January 8, 2012 District One – meeting minutes.


Serenity Prayer followed by GSR Preamble.

Approved Minutes for December.  7th Tradition was collected and
Treasurer’s Report was given.  We wil be
working with District 13 on a sponsorship workshop to be held sometime in
March.  Upcoming events are PRAASA March
2 – 4, 2012 in Bellevue, WA.  $50.00
funding is available to any GSR’s wishing to attend.  Spring Assembly will be held in Tonopah March
30th – April 1st, 2012.

We opted to wait until Tonopah to discuss whether we should
meet in April.  Matt volunteered to be
the co-chair for the Picnic with Kariene.
Robin has volunteered for alternate Webservant.