rawson-Neal Psychiatric Hospital every Saturday at 9:45 a.m. as well as a speaker meeting at Montevista Hospital on Sundays at 7:00 p.m.  Tony gave out contact names and phones numbers for both of these facilities.

e.      Grapevine – Ted stated that we still need people to work a 4 or 8-hour shift (overnight) and that training is given.  Volunteers only need a landline or a cell phone and all calls are forwarded to their numbers.  Also, you can volunteer to be on a committee and a committee person is responsible for transferring calls to an individual’s phone once district office is closed.

f.        Grapevine – Libby informed us that Friday, June 14th is next meeting.  She passed around fliers for distribution at our meetings.  Fliers provided information on what is found on the Grapevine website.

g.       Intergroup – pending

h.      Chili Cook-Off – District 1 willhost 2014 event.  Still need to determine if this will be an AA event (which would include a meeting and/or speaker) or a non-AA event (solely the activity). 

i.        Roundup – Larry was not in attendance to give report.  But it was stated that participation at the round up was very low last year (we didn’t meet our room block) and to announce it at our meetings.

j.        Ad hoc committee – Scott presented the group with District 1 Website Guidelines.  The group reviewed and the only comment was on the anonymity of the domain name registration.  Irene will try to change name of the registrant to a fake name (John Barleycorn) and will use the District 1 PO Box.  She’ll report back to the group at next meeting.  Jake will email the guidelines to District 1 members for feedback.  The group will vote on the guidelines at next meeting.

     IV.            New Business

a.       Charlie stepped down as the alternate DCM.  The group elected Irene as the alternate DCM.

b.      The group then nominated and elected Diana as alternate secretary since Irene was elected alternate DCM and she was the alternate secretary.

Next meeting is July 14th following the SAGS meeting at the TIE Club.

Meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.