Unofficial attendance was 25 at the District 1 Meeting in Tonopah. 

Emily began the meeting with a moment of silence and the Serenity Prayer.

Jake read the GSR Preamble.

Introductions were made by the GSR’s and members in attendance.

Noted that there were 139 topics for the next Conference.  Our roster was passed around to update and make necessary changes.

Minutes approved for February.

Treasurer’s Report: Alan gave report, it was approved. For full report contact

7th tradition basket passed.

DCM report – PRAASA 2011 in Hawaii

            Emily gave report and shared some ideas.  See New Business: Welcome packets etc.

Irene gave report on new email system.  Each group and officer will have their own email designated by group or office and can be passed to incoming GSRs and officers.  Go to the website  and browse. 

 Kariene gave a report on the picnic. She may have found a DJ and asked for supplies left over from last year so she could do inventory. Ted volunteered to grill and one back up is possible.

Curtis gave workshop report. Asked for ideas on workshops.  Items suggested were  Service, Sponsorship and 3 Legacies of Service. Suggested to have a workshop before June.

Jake will chair next District meeting .

            Upcoming Events 2011:

            April 10th       10:15AM      District Meeting lost & Found

            May 8th         1:15PM          SAGSC Mtg.TIE Club.  District one will host.

            June 12th      10:15AM      District Meeting lost & Found

            July 10th        1:15 PM        SAGSC Meeting TIE Club.

            Aug 14th        10:15AM      District Meeting lost & Found

            Aug 19th        Regional Forum Woodland Hills California

            Sep 9th-11th  Fall Assembly Tonopah District Meeting held Sat. Pizza,                                                          Somewhere in the Main Room  

New Business:

            Emily brought and shared a letter to be put together with a packet. Intent is to give to new GSRs. Also suggested visiting non-active groups .  Suggested we can do this and work on this together. Discussion about GSR funding at the three levels; Group, District and Area.

Motion to proceed. Seconded and passed.

Meeting Closed with Responsibility Pledge 

Websites of Interest:

District One….

Area 42……..

Address of Interest:

Group donations made out to District One and mailed to:

District One: PO Box 90486, Henderson, NV 89009 

Respectfully Submitted By:  Charlie H., Secretary District One