Serenity Prayer followed by GSR Preamble
I. Approve April 2013 Minutes – approved
II. Treasurers Report – Kariene – Rebuilding reserve after spending for PRASA and Tonopah. Changed to paperless statements to avoid additional charges. Please contact Kariene for the full financial report.
III. Business:
Picnic Chair – John – John may be stepping down; Jake will reach out to him.
Workshop Chair – Cherie – unable to attend today.
In process – workshop regarding the Three Legacies, speaker panel including the Area 42 Alt delegate. Joint workshop with Districts 5B and 9; these districts hold their District meetings the end of May. More details after their meetings.
PICPC – Cherie – Meetings held the third Monday, 6pm, Central Office.
H&I – Tony (Liaison) – next meeting Tuesday.
Grapevine – Libby – Meetings held the second Friday, 6pm, Central Office.
Hotline – Ted – Meetings held the second Monday at 6:30pm at Central Office, small room. Still need 3 volunteers for the 8pm – 8am shift and 1 Captain. Need 1 year of sobriety and recommend having gone through the Steps.
Chili Cook-Off – District 1 will be hosting the 2014 event and will need to determine if we will expand it to become an “AA event” by adding a meeting, or continue as a “non-AA event” without a meeting. TBC.
Roundup Update – Larry – to be held at the Riviera; “Old Timers Rock, Newcomers Roll”. Smaller event, 1000 attendees and 250 at the banquet expected. New this year – badge required to participate, even marathon meetings, for a cost.
**District 1 requested that Larry discuss charging for marathon meetings with the Roundup Committee. Marathon meetings have been free and the group was not in agreement with there being a charge to attend this year.
Ad hoc committee formed, Scott point person – create guidelines for the District 1 website. TBC.
IV. Happenin’ Upcoming Events:
June 8th, 2013 – Founder’s Day at Salvation Army, 2900 Palomino Lane, Las Vegas, NV
· 7:30am Breakfast
· 8am – 4pm Marathon Meetings
· 10am, 1pm, 3pm Speaker Meetings
· 5:30pm Dinner
· 7pm Speaker Meeting – Charlie from District 1