Serenity Prayer followed by GSR Preamble

I. Approve March 2013 Minutes – approved

II. Treasurers Report – approved.  Receiving approximately $200 – 300 in donations monthly!  Kariene has a breakdown of which meetings contributed what during 2012.  Available upon request.

Please contact Kariene, Treasurer, to view the full report. 

III. Business:

Picnic Chair – John – Moving along slowly.  (John unable to attend today).

 Workshop Chair – Cherie has been busy speaking with the Area 42 Alternate Delegate at Tonopah, District 9 and 5B to plan a Summer Workshop in July!  In process – workshop regarding the Three Legacies, speaker panel including the Area 42 Alt delegate.  Approved and we are grateful for Cherie!

 PICPC – Cherie – Meetings held the third Monday, 6pm, Central Office.

·         4/24 – 4/25          event at Bishop Gorman

·         End of April           event at AARP

·         Enough speakers for both.  Contact Mary or Cherie with questions.

 H&I – Tony (Liaison) – Tony unable to attend. 

 Grapevine – Ted – Meetings held the second Friday, 6pm, Central Office.

·         Promoting subscription(s) to the Grapevine. 

·         Please announce during meetings.  Ideas: a meeting can purchase a subscription for the meeting, or purchase a subscription as a donation to any institution/jail or subscribe on-line.

Hotline – Ted – Meetings held the second Monday at 6:30pm at Central Office, small room.

·         Openings on the schedule, please contact Ted directly to volunteer at 702-335-5455.  Please announce during meetings. 

 Intergroup Update – Cherie attended the meeting and gave this report:

·         Volunteers needed for 12th Step calls – Claudia heading this effort.

·         Gratitude Ball and the Golf Tournament successful; raised funds for Central Office.

·         Bridging the Gap has a good article in this month’s Grapevine.

·         H&I reported 12:45pm We Care meeting ended. 

·         Cherie has clearance forms for those interested in volunteering in prisons.

·         Working on locating an Intergroup Liaison for District 1.

IV. New Business

Ad hoc committee formed, Scott point person – create guidelines for the District 1 website.

·         Tradition #6 – remove links to Clubs from the website, only link directly to meetings/Central Office.

·         Type of additional information to add to the website.

G.S.O. information – Jake received a quarterly letter from GSO explaining the Archives receive many of the contributions received from meetings.  Check out the Archives information on the AA website

Chili Cook-Off – District 1 will be hosting the 2014 event and will need to determine if we will expand it to become an “AA event” by adding a meeting, or continue as a “non-AA event” without a meeting.  TBC.

Libby will attempt to create a basic chart which explains where funds collected during meetings are distributed. 

Roundup Update – to be held at the Riviera; “Old Timers Rock, Newcomers Roll”.  Great band lined up.

Open invite to an AA literature open meeting – Henderson Community Church, Friday at 7pm (optional dinner after).  Came to Believe is the current book.

IV. Happenin’ Upcoming Events:

May 19, 2013 – SAGSC 1:15pm @ TIE Club; District 1 meeting at 3pm, small room on the right.

June 8th, 2013 – Founder’s Day at Salvation Army, 2900 Palomino

·         7:30am                                  Breakfast

·         8am – 4pm                            Marathon Meetings

·         10am, 1pm, 3pm                  Speaker Meetings (Charlie H rumored to be one of the speakers…)

·         5:30pm                                  Dinner

GSR’s – Thank you for attending!

Bob            Beer 30

Rich                 Friday night Mens Stag

Sheri         Searchlight

Diana              Thursday night Sickos

Kariene     Treasurer (NAGL)

Robin              Hide Outs

Greg          Anthem Sunrise

Lisa                 Alt. Treasurer (Alt GSR Precisely How)

Lynn          Anthem Valley Girls

Scott               Steps of Freedom

Bridget      Precisely How

Libby               Smell the Roses

Kateri       Wednesday night Women’s Big Book

Ted                  Stepping Out Friday night

Jaime        Lost and Found

Cheri                PICPC Liaison

Jake          DCM  (Friday night Mens Stag)

Lynn               Secretary (Sunrise GVG)