Unapproved Minutes for District One Meeting-April 15th, 2012
Lost & Found 10:15am
Meeting opened by DCM Emily with the Serenity Prayer followed by GSR Preamble
Introductions all around. 13 attendees which included GRS’s, DCM, alt DCM, Webservant, Secretary and a visitor.
Minutes for February approved.
Treasurer’s report approved. Available upon request
7th tradition passed
Old Business: Picnic report. Kariene brought up need to get an co-chair for picnic, position vacated by previous co-chair. Don accepted. Also moved and passed to have sodas not sold at picnic but available with a donation can nearby.
Irene the web servant reminded us that the address for district one website is district01.org Also it was brought out, discussed and moved on that the email addresses linked to the district one website for the individual GSR’s was a good idea and a failure. Moved and Passed to discontinue. GSRs will continue to receive minutes, notes etc as always through their personal email address.
PRAASA Report given by Emily: Discussion of panels and the themes of Safety in AA (the theme of the May 5th workshop shown below) and Anonymity on social internet and electronic media.
Upcoming Events:
May 5, 2012 –2:00pm @ KCB Safety in AA workshop District 5b
May 13, 2012 – 1:15pm SAGSC @ TIE Club Dist. Mtg. to follow
June 10, 2012 – 10:15am Dist. Mtg. @Lost & Found (need a sub)
July 8, 2012 – 1:15pm SAGSC @ TIE Club Dist. Mtg. to follow
August 12, 2012 – 10:15am Dist. Mtg. @Lost & Found
September 7-9, 2012 Fall Assembly (Elections)
October 6, 2012 District 1 Picnic at Broadbent Park
November 11, 2012 – 1:15pm SAGSC @ TIE Club Dist. Mtg. to follow
December 9, 2012 – Dist. Mtg. @Lost & Found (Elections)
New Business – Libraries: Big-Book drive for placement of Big Books into the Public Library System. Cherie volunteered to get addresses and contacts. Don has a stamp used by PI and CPC for contacting AA that should be stamped on the books.
Lisa W. appointed alt. Treasurer. Vote taken to distribute monies in approved manner (GSO, Area, etc). Amount available upon request. Tabled vote to have an automatic dollar amount as a trigger for disbursements in the future.
Closed with Responsibility Pledge
Websites of Interest:
District One….http://www.district01.org
Area 42…….. http://www.nevadaarea42.org
Address of Interest:
Group donations made out to District One and mailed to:
District One: PO Box 90486, Henderson, NV 89009