Serenity Prayer followed by GSR Preamble
I. Approve March 2013 Minutes – approved
II. Treasurers Report – approved. Receiving approximately $200 – 300 in donations monthly! Kariene has a breakdown of which meetings contributed what during 2012. Available upon request.
Please contact Kariene, Treasurer, to view the full report.
III. Business:
Picnic Chair – John – Moving along slowly. (John unable to attend today).
Workshop Chair – Cherie has been busy speaking with the Area 42 Alternate Delegate at Tonopah, District 9 and 5B to plan a Summer Workshop in July! In process – workshop regarding the Three Legacies, speaker panel including the Area 42 Alt delegate. Approved and we are grateful for Cherie!
PICPC – Cherie – Meetings held the third Monday, 6pm, Central Office.
· 4/24 – 4/25 event at Bishop Gorman
· End of April event at AARP
· Enough speakers for both. Contact Mary or Cherie with questions.
H&I – Tony (Liaison) – Tony unable to attend.
Grapevine – Ted – Meetings held the second Friday, 6pm, Central Office.
· Promoting subscription(s) to the Grapevine.
· Please announce during meetings. Ideas: a meeting can purchase a subscription for the meeting, or purchase a subscription as a donation to any institution/jail or subscribe on-line.
Hotline – Ted – Meetings held the second Monday at 6:30pm at Central Office, small room.
· Openings on the schedule, please contact Ted directly to volunteer at 702-335-5455. Please announce during meetings.
Intergroup Update – Cherie attended the meeting and gave this report:
· Volunteers needed for 12th Step calls – Claudia heading this effort.
· Gratitude Ball and the Golf Tournament successful; raised funds for Central Office.
· Bridging the Gap has a good article in this month’s Grapevine.
· H&I reported 12:45pm We Care meeting ended.
· Cherie has clearance forms for those interested in volunteering in prisons.
· Working on locating an Intergroup Liaison for District 1.
IV. New Business
Ad hoc committee formed, Scott point person – create guidelines for the District 1 website.
· Tradition #6 – remove links to Clubs from the website, only link directly to meetings/Central Office.
· Type of additional information to add to the website.
G.S.O. information – Jake received a quarterly letter from GSO explaining the Archives receive many of the contributions received from meetings. Check out the Archives information on the AA website
Chili Cook-Off – District 1 will be hosting the 2014 event and will need to determine if we will expand it to become an “AA event” by adding a meeting, or continue as a “non-AA event” without a meeting. TBC.
Libby will attempt to create a basic chart which explains where funds collected during meetings are distributed.
Roundup Update – to be held at the Riviera; “Old Timers Rock, Newcomers Roll”. Great band lined up.
Open invite to an AA literature open meeting – Henderson Community Church, Friday at 7pm (optional dinner after). Came to Believe is the current book.
IV. Happenin’ Upcoming Events:
May 19, 2013 – SAGSC 1:15pm @ TIE Club; District 1 meeting at 3pm, small room on the right.
June 8th, 2013 – Founder’s Day at Salvation Army, 2900 Palomino
· 7:30am Breakfast
· 8am – 4pm Marathon Meetings
· 10am, 1pm, 3pm Speaker Meetings (Charlie H rumored to be one of the speakers…)
· 5:30pm Dinner
GSR’s – Thank you for attending!
Bob Beer 30 |
Rich Friday night Mens Stag |
Sheri Searchlight |
Diana Thursday night Sickos |
Kariene Treasurer (NAGL) |
Robin Hide Outs |
Greg Anthem Sunrise |
Lisa Alt. Treasurer (Alt GSR Precisely How) |
Lynn Anthem Valley Girls |
Scott Steps of Freedom |
Bridget Precisely How |
Libby Smell the Roses |
Kateri Wednesday night Women’s Big Book |
Ted Stepping Out Friday night |
Jaime Lost and Found |
Cheri PICPC Liaison |
Jake DCM (Friday night Mens Stag) |
Lynn Secretary (Sunrise GVG) |