Lost and Found 10am

Emily began the District Meeting with a moment of silence and then the Serenity Prayer. Jake read the GSR Preamble. 20 GSR’s, officers or alternates attended.


Personal introductions were made by each GSR.

DCM Business:

• January minutes approved.

• Michelle brought up that GSR’s need to fill out forms and get to her and should be updated at least every two years.

• Emily explained that input from groups on Roundtable topics for February 26th need to be sent to Charlie at chill@hillworks.com or Emily by Sat, February 19th. This information has been shared by email to those on District 1’s emailing list.

Treasurer’s Report:

• Alan gave Treasurer’s report. District one Jan. balance was $2817.70 and is now $2,708.69

Will provide attachment.

• The 7th tradition basket was passed.

Picnic Report

• Karine is chair and Janice is co-chair. Karin gave report. Irene offered to do flyers. Karine mentioned a face painter, and the jumping room will be back this year.  Ice cream is Anette.  Jake suggested T-Shirts and will check on cost.   Also Archives and The Grapevine tables  should be back. “ NO PETS” should be prominently displayed on flyers so nobody’s dog has to sit in the car. They hate that.

Old Business:

• Irene as Webservant suggested WordPress to simplify so anyone could administer the website instead of relying on a techno Webster.

• Switch to Just Host as domain holder with unlimited bandwidth, email accounts and space.

• Each groups’ GSR would have an email designated to group by group number. Incoming GSR’s would have previous GSR’s records

• Voted and Passed.

• Workshop Chairperson missing tabled till Tonopah assembly.

• District 1’s next meeting will be in main room at Tonopah Sat at noon, probably near the

beverage counter. Blue room is being used for open AA meeting.

New Business:

• New H&I person asked what H&I functions are subsidized by the Area or District.  Discussion

followed. Alan pointed out pink cans are presently doing the job and it is funded separately.

Meeting Closed with Responsibility Pledge

Websites of Interest:

District One….https://www.districtone-nv.org

Area 42…….. http://www.nevadaarea42.org/

Address of Interest:

Group donations made out to District One and mailed to:

District One

PO Box 90486

Henderson, NV 89009

Next District Meeting:

Saturday, March 26th, main room at Area assembly in Tonopah.

Respectfully Submitted by: Charlie H., Secretary District 1