Welcome! My name is Emily F. and I am the current DCM (District Committee Member) for District 1, Area 42 which covers Southeast Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, Searchlight, and Laughlin. If you are a new GSR or have questions about becoming or electing a new GSR (General Service Representative) please feel free to email me at dcm@districtone-nv.org, I am here to serve you and your group.

One of the most frequently asked questions that I hear is; what is the function of a GSR and why should my group have one? The function of the GSR is to be your group’s link to AA worldwide. The GSR is sent monthly communication directly from GSO (General Service Office) in New York. This information is sometimes of a vital nature; i.e. changes to the Big Book, anonymity issues, etc….

Other duties of the GSR would include attending the Area Assembly held 2 times per year in Tonopah, NV usually at the end of March and the second week of September. Your GSR is responsible for carrying your group conscience to the Area Assembly and casting a vote for your group. Votes occur on guideline issues, financial decisions, business functions of our Area. THe GSR is also responsible for giving group feedback to the Delegate, who then takes our Area’s conscience to the General Service Conference, held each year in April.

Keep in mind that travel funds are available from the District and the Area levels if your group is not able to fully fund you to these assemblies.

GSR’s are also expected to attend a monthly meeting which may be combined with an assembly, SAGSC (Southern Area General Service Committee) mtg., or district meeting. SAGSC and District meetings are the 2nd Sunday of the month with exception of the months that we are in Tonopah.

I’ve included some links to phamplets that can be very helpful for new GSR’s below:

Here at the website you will find the meeting minutes, calendar of events, and officer contact information. Be sure to send me an email if you have any further questions or concerns and I look forward to working with you.

Yours in Service,

Emily F. DCM District 1 Area 42