Unofficial attendance was 9 at the District 1 Meeting at the Lost and Found in Boulder city.

Jake began the meeting with a moment of silence and the Serenity Prayer.

Jake read the GSR Preamble.

Introductions were made by the GSR’s and members in attendance.
Minutes for the March District 1 meeting in Tonopah were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Alan gave report, it was approved.  For full report contact

Letter welcoming new GRS’s was reviewed. Discussion was about Laughlin being in District 1. Some members in Laughlin have expressed that they are not in District 1. Tabled until it can be reviewed and verified.

Jake gave workshop report for Curtis .  Suggestions were:

Big Book, AA Tradition, Sponsorship, 7th Tradition, 3 Legacies, 4th Step, Prayer and Meditation, Family Afterwards, Singleness of Purpose.

Voted and chose Singleness of Purpose for first workshop and Family Afterwards for 2nd workshop.

1st workshop at 51 club May 21st. To be verified.

Irene gave report on new email system and website. 53 hits last week. Michelle can be reached at to update groups.  Go to the website and browse.

Upcoming Events 2011:

May 8th 1:15PM          SAGSC Mtg.TIE Club.  District one will host.

June 12th 10:15AM    District Meeting lost & Found

July 10th 1:15 PM       SAGSC Meeting TIE Club.
Aug 14th 10:15AM      District Meeting lost & Found

Aug 19th Regional Forum Woodland Hills California

Sept 9th-11th Fall Assembly Tonopah District Meeting held Sat. Pizza,                                                          Somewhere in the Main Room

New Business:

Discussed need to send reminder to GSR’s and officers about Dist meeting Fri. or Sat. before meeting.

Also suggested to post flyers on website about upcoming workshops.

The former treasurer, addressed District Meeting.  He let it be known that he will repay approx $3,000 to District in installments.  Conversation followed and was voted to be included in these minutes.

7th tradition basket passed.

Closed with the Responsibility Pledge