Emily opened with the Serenity Prayer and read the GSR Preamble.
Introductions all around and minutes for June approved.
Alan gave treasurers’ report.
Discussion of funds available for Pacific Forum.
Picnic report; nothing to report.
Old Business: Workshop at Triangle Club, 4900 Nellis Blvd July 16th from 2-4pm. Emily will bring the Pizza water etc. Next workshop is tentative: “Getting through the Holidays” on November 12th or 19th. Flyer posted on site.
Aug 14th 10:15AM District Meeting lost & Found
Aug 19th Regional Forum Woodland Hills, California
Sep 9th-11th Fall Assembly Tonopah District Meeting held Sat. Pizza, Somewhere in the Main Room
Oct. 1st District One Picnic Boulder City
Nov. 13th 1:15 pm SAGSC Meeting at TIE club with Dist. Meeting to follow
Dec 11th 10:15 am Lost and Found Dist. Meeting
Discussion of email effort on District 1 website is that it may be a failed experiment as GSRs are not using. Tabled till Tonopah.
Close meeting with the Responsibility Pledge
Websites of Interest:
Address of Interest: Group donations made out to District One and mailed to:
District One: PO Box 90486, Henderson, NV 89009
Respectfully Submitted By: Charlie H., Secretary District One